
对物料搬运设备进行详细的介绍超出了本书的范围。但是我们必须认识到,物料搬运设备的选择会影响到物流系统的有效性、效率和安全性。例如,尽管叉车的使用促进了单元货载搬运的有效性和效率,但它是一种危险的设备。 在美国,每年都有数万起叉车引起的伤害事故。
A detailed introduction of the material handling equipment is beyond the scope of this book.However, we must recognize that the selection of material handling equipment affects the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of the logistics system.For example, although the use of a forklift promotes the effectiveness and efficiency of unit cargo handling, it is a dangerous device.In the United States, there are tens of thousands of forklift truck-caused injury accidents every year.
Moreover, it is very important that the selection of material handling equipment must be consistent with enterprise objectives, customers and products.This seems like a consensus, but the author has found that a consumer goods manufacturer has redesigned a warehouse facilities, the main purpose is only to keep up with the technical development level of material handling equipment.But in less than a year, the warehouse facility had to be redesigned because advanced material handling equipment did not match the type of products sold and customers' orders.
Material handling equipment can be divided into two categories of —— storage equipment and handling equipment.Storage equipment has supports, shelves, boxes, etc.; handling equipment includes transmission system, lift forklift, trolley and crane, etc.Although storage and handling equipment are completely different, the choice of one device affects the choice of the other.For example, the use of shelves leads to narrow logistics channels, which requires special handling equipment that can move both horizontally and vertically to operate in the narrow channels.
物料搬运设备也可以按是不是人工密集型、机械化或自动化进行分类。真正的自动化是不需人工介入的,如自动导引搬运车(AGV)。 机械化则指的是设备辅助人员工作,而不是完全替代(如升降叉车)。在人工、机械化、自动化之间进行权衡,主要的考虑因素应该是相关搬运规模,因为自动化设备的固定成本非常高,所以需要有足够的搬运量来保证成本效率。通常设备搬运达到每天50000箱才能达到自动化设备的经济规模。
Material handling equipment can also be classified by whether it is manually intensive, mechanized or automated.Real automation does not require manual intervention, such as automatic guide carriers (AGV).Mechanization refers to the equipment auxiliary personnel work, rather than a complete replacement (such as lifting forklift).tradeoff between labor, mechanization and automation, the main consideration should be the relevant handling scale, because the fixed cost of automation equipment is very high, so there needs to be enough handling to ensure cost efficiency.Usually the equipment handling reaches 50,000 boxes a day to reach the economic scale of the automation equipment.
另外,一个企业的拣货系统和装配系统也会影响到其对物料搬运设备的选择。在拣货者至储位系统(pickerto-partsystems)中,拣货者将叉车等设备开至货物的存放地分拣货物;在储位至拣货者系统( part-to- picker systems)中,货物通过传送带等直接运送到拣货者面前。这两种系统涉及货物移动时间的权衡,一般来说货物移动时间往往占整个分拣时间的60%~80%。
In addition, an enterprise's picking system and assembly system will also affect its choice of material handling equipment.In the pickerto Storage System (pickerto-partsystems), the picker drives the forklift and other equipment to the storage place of the goods; in the picker to picker System (part-to-picker systems), the goods are delivered directly to the picker through a conveyor belt, etc.These two systems involve the trade-off of the movement time of goods, which generally often accounts for 60% to 80% of the entire sorting time.