文章大全 经典语录大全励志 英文

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篇首语:真正有知识的人谦虚、谨慎;只有无知的人才冒昧、武断。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了文章大全 经典语录大全励志 英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

经典语录大全励志 英文

1.Love is at first sight to see,can love is long.---喜欢是乍见之欢,爱是久处不厌。

2.Save your heart to somebody who cares. 把你的心交给在乎它的人.

3.Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.人生不在于抓到一副好牌,而在于打好你手里的牌。(Josh Billings)

4. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。

5. After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.登上高峰后,你会发现还有更多的山峰要翻越。

6. Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith.没有什么比信念更能支撑我们度过艰难的时光了。《纸牌屋》

7. Figure out what you like. Try to bee the best in the world of it.找到你喜欢做的事,并努力成为这个领域里的顶尖人物。

8. If you can do what you do best and be happy, you\'re further along in life than most people.只要能把自己的事做好,并让自己快乐,你就领先于大多数人了。(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥)

9. Things to do today:1.Get up; 2.Be awesome; 3.Go back to bed.今天的计划:1、起床;2、做牛B的事;3、睡觉。

10. Pains make you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreaks make you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.伤痛让你更坚强,眼泪让你更勇敢,心碎让你更明智,所以,感谢过去,给我们带来更好的未来。

11. Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have.时间不等人,珍惜你所拥有的每分每秒吧!

12. No one but ourselves can degrade us.没人能够贬低我们,除非是我们自己。

13. What is any ocean but a multitude of drops?没有众多的水滴又哪来的海洋呢?

14. Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.精彩的人生不必苛求完美。(Annette Funicello)

15. That there\'s some good in this world, and it\'s worth fighting for.这世上一定存在着善良,值得我们奋战到底。

16. The beginning is the most important part of the work.开始阶段是工作最重要的部分。

17. There\'s no one I\'d rather be than me.除了我自己,我不愿作任何人。

18. A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams.只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才算老。


文章大全 英文名人励志经典语录

  英文名人励志经典语录  1、believeinyourself.  相信自己!  2、considerthingsfromeveryangle.  思考问题要全面。  3、don\'tgiveup

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