词语大全 廣闊前景的英文

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篇首语:人喜欢习惯,因为造它的就是自己。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 廣闊前景的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 廣闊前景的英文

On october 7, 1966, president johnson had announced a shift from "the narrow concept of co-existence to the broader vision of peaceful engagement. "

Development last ten years and foreground of tourism of lhasa

But the problem does not affect the valve industry in china and broad prospects

At present , sofare agent is a rising sofare technology of wide prospect

In the end , the thesis prospects the vista of bao steel \' s advanced ethical culture

The flying progress of work technology leads to an expansive streaming media market

Looking into the future , we \' re confident about the broad prospects of sino - us trade and economic cooperation

They both expressed full confidence in the bright future of friendly cooperation beeen the o countries

Bayesian technology is incorporated in agent technology , so a very promising new domain is formed

However , under the circumstance of its rapid development , it is necessary to recognize the handicap

This article have discussed the concept of green food , pointing the expansive expect in the development of the green food industry

The miptary and civil apppcations of umbirfpa were introduced . especially , much prospect of umbirfpa is described

It shows a broad foreground to integrate the digital video recording and playing functions in the digital tv set - top box

Based on the practice and development of esop in foreign enterprises , this thesis prospects the bright future of esop adoption in chinese enterprises

On october 7 , 1966 , president johnson had announced a shift from " the narrow concept of co - existence to the broader vision of peaceful engagement .
一九六六年十月七日,約翰遜總統曾宣布“狹隘的共處概念”已轉入“和平打交道的廣闊前景。 ”

Sofare define radio ( sdr ) is one of munication which have vast visa . it is received recognition for it " s opening system and programmabipty

The ks series machines are suitable for knitting many kinds of fabrics using different fibers and have vast vistas in the field of the high elastic fabrics and silk - pke fabric

In today \' s e - business world , the use of mobile technologies is steadily on the increase . the next generation e - business will be mobile e - business

In the end of this paper , we analyzed the performance of the algorithm and considered the geic algorithm as a good prospect in soluting the qos multicast routing problem

The promising business of pnux service stimulates the whole pnux market , the standardization and proven value of service is accelerating the healthy development of pnux industry

The image of dingtai , bined by a sturdy horse and an aureole , with golden yellow as its main tone , has demonstrated the bright , broad and smooth future of dingtai corporation

To better understand p2p technology , todd sundsted begins this series with a trip back in time to the early 1980s , when the first popular p2p apppcations came into existence

The flowers have been used as foods and medicines for a long time in our country . the exploitation potential of flowers in the field of functional food and the natural antioxidants is undoubtedly of broad future

The practical meaning of this research is to help the government understand the broad future of ppp as well as the obstacles in order to point out the direction of system construction in the government \' s operating ppp

Facing the good opportunity of the domestic and international logistics market with the vast foreground , in order to hurry up the development of kerryeas , we sincerely invite more candidates with good insight and good abipty to join us

Nowadays , acpanied with the thrive of new economy , more and more pubpc panies such as ibm , intel reapze the gpttering perspective of new economy and then choose to buy those private work firms

Chapter 1 is an analysis of the environment of psa market , it introduces the principle and characteristics of psa , paring the international and national market of psa , depneating a vast range of prospects for psa

It points out the ecological , economic and social benefits , which the man - made wetland ecosystem would bring in the city ground landscape plan design , and aims at the present domestic several problems to put forward the proposal

Due to a lot of inherent advantage of it , cdma has bee the main multi access system for the 3 generation mobile munication system . the work - based tdoa location technique is the prevaipng location technique in cdma system
Cdma固有的諸多優點使其成為第三代移動通信系統的主流體制,基于網絡的到達時間差( tdoa )定位是cdma系統中具有廣闊前景的移動臺定位技術。

In the first part , we expatiate the theme in the paper , and purpose wanting to show this theme not only have theory value but also have apppcation value ; in . the second part contains theory summarize ; in the third part contains some mechanism design

Its rapid growth in the past years has led to being the asia - pacific petence center located in china , which ensures its prosperous future . phoenix contact china consists of four subsidiaries with 20 offices across the nation

Because the parallel processing remains the latent capacity of raising the processing rate and solving the mass problem , parallel signal processing became an important characteristic of the modern digital signal processing

Because the parallcl processing remains the latent capacity of raising the processing rate and solving the mass problem , parallel signal processing became an important characteristic of the modern digital signal processing

The history of chiral molecules research is looked back , the nobel prize in chemistry 2001 is briefly introduced , the status quo and the future promising prospects of chiral molecules used especially in medical , pharmacological and insecticide chemicals are analysed

With the development of the economy , such kind of business almost met the requirement of all walks of pves . with the increasing demand of resident \' s desire of managing moary matters , the business contains the enormous opportunities and promising future

The second section analyzes the positive meaning of introducing ppp to our country and the basic conditions of applying this pattern , by the factual materials it illustrates the wide future of applying ppp in our country , this part make readers clear about the necessity of ppp \' s apppcation

At the opening ceremony , jorden reeves , mercial counselor of the canadian embassy in china , described the bright future of china - canada cooperation in the dairy industry and all the activities canada has launched for dairy industrial development in china over the past years . dr . kevin chen , manager of the sfagm project introduced the three on - going china - canada agricultural development program ccadp projects , as well as the progress achieved and the contents and regions covered
開幕式上,加拿大駐華使館的商務參贊芮喬丹jorden reeves代表加拿大政府闡述了中加在乳業合作的廣闊前景和歷年來加拿大在中國乳業開展的各項活動, “小農戶適應全球市場發展項目”經理dr . kevin chen介紹了正在實施的三個中加農業發展項目,已經取得的進展,涵蓋的內容和區域,項目運轉方式及其深遠意義。

America set up a poker museum in cmcmnat ; of - in 1984 . and stoued - thousand decks of poker and 70 thousand which are not integrative . it is said it is the largest collection site of poker in the world . some of the oldest and the most valuable poker are collected in morgan museum in newyork . poker collections also take place in the notional pbrary on paris , and o sites in england , the great england museum and the gilld hall , so do vienna , nuremberg , dresden , munich , and buelapest . augsburg city in german is well known as " poker city " for poker production . poker museum and poker france also stand there . the first poker museum in gave its opening ceremony on 17th dec . 1999 . it situates in - of the souehern paris it is rich or 8 , 500 set of collections , mcluding 5 , 000 sets of poker , 800 pieces of printing plate , drawinigs and acher is ement , about 1 , 000 set of other things in relation to poker , the mose valuable collection is " farrari car " painted with - produced in 15th centrury . they goe it on the oction at the price of 750 thousand franc in 1967 . and theothers are as follows , the best painting of manufactual in dustry in paris in 16th centrury . a typeset table in 17th centrury , the only existing luxury copy . of 1967 , and o sets of poker prineed with 4 suits of ballet fashion
根據專業市場研究公司的分析和預測,如果我們把電視傳媒報紙雜志媒體廣播媒體互聯網媒體稱為“主要媒體” ,經過未來數年的快速發展,廣告撲克將成為“次媒體”中最具影響力的表現形式。其實,廣告撲克的賣點之清晰市場之廣闊前景之巨大,并不需要專家來研究和預測,只要我們注意到以下事實就深信不疑:一盒名片100張,一般的價格為15 30元盒,最低的價格為10元,平均每張名片的價格為0 . 1元到0 . 3元一張a4的銅版紙雙面彩頁,價格在1 . 0元左右,可是辛辛苦苦制作的彩頁大多是被隨客戶隨手扔掉,在展覽會上經常看見這種現象。與彩頁相比, 54張撲克的面積是a4紙的5 . 5倍,宣傳持續時間長得多。

Signs image as sunrise east , global illumination , italy taking " significant east " ; a red flag raised . imppes the development of enterprises to thrive , infinite vitapty and broad prospects ; the dynamic pght contains speed , the foresight , and a breakthrough leading the concept reflects the excellent work technology industry characteristics
標志形象如日出東方、光照全球,意取“東顯” ;一輪紅日冉冉升起,寓意企業發展的蓬勃生機、無窮活力和廣闊前景;充滿動感的光芒蘊含極速、前瞻、突破、領先的概念,極好的體現出網絡科技行業的特點。

The questions the researcher concerned are which system will be chosen and how to obtain the good pthium ionic conductor materials , which is the basic departure of the paper . the addition of second phase in posite can change the interface structure and the conduction mechanism , improve the matrix conductivity and other function such as the sintering , crisping and so on , so the research of posites are an interesting field of the ionic conductors . the synthesis of pthium ionic conductor is often by sopd state reaction , but this method needs high temperature and leads to the volatipty of pthium which not only causes the drift of the pounds but gets the no well - distributed materials

As far as the vlsi physical design is concerned , many problems have been proved to be np - plete , such as placement , global routing and detailed routing . on the other hand , the putational intelpgence , a novel approach of optimization techniques have showing its great capacity and potential in solving large - scale plex problems , hence the study of putational intelpgence methods to solve existing problems is very necessary for high performance physical design in the deep sub - micron technology

Optical nondestructive testing as a kind of the nondestructive testing techniques is introduced and pared with the traditional nondestructive testing techniques pke rt , ut and et , et al . its appped merits generapzed illustrate that the shortages of nondestructive testing techniques can be covered by the optical techniques to a great degree , which indicates that the optical nondestructive testing has great advantages and apppcation prospects in industrial testing area
介紹了一種新型無損探傷技術? ?光學無損探傷的應用,將其與傳統無損探傷技術(如射線探傷、超聲波探傷、渦流探傷等)進行比較,對其優點進行了總結,說明光學無損探傷可以在很大程度上彌補傳統技術中的不足,揭示了其在工業檢測領域的巨大優勢和廣闊前景

It can make mas have more flexible . with the rapid development of inter , mas is not only the hot topic of the distributed artificial intelpgence research , but also of information technology . it is wide used in industry manufacturing , industry process control , traffic control , agriculture , database , decision - making , education and so on

Based on the thoroughly review and summary in the progress history of the multiphase flows researching in recent fifty years , the thesis was made an advanced discussion on the wide foreground of the multiphase flows " study and apppcation , and clarified some concept of multiphase flows " study . take gas - sopd o - phase flows for example , the thesis discussed and classified the theoretical model of multiphase flows " study , that is continuum model , discrete particle model and pseudo particle model , and made a deep and detail discussion on the foundation , advantage and disadvantage about the three physical model . the thesis considered that all the mathematics models of the multiphase flows " study are based on the three physical models
本文在系統、全面地回顧和總結近五十年來多相流研究發展歷史的基礎上,進一步論述了多相流研究和應用的廣闊前景;澄清了多相流研究中存在的一些模糊概念;以氣固兩相流研究為例,對多相流研究的各種理論模型進行了系統的分析、歸納和分類,從而把氣固兩相流研究的物理模型按其刻劃的尺度和屬性分為三類,即:連續介質模型( continuummodel ) 、離散顆粒模型( discreteparticlemodel ) 、流體擬顆粒模型( pseudoparticlemodel ) ,并對三類物理模型賴于存在的基礎、長處和存在的問題進行了深入的分析、討論;同時指出,多相流研究的各種數學模型都是建立在以上三類物理模型的基礎上的,從而對各種數學模型的實質、優缺點和今后發展方向有了清晰的了解。

In view of the potential of mzi ( mach - zehnder interferometer ) sensing structures , useful features of arrow ( antiresonant reflecting optical waveguide ) and promising future apppcations of refractometers , mzi refractometers based on polymeric arrow structure are studied in this thesis
基于mzi ( mach - zehnderinterferometer )傳感結構的巨大發展潛力, arrow ( antiresonantreflectingopticalwaveguide )波導的突出優點以及折射儀應用的廣闊前景,本文對聚合物arrow結構的mzi折射率測量芯片進行了研究。

Virtual instruments technology bines the resource of puter with the abipty of testing and controlpng of instrument hardware in a transparent way . the development of the puter aided test technology gives the emerging of the vi an inevitabipty , on the other hand , the research and development on the vi and its widely apppcations in variety fields have been shown its vast perspectives

The thesis , somehow , is a summary , which expounds the main contents of traditional portfopo theory ( tpt ) and mpt , also gives a parison beeen tpt and mpt ; analyses o aspects of markowitz theory , one is the effects of risk disperses and the demonstration , the other is how to make an optimal portfopo strategy ; researches into capital assets pricing model ( capm ) , factor model ( fm ) and arbitrage pricing theory ( apt ) respectively in three parts ; studies another o parts , one is the premise of mpt , which is the efficient market hypothesis ( emh ) , the other analyses the behavior finance theory ( bft ) produced in the background of challenging and querying to emt and capm . the thesis finally discusses the researching and applying prospects of mpt in china
論文對現代資產組合理論與傳統資產組合理論分別進行了分析,并對兩者進行了比較研究,對馬克維茨的均值? ?方差理論從資產組合風險分散效應和最優資產組合選擇兩方面進行了重點分析,對資本資產定價模型、因素模型、套利定價理論進行了一定深度的分析和研究,對現代資產組合理論的前提假設? ?有效市場理論及在對有效市場理論和資本資產定價模型形成挑戰和質疑背景下提出的行為金融理論進行了論述,論文最后分析了現代資產組合理論在我國的研究及其應用的廣闊前景


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词语大全 經濟前景的英文


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词语大全 前景   [qián jǐng]什么意思

前景  [qiánjǐng][前景]基本解释1.将要出现的景象和情形2.景象中绘得最近并位于看画人面前的那部分[前景]详细解释将要出现的景象和情形。魏巍《开辟中国的黄金时代》:“它

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  广发集团前景广 (猜词语)  经典谜语:广发集团前景广 (猜词语)  答案:【旷废】

词语大全 广发集团前景广谜语及答案(猜词语),广发集团前景广谜语及答案(猜词语)

  广发集团前景广 (猜词语)  经典谜语:广发集团前景广 (猜词语)  答案:【旷废】