序号 | 原理名称 | 序号 | 原理名称 | 序号 | 原理名称 | 序号 | 原理名称 |
No.1 | 分割 | No.11 | 预先应急措施 | No.21 | 紧急行动 | No.31 | 多孔材料 |
No.2 | 抽取 | No.12 | 等势性 | No.22 | 变害为利 | No.32 | 改变颜色 |
No.3 | 局部质量 | No.13 | 逆向思维 | No.23 | 反馈 | No.33 | 同质性 |
No.4 | 非对称 | No.14 | 曲面化 | No.24 | 中介物 | No.34 | 抛弃与修复 |
No.5 | 合并 | No.15 | 动态化 | No.25 | 自服务 | No.35 | 参数变化 |
No.6 | 多用性 | No.16 | 不足或超额行动 | No.26 | 复制 | No.36 | 相变 |
No.7 | 套装 | No.17 | 维数变化 | No.27 | 廉价替代品 | No.37 | 热膨胀 |
No.8 | 重量补偿 | No.18 | 振动 | No.28 | 机械系统的替代 | No.38 | 加速强氧化 |
No.9 | 增加反作用 | No.19 | 周期性动作 | No.29 | 气动与液压结构 | No.39 | 惰性环境 |
No.10 | 预操作 | No.20 | 有效运动的连续性 | No.30 | 柔性壳体或薄膜 | No.40 | 复合材料 |
序号 | 原理名称 | 说明 |
No.1 | 分割 a.将物体分成独立的部分。 b.使物体成为可拆卸的。 c.增加物体的分割程度。 | 1. Segmentation a. Divide an object into independent parts. b. Make an object sectional (for easy assembly or disassembly). c. Increase the degree of an object’s segmentation. |
No.2 | 抽取 从物体中拆出"干扰'部分("干扰"特性)或者相反,分出唯一需要的部分或需要的特性。 与上述把物体分成几个相同部分的技法相反,这里是要把物体分成几个不同的部分。 | 2. Extraction(Extracting,Retrieving, Removing) a. Extract the “disturbing” part or property from an object. b. Extract only the necessary part or property from an object. |
No.3 | 局部质量 a.从物体或外部介质(外部作用)的一致结构过渡到不一致结构。 b.物体的不同部分应当具有不同的功能。 c.物体的每一部分均应具备最适于它工作的条件。 | 3. Local Quality a. Transition from homogeneous to heterogeneous structure of an object or outside environment(action). b. Different parts of an object should carry out different functions. c. Each part of an object should be placed under conditions that are most favorable for its operation. |
No.4 | 非对称 a.物体的对称形式转为不对称形式。 b.如果物体不是对称的,则加强它的不对称程度。 | 4. Asymmetry a. Replace symmetrical form(s) with asymmetrical form(s). b. If an object is already asymmetrical, increase its degree of asymmetry. |
No.5 | 合并 a.把相同的物体或完成类似操作的物体联合起来。 b.把时间上相同或类似的操作联合起来。 | 5. Consolidation a. Consolidate in space homogeneous objects, or objects destined for contiguous operations. b. Consolidate in time homogeneous or contiguous operations. |
No.6 | 多用性 一个物体执行多种不同功能,因而不需要其他物体。 | 6. Universality a. An object can perform several different functions; therefore, other elements can be removed. |
No.7 | 套装 a.一个物体位于另一物体之内,而后者又位于第三个物体之内,等等。 b.一个物体通过另一个物体的空腔。 | 7. Nesting(Matrioshka) a. One object is placed inside another. That object is placed inside a third one. And so on . .. b. An object passes through a cavity in another object. |
No.8 | 重量补偿 a.将物体与具有上升力的另一物体结合以抵消其重量。 b.将物体与介质(最好是气动力和液动力)相互作用以抵消其重量。 | 8. Counterweight a. Compensate for the weight of an object by combining it with another object that provides a lifting force. b. Compensate for the weight of an object with aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces influenced by the outside environment. |
No.9 | 增加反作用 如果按要求必须完成某种作用,则应提前加载反作用,以弥补不足或过度的压力。 | 9. Prior Counteraction a. Preload countertension to an object to compensate excessive and undesirable stress. |
No.10 | 预操作 a.预先完成要求的作用(整个的或部分的)。 b.预先将物体安放妥当,使它们能在现场和最方便地点立即完成所需要的作用。 | 10. Prior Action a. Perform required changes to an object completely or partially in advance. b. Place objects in advance so that they can go into action immediately from the most convenient location. |
No.11 | 预先应急措施 以事先准备好的应急手段补偿物体的底可靠性。 | 11. Cushion in Advance a. Compensate for the relatively low reliability of an object with emergency measures prepared in advance. |
No.12 | 等势性 改变工作条件,使物体上升或下降。 | 12. Equipotentiality a. Change the condition of the work in such a way that it will not require lifting or lowering an object. |
No.13 | 逆向思维 a、不实现问题规定的作用而实现相反的作用。 b、使物体或外部介质的活动部分成为不动的,而使不动的成为可动的。 c.将物体颠倒。 | 13. Do It in Reverse a. Instead of the direct action dictated by a problem, implement an opposite action (i.e.,cooling instead of heating). b. Make the movable part of an object, or outside environment, stationary — and stationary part moveable. c. Turn an object upside-down. |
No.14 | 曲面化 a.从直线部分过渡到曲线部分,从平面过渡到球面,从正六面体或平行六面体过渡到球形结构。 b.利用棍子、球体、螺旋。 c.从直线运动过浑到旋转运动,利用离心力。 | 14. Spheroidality a. Replace linear parts with curved parts, flat surfaces with spherical surfaces, and cube shapes with ball shapes. b. Use rollers, balls, spirals. c. Replace linear motion with rotational motion; utilize centrifugal force. |
No.15 | 动态化 a、物体(或外部介质)的特性的变化应当在每一工作阶段都是最佳的。 b.将物体分成彼此相对移动、相互改变的几个部分。 c.使不动的物体成为动的。 | 15. Dynamicity a. Characteristics of an object or outside environment, must be altered to provide optimal performance at each stage of an operation. b. If an object is immobile, make it mobile. Make it interchangeable. c.Divide an object into elements capable of changing their position relative to each other. |
No.16 | 不足或超额行动 如果难于取得百分之百所要求的功效,则应当取得略小或略大的功效。 | 16. Partial or Excessive Action a. If it is difficult to obtain 100% of a desired effect, achieve more or less of the desired effect. |
No.17 | 维数变化 a.如果物体作线性运动(或分布)有困难,则使物体在二维度(即平面)上移动。相应地,在一个平面上的运动(或分布)可以过渡到三维空间。等等。 b.利用多层结构替代单层结构。 c.将物体倾斜或侧置。 d.利用指定面的反面。 e.利用投向相邻面或反面的光流。 | 17. Transition Into a New Dimension a. Transition one-dimensional movement, or placement, of objects into two-dimensional;two-dimensional to three-dimensional, etc. b. Utilize multi-level composition of objects. c. Incline an object, or place it on its side. d. Utilize the opposite side of a given surface. e. Project optical lines onto neighboring areas, or onto the reverse side, of an object. |
No.18 | 振动 a、使物体振动。 b、如果巳在振动,则提高它的振动频率(达到超声波频率)。 c.利用共振频率。 d.用压电振动器替代机械振动器。 e.利用超声波振动同电磁场配合。 | 18. Mechanical Vibration a. Utilize oscillation. b. If oscillation exists, increase its frequency to ultrasonic. c. Use the frequency of resonance. d. Replace mechanical vibrations with piezovibrations. e. Use ultrasonic vibrations in conjunction with an electromagnetic field. |
No.19 | 周期性动作 a.从连续作用过渡到周期作用(脉冲)。 b.如果作用已经是周期的,则改变周期性。 c.利用脉冲的间歇完成其他作用。 | 19. Periodic Action a. Replace a continuous action with a periodic one (impulse). b. If the action is already periodic, change its frequency. c. Use pauses between impulses to provide additional action. |
No.20 | 有效运动的连续性 a.连续工作(物体的所有部分均应一直满负荷工作)。 b.消除空转和间歇运转。 c. 往返运动替换为转动。 | 20. Continuity of Useful Action a. Carry out an action without a break. All parts of the object should constantly operate at full capacity. b. Remove idle and intermediate motion. c. Replace “back-and-forth” motion with a rotating one. |
No.21 | 紧急行动 a.高速跃过某过程或其个别阶段(如有害的或危险的)。 | 21. Rushing Through a. Perform harmful and hazardous operations at a very high speed. |
No.22 | 变害为利 a.利用有害因素(特别是介质的有害作用)获得有益的效果。 b.通过有害因素与另外几个有害因素的组合来消除有害因素。 c.将有害因素加强到不再是有害的程度。 | 22. Convert Harm Into Benefit a. Utilize harmful factors — especially environmental — to obtain a positive effect. b. Remove one harmful factor by combining it with another harmful factor. c. Increase the degree of harmful action to such an extent that it ceases to be harmful. |
No.23 | 反馈 a.进行反向联系。 b.如果已有反向联系,则改变它。 | 23. Feedback a. Introduce feedback. b. If feedback already exists, change it. |
No.24 | 中介物 a.利用可以迁移或有传送作用的中间物体。 b.把另一个(易分开的)物体暂时附加给某一物体。 | 24. Mediator a. Use an intermediary object to transfer or carry out an action. b. Temporarily connect the original object to one that is easily removed. |
No.25 | 自服务 a、物体应当为自我服务,完成辅助和修理工作。 b.利用废料(能量的和物质的)。 | 25. Self-service a. An object must service itself and carry out supplementary and repair operations. b. Make use of waste material and energy. |
No.26 | 复制 a.用简单而便宜的复制品代替难以得到的、复杂的、昂贵的、不方便的或易损坏的物体。 b.用光学拷贝(图像)代替物体或物体系统。此时要改变比例(放大或缩小复制品)。 c.如果利用可见光的复制品,则转为红外线的或紫外线的复制。 | 26. Copying a. A simplified and inexpensive copy should be used in place of a fragile original or an object that is inconvenient to operate. b. If a visible optical copy is used, replace it with an infrared or ultraviolet copies. c. Replace an object (or system of objects) with their optical image. The image can then be reduced or enlarged. |
No.27 | 廉价替代品 用廉价的不持久性代替昂贵的持久性原则用一组廉价物体代替一个昂贵物体,放弃某些品质(如持久性)。 | 27. Dispose a. Replace an expensive object with a cheap one, compromising other properties (i.e., longevity). |
No.28 | 机械系统的替代 a.用光学、声学、热学、味学等设计原理代替力学设计原理。 b.用电场、磁场和电磁场同物体相互作用。 c、由恒定场转向不定场,由时间固定的场转向时间变化的场,由无结构的场转向有一定结构的场。 d.利用铁磁颗粒组成的场。 | 28. Replacement of Mechanical System a. Replace a mechanical system with an optical, acoustical, thermal or olfactory system. b. Use an electric, magnetic or electromagnetic field to interact with an object. c. Replace fields that are: 1. Stationary with mobile. 2. Fixed with changing in time. 3. Random with structured. d. Use fields in conjunction with ferromagnetic |
No.29 | 气动与液压结构 用气体结构和液体结构代替物体的固体的部分。如充气和充液的结构,气枕,静液的和液体反冲的结构。 | 29. Pneumatic or Hydraulic Constructions a. Replace solid parts of an object with a gas or liquid. These parts can now use air or water for inflation, or use pneumatic or hydrostatic cushions. |
No.30 | 柔性壳体或薄膜 a.利用软壳和薄膜代替一般的结构。 b.用软壳和薄膜使物体同外部介质隔离。 | 30. Flexible Membranes or Thin Films a. Replace customary constructions with flexible membranes or thin film. b. Isolate an object from its outside environment with flexible membranes or thin films. |
No.31 | 多孔材料 a.把物体作成多孔的或利用附加多孔元件(镶嵌、覆盖、等等)。 b.如果物体是多孔的,事先用某种物质填充空孔。 | 31. Porous Material a. Make an object porous, or use supplementary porous elements (inserts, covers, etc.). b. If an object is already porous, fill pores in advance with some substance. |
No.32 | 改变颜色 a.改变物体或外部介质的颜色。 b.改变物体或外部介质的透明度。 c.为了观察难以看到的物体或过程,利用染色添加剂。 d.如果已采用了这种添加剂,则采用荧光粉。 | 32. Changing the Color a. Change the color of an object or its environment. b. Change the degree of translucency of an object or its environment. c. Use color additives to observe an object, or process which is difficult to see. d. If such additives are already used, employ luminescent traces or trace atoms. |
No.33 | 同质性 同指定物体相互作用的物体应当用同一(或性质相近的)材料制成。 | 33. Homogeneity a. Objects interacting with the main object should be made out of the same material (or material with similar properties) as the main object. |
No.34 | 抛弃与修复 a.已完成自己的使命或已无用的物体部分应当剔除(抛弃、溶解、蒸发等)或在工作过程中直接变化。 b.消除的部分应当在工作过程中直接再生。 | 34. Rejecting and Regenerating Parts a. After completing its function, or becoming useless, an element of an object is rejected (discarded, dissolved, evaporated, etc.) or modified during its work process. b. Used-up parts of an object should be restored during its work. |
No.35 | 参数变化 这里包括的不仅是简单的过渡,例如从固态过渡到液态,还有向"假态"(假液态)和中间状态的过渡,例如采用弹性固体。 1、改变系统的物理状态。 2、改变浓度、密度。 3、改变弹性度。 4、改变温度、体积 | 35.Transformation of Properties a. Change the physical state of the system. b. Change the concentration or density. c. Change the degree of flexibility. d. Change the temperature or volume. |
No.36 | 相变 利用相变时发生的现象,例如体积改变,放热或吸热。 | 36. Phase Transition a. Using the phenomena of phase change (i.e., a change in volume, the liberation or absorption of heat, etc.). |
No.37 | 热膨胀 a.利用材料的热膨胀(或热收缩)。 b.利用一些热膨胀系数不同的材料。 | 37. Thermal Expansion a. Use expansion or contraction of material by changing its temperature. b. Use various materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion. |
No.38 | 加速强氧化 a.用富氧空气代替普通空气。 b.用氧气替换富氧空气。 c.用电离辐射作用于空气或氧气。 d.用臭氧化了的氧气。 e.用臭氧替换臭氧化的(或电离的)氧气。 | 38. Accelerated Oxidation a. Make transition from one level of oxidation to the next higher level: 1. Ambient air to oxygenated. 2. Oxygenated to oxygen. 3. Oxygen to ionized oxygen. 4. Ionized oxygen to ozoned oxygen. 5. Ozoned oxygen to ozone. 6. Ozone to singlet oxygen. |
No.39 | 惰性环境 a.用惰性介质代替普通介质。 b.引入中性物质或添加剂。 c.在真空中进行某过程。 | 39. Inert Environment a. Replace a normal environment with an inert one. b. Introduce a neutral substance or additives into an object. c. Carry out the process in a vacuum. |
No.40 | 复合材料 由同种材料转为混合材料。 | 40. Composite Materials a. Replace homogeneous materials with composite ones. |

2、创新之道 TRIZ理论与实战精要
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...多层折叠扩张是以不同的密度、孔径由粗到细地排列,使物体通过时多次改变流动方向,增大其效率。 使用油雾分离滤芯的优点:阻力低,可反复清洗,经济性极高;耐酸碱强度高,耐高温的通风系统;安全、坚固、使用寿命长...