Dispensing machine in the daily use, over time will appear glue nozzle blockage, rubber valve leakage and glue size inconsistent fault, then what is the cause of it? Next point glue machine manufacturers in the era of profit for you to talk about the reasons and solutions, I hope to help you.
The cause of glue nozzle blockage is generally automatic dispensing machine pinhole is not completely cleaned, patch glue mixed with impurities, there is a plugging phenomenon, incompatible glue mixed, resulting in less or no glue point out. The solution is to change the cleaning needle, change the quality of the patch glue, SMD brand number should not be mistaken.

The reason for the drip of the rubber valve is that the needle caliber used by the dispensing machine is too small, too small needle will affect the valve start to use the exhaust bubble action, affecting the flow of liquid caused by the back pressure, resulting in the plastic valve closed soon after the formation of drip phenomenon. The solution is to solve this problem simply by replacing the larger needle. In addition, the liquid air in the valve after the shutdown will produce drip phenomenon, it is best to pre-rule out the air in the liquid, or instead of easy to contain bubbles of glue, or first the glue after the defoaming in use.
The size of the adhesive is inconsistent because of the dispensing machine storage fluid pressure cartridge or air pressure instability, resulting in uneven glue, the size of inconsistent. The solution is to avoid using pressure between the low pressure part of the pressure gauge. The control pressure of the rubber valve should be at least 60psi or above to ensure the stability of the adhesive. Finally, the glue time should be checked, if less than 15/1000 seconds will cause the glue instability, the longer the glue time, the more stable the glue.
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随着经济的发展,点胶机广泛应用于电子行业、照明行业、汽车行业、工业电气、太阳能光伏、建筑工程等行业。自动点胶机最常遇到的问题是阀门问题,下列为解决胶阀使用时经常发生的问题的有效方法:1、胶嘴堵塞 原...
关于点胶阀如何正确使用的问题,点胶机厂家阿莱思斯总结如下: 1.怎样正确使用点胶阀? 首先看看自己企业的点胶设备使用的是哪种类型的胶水。根据不同的胶水粘度来选择合适的点胶阀。另外需要明确点胶效果是怎么样的...
关于点胶阀如何正确使用的问题,点胶机厂家阿莱思斯总结如下: 1.怎样正确使用点胶阀? 首先看看自己企业的点胶设备使用的是哪种类型的胶水。根据不同的胶水粘度来选择合适的点胶阀。另外需要明确点胶效果是怎么样的...