文章大全 医学名人名言英语


篇首语:时人不识凌云木,直待凌云始道高。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了文章大全 医学名人名言英语相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

1、夫医者,非仁爱之士,不可托也;非聪明理达,不可任也;非廉洁纯良,不可信也。——杨泉  The healer, not love, not retreated; The principle of intelligent, not also; Not honest tenderness, credibility also。

2、夫医药为用,性命所系,和扁至妙,犹或加思,仲景明审,亦候形证。一毫有疑,则考校以求验。——王叔和  Medicine for use with his life, and flat to miao, Jude or garth, ZhongJingMing, hou also shaped card。 Spark is suspected, take an examination of the school in order to test。

3、无恒德者,不可以作医。——陈梦雷  Without the constant DE, can not be healed。

4、病不可不察隐情,药不可徒拘成法。——倪士奇  Disease must examine the catch, medicine is ACTS according to the diagnosis。

5、尝思用药如用兵。善用兵者必深知将士之能力,而后可用之以制敌;善用药者亦必深知药性之能力,而后能用之以治病。——张锡纯  Taste, such as the fight。 Good fight will know that the ability of soldiers, then bee available to enemies; Good people will also know of medicinal ability, then can use to cure diseases。

6、盖医学通乎性命,知医则知立命。——赵学敏  Cover medical on the life, know d is made。

7、药能活人,亦能杀人,生死关头,间不容发,可不慎欤!——刘昌祁  Medicine can living, also can kill people, life and death moment, whisker, careless can wipe!

8、学者非读万卷书,未可轻言医。——魏荔彤  Scholars read thousands of books, not speaking out of turn。

9、医以济世,术贵乎精。——吴尚先  D to, your seems fine。

10、乃知学不博而欲为医难矣。——张从正  Is known to learn not to bo to cure difficult。

11、欲救人学医则可,欲谋利而学医则不可。——徐廷祚  To save study medicine can, for profit and to study medicine。

12、医学贵精,不精则害人匪细。——陈梦雷  Medicine expensive, not fine is harm bandits。

13、医者人之司命,如大将提兵,必谋定而后战。——倪士奇  Healer of life, such as general with troops, will pitch and war。 - NiShiJi

14、医者,书不熟则理不明,理不明则识不精。临证游移,漫无定见,药证不合,难以奏效。——吴谦  The healer, books are not ripe, reason unknown, unknown reason is not fine。 , without shifting mindset, drugs, hard work。

15、生民何辜,不死于病而死于医,是有医不若无医也。学医不精,不若不学医也。——吴瑭  O koo, die from illness and death in the medical, there is a cure is not without medical also。 Study medicine is not fine, not if you don\'t study medicine。

16、医之道最微,微则不能不深究;医之方最广,广则不能不小心。——梁拓轩  The way of medical most micro, micro have to delve into; Medical side of the most popular and widely, have to be careful。

17、夫医药为用,性命所系。——王叔和  Medicine for use with his life。

18、盖医者人命所关,固至难极重之事,原不可令下愚之人为之也。——徐灵胎  Cover the healer lives close by, fixed to the very heavy things, the original is made under the viewpoint of people also。

19、人必有天赋之才而读破万卷,庶可以为医矣。——王秉衡  People there will be a talent to pronounce variedly volumes, precious for medicine。

20、良医则贵察声色,神工则深究萌芽。——孙思邈  London, you examine timbres and viewing is dig in bud。

21、人不穷理,不可以学医;医不穷理,不可以用药。——陈士铎  People in endlessly, can not study medicine; D in endlessly, can not use。

22、夫医官用药,如将帅之用兵。——赵宜真  Medical officer drugs, such as the fight of princes。

23、医病非难,难在疑似之辨。不可人云亦云,随波逐流,误人匪浅。——王肯堂  Healing disapproval, difficult in suspected of bian。 Not conformity and go with the flow, false man。

24、医非博不能通,非通不能精,非精不能专。必精而专,始能由博而约。——赵晴初  D not bo can not pass, can\'t fine, the essence can\'t specifically。 Can only will be fine, the beginning by the covenant。

25、世无难治之疾,有不善治之医;药无难代之品,有不善代之人。——褚澄  The world of the refractory disease, a medical of poor governance; Medicine is bad product no difficult generation, generation of people。

26、医不难于用药,而难于认证。——温载之  D is not difficult to use, and difficult to certification。

27、良医医病,病万变药亦万变。病变而药不变,向之寿民今为殇子矣!——陈梦雷  The good, and healing illness change medicine also change。 Lesions and medicine remains the same, to the wounds ShouMin today for child!

28、人命至重,有贵千金,一方济之,德逾于此,故以为名也。——孙思邈  Lives to heavy, there is your daughter, of a party, the DE more than hereat, therefore thought that also。

29、医书不熟则医理不明,医理不明则医识不精,医识不精则临证游移。——赵雄驹  Textbooks are not ripe, medicine with unknown, unknown medicine with medical knowledge not jing, medical knowledge not jing is moving in。

30、医者,意也。善于用意,即为良医。——孙思邈  The healer, also。 Good intentions, that is, for the good。

31、学医总须多读书,多看各家书籍,自然腹中渊博,胸有准绳。——张畹香  Study medicine always should read more books, read books, natural full belly, chest with the criterion。

32、盖医出于儒,非读书明理,终是庸俗昏昧,不能疏通变化。——李梃  Cover the medical out of Confucianism, the reading understanding: is vulgar forces, and can not change。

33、夫医诚难知,知之不精,则罪更甚于不知。——吴其浚  D truly to know, know not jing, even more than you do not know is sin。

34、学医业者,心要明天地阴阳五行之理,始晓天时之和不和,民之生病之情由也。——吴谦  Medical providers, the heart of Yin and Yang five elements theory to tomorrow, xiao days in the beginning, the sum of people sick of him also。


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