文章大全 安妮日记经典语录英文

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篇首语:立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了文章大全 安妮日记经典语录英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


Sometimes when I lie in bed at night, I have a strong desire to touch my chest and listen to my heart beating quietly and rhythmically.


I hope I can trust you pletely. I\'ve never trusted anyone like that before. I also hope that you will give me the greatest support.


Flying gulls and other birds sparkled with silver, and dew glittered on bare chestnut trees.


Through this, I understand: only after a quarrel, can we really see a person. Only then can we know their true character.


How noble and excellent a man may bee if every night before he goes to bed, people can look back in their hearts on what happened in the day and think carefully about what is good and what is evil.


I swear to her, no matter what, I will stick to the end, do not shed tears, find their own way.


It turned upside down overnight. I can\'t stand blaming and quarrelling. I was unprepared. I had to talk back to maintain my dignity.


Why did she have to force me to be pious, just as she forced herself?


I don\'t think my opinion is foolish, others are clever; so it\'s better to put some ideas in my heart.


As long as you can look at the sky meaninglessly, you will know that your heart is pure and happiness will e again.


I hope so, I hope so, because when I write, I can recapture everything, my thoughts, my ideals and my fantasies.


Why do some people have to starve to death, while in other parts of the world there are things that can\'t be eaten and rotted away? Oh, why are people so crazy?


I just want to feel my father\'s love for me, not because I am his child, but because I am me, Anne.


As long as I\'m alive and can see the sunshine, this cloudless sky, I can\'t be unhappy!


People who have faith should be happy, because not everyone has the gift to believe in things in heaven.


That\'s the hardship of growing up years: we rise in our hearts all kinds of ideals, dreams and hopes, in the end, as if only to let them shatter, let them meet the terrible reality.


I also found happiness hidden beneath my happy, superficial surface.


No matter how many mistakes adults make or how they make up, children like Anne can never correct adults\'mistakes.


Tell you what, I\'m trying my best to help others, to be friendly, to be kind to others, and to turn the storm-like accusation into a slight rain.


We are all alive, but we don\'t know why we are alive, where we are going, and the purpose of our lives is to be happy. Our lives are very different, but nothing different.


There is a little consolation in my heart: my pen has been cremated, just as I hope I can do it myself one day!


I enjoy life to the fullest, and intentionally or unconsciously try to fill the emptiness of my heart with all kinds of pleasures.


Sometimes I wonder, maybe God is testing me, now or in the future. I must make myself better and better. Even if there is no example and no one gives me advice, I will eventually bee stronger.


I don\'t have to listen to the blame for my loss unless I change myself.


I hide myself deep in my heart, never think of others, only myself, calmly record my joys, sorrows and sorrows in my diary.


We\'re right about big things, but smart people should master more skills to get along with others.


Go out into the countryside and enjoy the natural beauty and sunshine; go out and try to find happiness again. Think of the beauty in your heart, the beauty in your surroundings, and be happy.


People can tell you to shut up, but it\'s impossible to stop you from having your own opinions.


Think about the golden rule: Laugh at everything, don\'t worry about others! It sounds a bit selfish, but it\'s the only cure for anyone who wants to seek inner fort.


I snuggled up to him, feeling the emotional waves rising from my heart, tears pouring out of my eyes, tears falling on his work clothes on the left side, tears falling on his nose on the right side, dropping on the ground. Did he notice?


I tremble at the thought of the deep buzz in the distance, because it is a sign of destruction.


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