文章大全 经典优美英文语录

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篇首语:骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了文章大全 经典优美英文语录相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


Life that has made mistakes is not only more respectable but also more valuable than life that has been wasted.


Most of the time, the mind clearly does not think that way, but can not control themselves and say the opposite.


Our biggest mistake is to give the worst temper and the worst side to the closest people.


Life is about making choices. Once you make your choices, you must live in your decisions.


Fetting words is death on the top and heart on the bottom. If you want to fet who, you can only fet when you die.


All pain or joy, when it bees a memory, has the hazy beauty of looking at flowers in the fog.


Go ahead, believe in your dreams and stick to them. Smile and face tomorrow, there will be bread, everything will be.


The most touching thing I\'ve ever heard is: bully me if you\'re not happy. I like you so much anyway.


Wings grow on your shoulders and care too much about other people\'s criticism of flying posture, so you can\'t fly.


How many hardships I have survived, now I do not care about the pain or itch and why not happy.


The reason why the earth is round is that God wants those who are lost or lost to meet again.


Life is so short, the world is so chaotic, I do not want to quarrel, do not want the cold war, do not want to have a second with you regret.


The so-called dream is not what you dream when you sleep, but what makes you so excited that you can not sleep.


Please don\'t treat me as a fool. Some things are not that I don\'t know, but that I see them in my eyes and bury them in my heart.


Emotional drama, I have no acting skills. Please don\'t take my tolerance of you as your capital!


The best love is that you can be yourself pletely, and your partner is still infatuated with the real you.


Every day I want to give up, but every day I stick to it. Children without umbrellas must run hard.


You never know how much you like a person unless you see him with someone else.


The wind can blow a large sheet of white paper, but can not blow away a butterfly, because the power of life lies in disobedience.


If life has never met, I am still me, you are still you, just missed the most brilliant adventures in life.


Some people are good to you because you are good to him; others are good to you because they understand your good.


Sometimes, I know something carelessly, only to find that what I care about is so ridiculous.


You are a plum in the mountains. I am a magpie flying in the sky. Magpie rests on the plum blossom, and neither does it fly when the wind blows or the rain blows.


It is better to laugh loudly in one\'s own story than to keep one\'s own tears in another\'s story.


Time will eventually let you know, who is false, who really love you, who will desperate for you.


Everyone has a parabola, talent decides his opening, and the highest point requires acquired effort.


I\'m a little confused, a little serious, and occasionally have unrealistic little ideas, but I\'ve been doing myself.


The reason why migratory birds can\'t fly through the sea is not that they don\'t have the courage, but that there is no waiting on the other side of the sea.


Some people have looked at you for a lifetime, but neglected it for a lifetime; others have looked at you, but missed it for a lifetime.


Be nice to your girlfriend, because when she admits to others that you exist, no one will treat her any better.


Man, we must get rid of the problem of fantasy, otherwise it will kill you. Don\'t think too much.


Life is simple, not too demanding, full of heart and full of love, enough!


Time will tell you the truth. There are some things that you don\'t realize until you\'re sober enough that it\'s a mistake.


We are all going to find our own rhythm of life, and then we will indulge in it.


Good-tempered people tend to be fat, because they swallow a lot of angry words into their stomachs, resulting in poor digestion.


Two things must be remembered in life: not making decisions when you are angry, not making promises when you are happy.


All of us have been disappointed and hurt, but this is true of life. Fairy tales are perfect.


Smile and silence are o effective weapons: smile can solve many problems, silence can avoid many problems.


Originally, there are some people you think are very important. If you don\'t contact them, they will never contact you.


If a man really loves you, he will not snub you for more than three days, because the days he misses are very sad.


Sleep is my only relief, sleep, not sad, not lonely, nothing worries.


Everyone has a temper to bear all the anger for you, just because that person loves you more than you do.


The best thing in the world is when you hug someone you love and he hugs you even tighter.


In fact, childish, there is nothing wrong with it. People will grow up one day. Why mature too early and lose too early?


Don\'t take my concerns for granted. No matter how much I love you, there will be a tired day in the end.


Have you ever listened to music, recalled something, remembered someone at a certain time, in a street?


Sometimes, what we wait for is not someone or something, we wait for time, waiting for time to change themselves.


One day, I finally no longer missed him, because he left too long, my habit is no longer a habit.


Don\'t be embarrassed to refuse others. Anyway, those who are embarrassed are not good people.


If they are always neglected, why should they be humiliated? If they are not cherished, why should they suffer to maintain.


There is a time in life that is full of uneasiness. We have no other choice but to face it..


When I abandoned myself, I suddenly became free, and I finally understood what it meant to be natural.


We all have unspeakable secrets, irreversible regrets, untouchable dreams, and unfettable love.


One\'s life is always crazy once, whether for a person, a relationship, a word, or a dream.


If you are sad, try to look up at the sky, it is so big, it must be able to acmodate all your grievances.


No matter how slow you are, it doesn\'t matter. As long as you have the determination, you will eventually get where you want to go.


In order to be more beautiful in the future, we must suffer a little now. To bow is not to admit defeat, but to give up is a coward.


Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, people always have a period of time to learn to grow up.


Never expect, never assume, never demand. Let it be, if it is destined to happen, it will be as you wish.


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