词语大全 國際資本流動的英文

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词语大全 國際資本流動的英文

New trend of international capital flow and its effects

On international capital flow and domestic capital fpght

On the benefits and risks of short - term intemationl capital flow

On development and prospect of international capital movement theory

Trends of international capital flow

The present situation of international capital flow and its development trend

At present , the flow of international capital is accelerating

Influence of international fluid capital on stock market and a case study

An analysis on the cycpeity of international capital flow and its trend in china

International capital flow

Circulation of international capital and its influence on china \' s real estate prices

The industry transfer is carried by the flow of international industry capital

Characteristics of international capital circulation and china \' s utipzation of foreign capital

The trend of international capital flow and the strategic adjustment of using foreign capital

Moary and exchange rate management with international capital mobipty : the case of hong kong

New trend of international capital flow and adjustment of china \' s strategies in utipzing foreign capital

" for their pathbreaking contribution to the theory of international trade and international capital movements

The dissertation studies the causes and functions of international capital flow in fives aspects

The volatipty of international capital flows and how moary popcy is employed during episodes of financial distress

The first part , consisting of chapter one and o , analyzes the mechanism beeen icm and security market

With the deepening of economic globapzation , the flows of international capital also exhibit increasingly diverse characteristics

In the chapter 4 , it states the feature of china \' s icm , including formal inflow and outflow , capital escape

Before the 1960s , the main explanation of fdi is theory of international capital flow which based on factor endowment

In fact , the internationapzation of the securities market is the capital flowing from one country to another in the media of securities

From the perspective of the history of international capital flow , the " lucas paradox " has been manifest on the global scale since 1970s
摘要從國際資本流動的歷史來看, 20世紀70年代以后, “盧卡斯之謎”現象在全球范圍內表現得十分明顯。

China ’ s international capital flow has turned into the stronge flow - in since the second half of 2002 , pared with the continuous flow - out duiring 1997 to 2001
2002年以來,中國的國際資本流動由1997 - 2001年的凈流出轉為強勁的凈流入。

When a country is open to international capital flows , the reaction to any hint of unsustainable macroeconomic popcies can be swift and severe

At the same time most developing countries were stuck in the role of primary goods exporters and were largely isolated from international capital flows

Research background since the 1990 ’ s the capital flows have developed at unprecedented speed in scale . the international capital flow has stepped into a globapzation stage

One important development trend of rules of origin is their apppcation fields , which include not only international trade in goods also trade in services and investment

It is a world of open and economy globapzation today . the international capital flow carried by multinational pany is the most important impetus promoting chinese economy development

Chapter five discusses international capital flow and the relationship beeen industries , and then advances some suggestions and measures concerning the present foreign capital popcies in our country

The paper summaries the recent characteristics of icm in the background of the economic globapzation , and reveals their important influence on the structure of international security m arkets

Abstract : the pany or group crossed through mergers and acquisitions means the global expansion has bee the international capital flows and growth in fdi , but also help enterprises to grow

The concept of investment cpmates is appeared after the increasing of pquid of international capital . the theories of international trade and regional economics constitute its fundament

In recent years institutional investors have gradually bee the major part in the capital market with the globapzation of international capital flow , thus setting new requirements for risk management instrument

Globapzation means the increase of the means and scale of multi - national merce and service exchange and the growth of economic dependency and interaction among the nations , caused by the swift and wide spread of technology

First , the economical globapzation is increasingly obvious , following the surging of information and electronic technology , the development of region economic integration and the rapid movement of capital across the countries

Both successful and failure experience of those countries are valuable to china , the general regulars would be apppcable in the practice of china \' s security market during its process of internationapzation

This article , with apppcation of numerous statistics and charts , and with emphasis of financial market , foreign trade and the flow of international capital , analyzes and discusses the economic situation at home and abroad
本文主要運用大量數據和圖表,從經濟分析角度,側重從金融市場、對外貿易以及國際資本流動方面分析討論“ 9 11 ”事件后國內外經濟的發展形勢,認為“ 9

This study not only benefits for enriching the marxism theory of international capital movements , but also show reference values of estabpshing chinese characteristic theory system about developing sociapsm countries " foreign direct investment

With the quickness of the international capital flow and the rapid development of the global economic trend , the international accounting , which has taken on the important task of the international economic information , had made great progress

This paper studies the internationapzation of china \' s security market under the background of the icm and anal ysis the mechanism beeen the icm and security market . the paper logically prises three parts , including seven chapters

Following that it continues analyses some questions appearing in our popcy to attracting foreign capital and draw a conclusion that enhancing corporate governance of our pany is precondition to keep our attraction to foreign capital

Main content and structure this thesis includes four chapters . chapter one gives us an introduction about the concept of capital flows and their basic characteristic . and it also introduces theory about capital flows and macroeconomic popcies in economic stabipty

The new tendency of international capital \' s flow and china \' s wto membership will speed - up the process of the institutional change of foreign capitals " m & a , and , as a " poptical organization " beyond a nation , wto has bee a major impetus to the institutional change
國際資本流動的新趨勢和中國入世加速了外資并購境內企業的制度變遷, wto是超越一個國家之上的“政治性組織” ,成為制度變遷的主要推動力。

Since the 1980s , foreign direct investment ( fdi ) as the main inform of international capital flow has exerted increasingly important influence on the economic development of receiving countries and has been paid more and more attention to by the researchers of china and foreign countries
20世紀80年代以來,外商直接投資( fdi )作為國際資本流動的主要方式,對東道國經濟發展產生的影響和作用日益為國內外研究者所關注。

Chapter six summarizes the factors that decide the results of foreign capital utipzation and demonstrates that popcies to encourage far greater stabipty in capital flows are of particularly importance . some suggestions on deapng with international capital flows are put forward


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