今天小编为大家带来文章:62研读分享:精读博士论文-《吴成霞. 2016+物联网环境下供应链企业合作策略及其比较研究》结论和展望,
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Combined with the writing method of the conclusion and prospect of the dissertation, read and study the writing of the research conclusion part in Dr. Wu Chengxia's dissertation "Cooperation Strategies and Comparative Research of Supply Chain Enterprises in the Internet of Things Environment".
正文 body part:
In the first paragraph of the concluding section (see Figure 1), the author re-describes the research question of the paper and evaluates the significance and role of the original topic. Then, write the conclusion and the outlook separately. The first part is the conclusion. According to the order of appearance of the sub-questions, the research results under the corresponding questions are presented one after another.

图1 Figure 1
With the participation of the cloud service platform (hereinafter referred to as the platform), the author established two profit models for manufacturers to adopt traditional channels and manufacturers to introduce platform channels (see Figure 2). In the second model, considering the situation of sharing information, we get Conclusion: When manufacturers and cloud service platforms cooperate and the platforms share forecast information, the profits of the manufacturers and the supply chain are the highest but the profits of the platforms will be lower.

图2 Figure 2
On the basis of the previous question, it is further studied whether the decision-making of the platform and the manufacturer has changed after considering the service cost (see Figure 3). For the manufacturer, the best choice is still to increase the platform channel and the platform to share the forecast information. For the problem that the profit of the platform decreases after cooperation, the Nash bargaining model can be used to improve it.

图3 Figure 3
There are two competing manufacturers in an oligopolistic market (see Figure 4), the choice of different marketing strategies in the context of the platform will affect the overall profit of the system, and the price comparison behavior of consumers will also affect their choice of products, the authors The profit when two manufacturers adopt different marketing strategies and two manufacturers adopt the same marketing strategy under two market situations is established, and their optimal decisions are obtained. When comparing the behavioral changes of consumers, especially when consumers' awareness of emerging brands increases, the system profit of each model is compared. Both manufacturers employ big data marketing strategies that are optimal for the system.

图4 Figure 4
Aiming at the long-term dynamics of supply chain marketing cooperation strategies, this paper studies the two-level supply chain in which manufacturers and retailers participate (see Figure 5). With the support of big data marketing strategies, the overall profit in the two decision-making situations is compared. Happening. Centralized decision-making is the optimal choice for supply chains.

图5 Figure 5
When big data service providers are also regarded as participants in the supply chain (see Figure 6), compare the optimal decision-making and performance of the parties and the overall supply chain under the three models of manufacturers and retailers with or without joint payment and tripartite cooperation. profit level. It is affirmed that the joint payment contract between retailers and manufacturers is better under the decentralized model, and the tripartite cooperation contract is the best choice for the long-term development of the supply chain. The previous conclusion seems to be the same as the last one, but the former studies the possibility of cooperation between two parties, and the latter studies the possibility of tripartite cooperation; the decision variable of the former cooperation is the respective efforts of manufacturers and retailers, and the latter The decision variable under the cooperation contract is the effort level of big data service providers and manufacturers.

图6 Figure 6
In view of the lack of research, the author analyzes each sub-problem (see Figure 7). The first is that the platform does not only provide services to one manufacturer, and the services of the platform are not only information prediction; in reality, the distribution of consumers is often nonlinear; the two-level supply chain does not consider the impact of price factors on product sales, and the third-level supply chain does not consider the impact of price factors on product sales. The same problem exists in the supply chain.

图7 Figure 7
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【1】吴成霞. 物联网环境下供应链企业合作策略及其比较研究[D]. 天津大学, 2016.
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