混凝土表面刮平尺(How to Pour a Concrete Slab如何浇注混凝土路面)
篇首语:幽沉谢世事,俯默窥唐虞。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了混凝土表面刮平尺(How to Pour a Concrete Slab如何浇注混凝土路面)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
混凝土表面刮平尺(How to Pour a Concrete Slab如何浇注混凝土路面)
How to Pour a Concrete Slab如何浇注混凝土路面
Concrete placer/rake 混凝土浇注
Concrete is too heavy to shovel or push more than a few feet. Place the concrete close to its final spot and roughly level it with a rake. As soon as the concrete is placed in the concrete forms, start striking it off even with the top of the form boards with a straight, smooth 2×4 screed board Tip the top of the screed board back slightly as you drag it toward you in a back-and-forth sawing motion.
混凝土太重,无法铲或推超过几英尺。将混凝土靠近其最终位置,并用耙子大致刮平整。一旦混凝土被放置在混凝土模板中,就开始用直的、光滑的 2×4的匀泥板平板刮平模板的顶部。当你把它拖向你的方向时,将它的顶部稍微向后倾斜来回刮平。



Initial Leveling 初始调平
Drag a straight 2×4 (screed board) across the top of the concrete forms to level the concrete. Make multiple passes if needed to create a flat, evenly filled area. Have a helper add or remove concrete in front of the screed as you pull it. You want enough concrete to fill all voids, but not so much that it’s difficult to pull the board. About 1/2 to 1 in. deep in front of the screed board is about right. It’s better to make several passes with the screed board, moving a little concrete each time, than to try to pull a lot of concrete at once.
在混凝土模板的顶部拖动一个直的 2×4(匀泥板)使混凝土平整。如果需要,请反复多次使之均匀、平坦。在拉动匀泥板时,让帮手在熨平板前添加或移除混凝土。你需要足够的混凝土来填补所有的空隙,但不要太多以至于难以拉动木板。匀泥板前面大约 1/2 到 1 英寸深的地方大约是正确的。最好用匀泥板多次抹平,每次移动一点混凝土,而不是试图一次拉很多混凝土。

Bull Float to Smooth the Surface用抹刀底板使表面光滑
Start bull-floating the concrete as soon as possible after screeding. The goal is to remove marks left by screeding and fill in low spots to create a flat, level surface. Bull-floating also forces larger aggregate below the surface. Keep the leading edge of the float just slightly above the surface by raising or lowering the float handle. If the float angle is too steep, you’ll plow the wet concrete and create low spots. Three or four passes with the bull float is usually sufficient. Too much floating can weaken the surface by drawing up too much water and cement.
整平后尽快开始对混凝土进行收光。目的是去除平整留下的痕迹并填充地点使表面平坦。 通过升高或降低抹刀手柄,使抹刀的前缘略高于表面。如果角度太陡,湿混凝土会产生低洼点。抹刀底板的三到四次来回通常就足够了。过多次会吸收表面过多的水和水泥。

Round the Edges收边
Round the edges of the slab with an edging tool after any surface water disappears. Work the edger until the edge is solid and smooth. The concrete should be firm before you start edging. If the edger is leaving behind large wet grooves, wait awhile before you continue. Longer strokes will result in straighter lines.

Hand Float 手抹刀
Run a hand float over the ridges left behind by the edger. A hand float is also a good tool for dragging small amounts of material or moisture (cream) into any voids or dry spots near the edge.

Add Grooves加凹槽
Grooving creates a weakened spot in the concrete that allows the inevitable shrinkage cracking to take place at the groove rather than at some random spot. Cut in control joints to create individual sections no larger than 8 x 8 ft. for a
3-1/2-in.-thick slab, and no larger than 10 x 10 ft. for a 5-1/2-in.-thick slab.

开凹槽会在混凝土中形成一个点,使不可避免地收缩裂缝发生在凹槽处,而不是一些随机点。切割控制接头来创建不大于 8 x 8 英尺的单个部分,用于
3-1/2 英寸厚的平板,对于 5-1/2 英寸厚的平板,不超过 10 x 10 英尺。
Nonslip Surface Ridges 防滑表面

A broom finish creates a nonslip surface for wet conditions. The harder the concrete, the less rough the broom will leave the surface. Try to achieve a surface rough enough for traction but not so rough that it hurts to walk on barefoot. If the broom starts to bounce as you pull, lower the angle of the handle. If possible, broom perpendicular to the direction that the slab is most visible. Wavy, crooked broom lines are less noticeable that way.
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