文章大全 跑步经典语录英文

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篇首语:多练多乖,不练就呆。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了文章大全 跑步经典语录英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


She ran, her legs lifted and fell mechanically like pendulums, and then lifted and fell again.


All I did was run in the fortable emptiness and nostalgic silence I concocted. It was a wonderful thing, no matter what others said.


If you want to cry, run and turn your tears into sweat.


Running, dieting, regular life, healthy work and rest, a little hobby, a little luxury enjoyment, can not be left behind.


I picked up my schoolbag, took three steps and rushed out of the door in o steps. Otherwise, I would be criticized by my teacher for being late.


With the referee\'s shot, the athletes jumped out of the starting line and rushed forward like arrows off the strings. They refused to give in to each other, and the runway was dusty, like the tide of the sea.


Running is always my worst sport. I have to run for four minutes for only 800 meters. I run so slowly, but you walk so fast. No wonder I can\'t catch up with you.


Running all the way, enjoying the feeling of freshness and tranquility all the way, the speed is not fast, adjust the breathing rhythmically, five steps one inhalation, five steps one exhalation, sweat slipping, wet clothes.


When running, do not have too high expectations, grasp the details of each run, often have good results; life does not have too high requirements, pay attention to the details of each growth, often will exceed the expected achievements.


The essence of running is to run faster and faster, run down, let the weak leave the body.


When the gun rang, I darted out one by one and ran with all my strength, whispering in my ears.


The o men almost hit the line at the same time. Like a gust of wind, the referee was surprised and dazed. It took a while for him to wake up.


Like running, in running can let oneself think a lot of problems.


The movement that has been in place is treading, and the movement that goes ahead is running, but why does life always tread in place for the same thing?


I go running is not only a kind of physical exercise, in a sense, it is also a duty, a necessity of life, or a spiritual pursuit.


Although I have known him for a long time, I am still convinced to see the man who seems to have been born for running when he is running all the time.


Like running, like listening to the chirp of insects in the ear; like the cool breeze in the ear; like the free thinking; like running sweat dripping; like wanton free and rapid breathing; like the feeling and joy of sprint.


Running, let me no longer easily lost in various temptations, no longer look back to care about the various rights and wrongs behind me. Regardless of the road I\'ve traveled, I\'m going forward.


People do not stop running because they are old, but because they stop running.


When they rushed out of the starting line, several athletes kept abreast of each other, almost straight lines, but in a inkling of an eye, the distance was widened and irregular curves were formed.


My sister ran like hell. She ran right in front of me. I was so busy that she hit me in the arms.


When you are unhappy, you will be happy if you run, play basketball and sweat a little.


A man runs on the playground, his heart is very calm, I know that in the lonely river, I have learned to swim.


Be a happy person, read, run, work hard, care about your body and keep in good mood, and bee the best self.


Running is a unique experience that bines o primitive human impulses: fear and pleasure. Whether we are frightened or happy, we all go running. Running away from misfortune is also running for happiness.


I love running, because it can not only exercise, but also relax, as well as see the scenery. Since then, I have fallen in love with running. Every day after dinner, I go to the riverside to run. You also need to exercise regularly.


Athletes are all energetic, Next88 under their feet, like an arrow away from the strings, running forward.


When I am lovelorn, I want to run, because running can evaporate the excess water in my body, which is not easy to shed tears.


Running makes me understand that life is like a marathon. If you hesitate, others will easily surpass you. If you rush to the end regardless of obstacles, you will succeed and enjoy the joy of success.


Their movements are coordinated and powerful, and they fly lightly on the ice, like o swallows, flying close to the ground. You chase me and catch up with each other.


He ran more and more vigorously, and other players were unwilling to lag behind, chasing desperately, panting and sweating.


Every day the sun is new, and the new sun always gives us new hope. Although we have retired, we also need to struggle, struggle and create like young people. They also need to sing, dance and run.


If you want to be strong, run! If you want to be fit, run! If you want to be smart, run!


After starting, after a few minutes of hard work, he left all his opponents far behind and ran on the runway with ease and heroism in a championship manner towards his final goal.


The process of running is the process of continuous progress, running, I strongly feel the leap of youth vitality. So, every day on the agenda, I have to make such an arrangement: in the morning, I go running.


Running teaches me self-discipline, restraint, not giving up, and death.


Reading, peeping into other people\'s souls. Travel, go to unfamiliar environment to feel. Movies, go to the screen to experience the life of others. Meditate and explore your inner secret. Running, to enjoy the world that no one else can reach.


When it gets cold, many students wear scarves and hats, but they still feel cold: some runners are half-arched, neck-hunched, and some warm their hands from time to time, spitting out white air from their mouths.


No one will acpany you for a lifetime, so you have to adapt to loneliness; no one will help you for a lifetime, so you have to fight all the time.


Running is such a boring and lonely sport that no one can force you to play. You have to light the fire in your heart and stick to it willingly.


Running is not just about running out, it\'s about finding yourself back.


Suddenly found that in the future when running tired and half dead, no one will refuel me anymore.


I just like the way he runs seriously and his attitude. I like to watch him sprint and the moment he crosses the finish line.


The best way to run is to find a long-lost feeling in a strange place. Running alone, unbounded, unbounded. One day, put on running shoes, take yourself, how far, how far to run.


Oh, boy! As soon as he runs, you can\'t see how his legs lift and fall, and you can\'t even hear a sound. It\'s faster than an eagle chasing a rabbit.


Look! He sprinted forward a few steps, reached the pedal, pushed his foot hard, bowed hard, at the same time. The arm swung backward, the body leaped forward, leaped up like a tiger, and then fell gently into the soft sand pit.


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