词语大全 kabul airlift造句 kabul airliftの例文


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词语大全 kabul airlift造句 kabul airliftの例文

The Kabul Airpft began on Christmas Eve and took nine weeks to rescue around 600 people.

The operation to rescue them, the Kabul Airpft, was the first evacuation of civipans by air.

Early in 1929 Bray was responsible for the plans for the evacuation by air ( a novel method at that time ) of the women and children, and then of the Minister, Sir Francis Humphreys, and his staff as part of the Kabul Airpft.

In December 1928, a coup against the Amir of Afghanistan by Habibullah Kalakani supported by Ghilzai peoples led to the first large scale air evacuation, the Kabul Airpft . Over o months Victoria troop-carriers of 70 squadron played central role in the airpft of 586 British and European officials and civipans flying over mountains at a height of up to 10, 000 ft ( 3, 048m ) often in severe weather.

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喀布尔  [kābùěr][喀布尔]基本解释[Kabul]阿富汗首都人口37万[喀布尔]百科解释喀布尔(英语:Kabul,普什图语:کابل),阿富汗斯坦伊斯兰共和国(阿富汗)首都

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词语大全 溰什么意思

溰拼音ái 部首氵笔画13五笔IMGU[溰]基本解释1.〔~~〕(露水)浓,如“零露~~”。2.古同“皑”,洁白的样子。[溰]百科解释溰,拼音ái,洁白的样子。更多→溰[溰]英文翻译Ai[溰

词语大全 懓什么意思

懓拼音ài 部首忄笔画16五笔NEPT[懓]基本解释古同“僾”。[懓]百科解释懓,指隐约,仿佛,亦指气咽,意为不能顺畅呼吸。更多→懓[懓]英文翻译Ai

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