词语大全 habit vert造句 habit vertの例文


篇首语:情况是在不断的变化,要使自己的思想适应新的情况,就得学习。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 habit vert造句 habit vertの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 habit vert造句 habit vertの例文

He is depicted wearing the " habit vert ", or green habit, of the Acad閙ie.

Members of the Acad閙ie fran鏰ise wear the " habit vert " ( green habit ) at the Acad閙ie\'s ceremonies.

Robbe-Grillet both refused to prepare and submit a wele speech in advance, preferring to improvise his speech, as well as refusing to purchase and wear the Acad閙ie\'s famous green tails ( " habit vert " ) and sabre, which he considered outdated.

Acad閙ie fran鏰ise # Uniform says " [ t ] he official uniform of a member is known as l\'habit vert, or the green habit . . . . It consists of a long black coat and black-feathered cocked hat ( officially called a bicorne ) . . ."

Later stage appearances included " Joujou " by Henri Bernstein at the Th歿tre du Gymnase in 1902, " L\'Habit vert " by Robert de Flers and Gaston Arman de Caillavet at the Th歿tre des Vari閠閟 in 1912, " Le Ruisseau " by Pierre Wolff at the Th歿tre de la Porte Saint-Martin in 1913 and " Madame " by Abel Hermant and Alfred Savoir at the Th歿tre de la Porte Saint-Martin in 1914.

Among Berry\'s best films are : " The Crime of Monsieur Lange " by Jean Renoir, " Les Visiteurs du Soir " by Marcel Carn?( where he was wonderful in the role of the devil ), " Le Jour Se L鑦e " by Marcel Carn? " Le Voyageur de la Toussaint " by Louis Daquin, " Baccara " by Yves Mirande, 27 Rue de la Paix by Richard Pottier, and " L\'Habit vert " by Roger Richeb?

It\'s difficult to find habit vert in a sentence. 用habit vert造句挺難的


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