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篇首语:别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了文章大全 英文名言短句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


In fact, you shouldn\'t have been so kind to me from the beginning. You gave me so much hope and then left alone. It\'s really a bad feeling.


The fate of the ship lies in drifting; the fate of the sail lies in chasing the wind and waves; the fate of life lies in grasping and believing in life, so that we can be young and worthy of it.


Happy your happiness, sadness is still hidden; cover up your cover, the reality is still missing; the years are flowing in a hurry, let you float through the wind.


We are all children of Desser. If we give some sunshine, we will be brilliant. If we heal our scars, we will fet the pain. Don\'t say anything nice. We can easily take it seriously.


The cruelest thing in the world is not not not not to love, but to love clearly, but to listen to your love story with another person with a firm smile.


It\'s just that love doesn\'t e at the right time, and how can we remember that we still have to live separately in the end, just in the same scene, that person I once loved.


Habitual ups and downs, tired of life. Open your lips lightly, the notes are still in the air, your eyebrows are full of tears, turn around and whisper, afraid of surprising. Failure is painful to the heart.


There is no such thing as "can\'t do" in this world. When you lose all your dependence, everything will happen naturally.


How many loved ones can have each other? Time is just a medication for bruises. When it really hurts into the bone marrow, time is like plain boiling water.


Look back in time, maybe in that moment you will find that along the mottled trace you can find the way to e and the original insistence.


Years winding in the fingers, gentle flow, a season of sadness, wandering in the heart lake, if, look up, it will be like July bright sadness.


In fact, every time I see you in a bad mood, I ask you what\'s wrong. When you say it\'s okay, I always feel like a pair of strangers.


We said that we would wait for a person, in fact, it is not this person, but a mood, not willing to suddenly say that people left.


May all your efforts be in vain, all your thoughts and deeds be fulfilled, and all your affections be fulfilled in the future.


Give me a fulcrum, let me prize your heart again, okay? But sadly, until you leave, I will never give this fulcrum.


When someone is distressed, tears are tears, otherwise they are only salty liquid; when they are cared for, they are spoiled, or they are killed.


It is said that the world is confused, we often lose ourselves in the sea of smoke, and all the dust around the fireworks are always choking you and I dare not breathe freely.


When I\'m with you, I never envy anybody else. Happiness is that you\'re making fun of him. He\'s laughing. That\'s the happiness I want!


I\'m waiting for you, I\'m waiting for you to e back, I\'m waiting for you to love me, I\'m waiting for the day you e back, but that\'s just me waiting.


The furthest distance in the world is not the distance beeen life and death, not the distance beeen heaven and earth, but when I stand in front of you, you don\'t know that I love you.


Not every effort will bring gains, but every effort must be made, which is an unfair and irreversible proposition.


I don\'t want to live in the trailer, only brilliant moments, no beginning, no end, no perfection, no enrichment, that is, the curtain is over.


Like me, the wound is a stubborn child who refuses to heal, because the heart is warm and humid, suitable for anything to grow.


Give yesterday\'s troubles to the wind, and make today\'s touches turn into smiles. Give busy mood a holiday, so that ordinary life bees happy.


Time brings surprises, if you believe it. If we miss someone who loved us, regret will e very deep and heavy.


If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your sister, even if we can not enter the palace of marriage, I can also be you can never give up relatives.


Life change does not depend on waiting, but on active change and improvement. To understand life, you might as well smile and not rule out tears.


I walk through all the sadness, the saddest thing is that you are not at the end. I\'ll go through all the despair. The most desperate thing is that you\'re still at the beginning.


It is helplessness to give up what should be given up; inpetence to give up what should not be given up; ignorance to give up what should not be given up; persistence to give up what should not be given up.


Time is the fastest and slowest, the longest and the shortest, the monest and the most precious, the easiest to ignore and the most regrettable thing in the world.


Once, we sat in the playground with moonlight and laughed. Once upon a time, we vowed never to contact, and then cried.


Don\'t take your heart out of anyone you meet. In your opinion, he is a friend. In his opinion, you are an open-ended fool.


Everyone\'s heart will have a person, deeply loved, thought will be full of tears, but even the simplest greetings do not dare to say.


Separated fate and new fate. Even if you don\'t choose the latter, you will choose the latter and you can\'t escape. Even if they are unwilling to give up the former, they are all inplete.


We may meet a lot of love in our life, but love can not be sought. If you are lucky to meet, you must know how to cherish.


The furthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of you and don\'t know that I love you, but when I know that I love each other, I can\'t be together.


No one knows how much happiness or sadness you have in your story except yourself, because it\'s only your feeling after all.


Everything is right or wrong, the answer is in the hands of distant memories. Whether pursuing or not, it is lost. Pay with joy and sorrow, pack with loneliness.


The first button was wrong, but you didn\'t find it until the last one. Some things start out wrong. But only in the end can we have to admit it.


The peach blossom has fallen several times, leaving people still. No love, no love, no love, drunken wine add a thousand cups of sadness, the entrance of clear tears.


I like to get along with people lightly, not too tired, not so much attention, a touch of friendship is like a faint fragrance of tea intoxicating.


Happiness is wine in crystal cups, mellow, attractive and intoxicating; tears are cocktails with cherries, layers of different colors and tastes.


Want to say something, but there is no way to say, want to say love you but the wind blows away. If the sea can change the love I once loved, I will wait all my life.


No good night, no relationship with me, but there is a story buried in my heart. I tossed and turned to say good night to you and me in your city.


I can\'t make the king e to the world, let alone give up you for my early blooming hair! My love is simple, a house, o people, a heart, a home.


Don\'t frown when you find the way you want to go. You know, how hard it is to walk is your choice. You don\'t have the right to cry out for pain.


Real love for a person is impossible to say why. You only know that whenever and wherever you are in a good mood, you want this person to acpany you.


How many people can always keep that first heart? Not to keep, just not to lose. The road ahead is long, and I will guard you through.


Somebody! You have to remember, I am waiting for you now, because I really love you, I do not want to be hurt, just want to live happily!


Memories are like the early morning fog, walking forward may still be vague, but the more you want to go forward, hoping to see more clearly.


I always hide everything in my heart and laugh or cry deceptively. When people ask, I always answer. It\'s OK. Uh huh. I\'m all right.


Sometimes the person who doesn\'t want to fall in love is not someone in his heart. Instead, they are afraid to give their true feelings, and eventually scarred themselves.


Ambiguity is not terrible, but ambiguous acupoint is the object of their favorite people, not clear, if you leave, it is not sweet, it is torture.


Always in the old songs, I will be fully aware of their warmth. Golden years, coupled with simple old songs, also matched with real joys and sorrows.


The furthest distance in the world is not the distance beeen life and death, not the distance beeen heaven and earth, but when I stand in front of you, you don\'t know that I love you.


The sun leaped out of the sea with a sudden jump. In a moment, the vast sky and sea were covered with bright golden light.


The saddest thing is when you meet a special person and realize that you can never be together. Sooner or later, you have to give up.


In the long journey of life, we almost passed by. You gently held my hand. I really hope that these warm hands will hold me forever!


I dare not fight any more because I lost my courage and used up all my enthusiasm when I did not understand love, so that the days that followed were numb.


At this moment, in addition to the pain is missing, God always likes to play such a joke, let us, always across a turning distance.


I picked up a leaf, wrote our name, and put it in the book. A few years later, if we turn it on, will it be engraved with those poems into eternity?


Friendship is not a bunch of geous words, but a warm greeting; friendship is not a perfunctory hug, but a thoughtful look.


You may meet more bad guys, but one day you will meet a boy who will treat you like a treasure. Like sunrise and sunset, they are with you.


When the plane took me away from the center of the world, I knew that after leaving, I would miss the night here and its starry sky.


Life should be light and tasty. The world is too noisy. It\'s better to care less about everything and argue less. If you can go wide, you can\'t squeeze narrow.


No matter what you are facing today, now that you have e to this point, stick to it and give yourself some affirmation. You are stronger than you think.


People destined to be together, no matter how big a circle, will still return to each other. It really doesn\'t matter if we can be together at last.


People often misunderstand themselves, think they are in love with the past, think they are in love with the past, in fact, they are just bad in the present.


Want to fight against the dust and bee a free prodigal son at the edge of the sword, and drink all the words in the unknown pub.


Happiness will not always be waiting for you. The people who love you and the people you love can not always appear. Take good advantage of it. Don\'t let yourself rub shoulders with happiness.


Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness and fatigue for you, so people always have a time to learn to grow up.


You have to be strong. No one knows that when you want to cry, you find that there are no tears. If you are not strong, who is brave for you?


Time did not wait for me, you fot to take me away, so we lost in strange storms, from this day on each side, o fet each other.


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