
Fannie Mae
房利美(Fannie Mae)是美国抵押贷款融资的主要来源之一。作为房利美的首席信息官,Ramon Richards在这里工作了23年,最近一次晋升是在2021年8月,CIO是他的第七个头衔。
最近Richards接受了采访,分享了房利美正在进行的技术转型和业务转型,以及他对CIO 角色未来的看法。
Ramon Richards:作为一家企业,我们的目标是提供能够改善借款人和租户生活的抵押贷款解决方案,这就意味着,要对我们的人才、流程、技术环境、以及提供新解决方案的方式进行转型。我们数字化转型的关键是让我们采用敏捷开发的方式日渐成熟,将敏捷扩展到软件交付之外的领域,将我们的技术资产迁移到云端,以及通过持续集成和部署(CI/CD)实现软件管道的自动化。
Ramon Richards:我会从业务成果开始,一旦我们投入生产,软件就需要是高质量的、不会出错的。我会跟CEO解释说,CI/CD让我们的软件通过自动检查点,有助于确定解决方案是否满足控制和网络安全方面的要求。我要补充一点的是,CI/CD让我们能够确保弹性和附加的非功能性要求,例如可靠性、性能和可维护性,被直接整合到产品中。CXO UNION(CXO联盟)、数字化转型网(szhzxw.cn)、中国数字化转型展、华东CIO大会、CDLC中国数字化灯塔大会、CXO数字化研学之旅、数字化江湖-讲武堂,数字化江湖-大侠传、数字化江湖-论剑、CXO系列管理论坛(陆家嘴CXO管理论坛、宁波东钱湖CXO管理论坛等)、数字化转型网,走进灯塔工厂系列、ECIO、iTdaily 、It经理人、CIO训练营、数字化江湖等
Ramon Richards:当我们谈论如何让技术环境实现现代化的时候,我们的数字和技术团队要处于前沿和核心的位置,这样我们就可以为贷方、房主和租房者提供更多服务。我们谈到了创建“一个团队”(One Team)这种新结构的必要性,这样才能更好地将技术与业务职能相结合,鼓励团队之间进行更多的协作。
Ramon Richards:当我们最终确定目标CI/CD软件管道的时候,我们会为所有敏捷团队的新版本发布频率设定季度和年度目标。
Ramon Richards:我们的数字化转型旨在提供创新解决方案来解决美国所面临的最大的住房挑战,是一种业务上的转型,而不是通过技术对业务做了什么事。
大多数属于数字化转型的项目,业务负责人都会从监督的角度参与进来。因此,产品负责人在实地执行,业务领导则在监督我们如何追踪目标、面临哪些障碍、需要做出哪些权衡决策。最终,我们向管理委员会和董事会就进展进行汇报。CXO UNION(CXO联盟)、数字化转型网(szhzxw.cn)、中国数字化转型展、华东CIO大会、CDLC中国数字化灯塔大会、CXO数字化研学之旅、数字化江湖-讲武堂,数字化江湖-大侠传、数字化江湖-论剑、CXO系列管理论坛(陆家嘴CXO管理论坛、宁波东钱湖CXO管理论坛等)、数字化转型网,走进灯塔工厂系列、ECIO、iTdaily 、It经理人、CIO训练营、数字化江湖等
Ramon Richards:如今我的职责包括房利美的技术资产、网络安全、企业数据资产以及数字解决方案的实施。
作者:Martha Heller
CXO联盟(CXO union)是一家聚焦于CIO,CDO,cto,ciso,cfo,coo,chro,cpo,ceo等人群的平台组织,其中在CIO会议领域的领头羊,目前举办了大量的CIO大会、CIO论坛、CIO活动、CIO会议、CIO峰会、CIO会展。如华东CIO会议、华南cio会议、华北cio会议、中国cio会议、西部CIO会议。在这里,你可以参加大量的IT大会、IT行业会议、IT行业论坛、IT行业会展、数字化论坛、数字化转型论坛,在这里你可以认识很多的首席信息官、首席数字官、首席财务官、首席技术官、首席人力资源官、首席运营官、首席执行官、IT总监、财务总监、信息总监、运营总监、采购总监、供应链总监。
【CXO UNION部分社群会员】健康元药业集团股份有限公司CDO、开氏集团有限公司CDO、青岛海湾集团有限公司CDO、安徽环新集团股份有限公司CDO、林州凤宝管业有限公司CDO、大连冰山集团有限公司CDO、新和成控股集团有限公司CDO、龙蟒佰利联集团股份有限公司CDO、江阴模塑集团有限公司CDO、天津国威有限公司CDO、安徽古井集团有限责任公司CDO、黑龙江鑫达企业集团有限公司CDO、广东兴发铝业有限公司CDO、山东淄博傅山企业集团有限公司CDO、浙江中财管道科技股份有限公司CDO、福建三安集团有限公司CDO、即发集团有限公司CDO、宁波中华纸业有限公司CDO、上海晨光文具股份有限公司CDO、浙江永利实业集团有限公司CDO、广西洋浦南华糖业集团股份有限公司CDO、浙江海正药业股份有限公司CDO、浙江新安化工集团股份有限公司CDO、宁波方太厨具有限公司CDO、普联技术有限公司CDO、春风实业集团有限责任公司CDO、瑞声光电科技(常州)有限公司CDO、云南云内动力集团有限公司CDO、安徽天康(集团)股份有限公司CDO、重庆智飞生物制品股份有限公司CDO、江阴江东集团CDO、爱玛科技集团股份有限公司CDO、江苏济川控股集团有限公司CDO、杭州金鱼电器集团有限公司CDO、金沙河集团有限公司CDO、天津市新宇彩板有限公司CDO、上海龙旗科技股份有限公司CDO、玫德集团有限公司CDO、安徽省贵航特钢有限公司CDO、博威集团有限公司CDO、深圳市三诺投资控股有限责任公司CDO等
CIO is the seventh title Ramon Richards has held at Fannie Mae, a leading source of financing for mortgages in the US. The latest promotion came in August 2021 for Richards, who is in his 23rd year with the company.
I recently spoke with Richards to learn about the technology and business transformation under way at Fannie Mae, and to get his perspective on the future of the CIO role. What follows is an edited version of our interview.
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Martha Heller: What is Fannie Mae’s digital transformation?
Ramon Richards: Our goal as a company is to deliver mortgage solutions that improve the lives of borrowers and renters. This means transforming our talent, processes, technology environment, and the way we deliver new solutions. Key to the digital transformation has been maturing our use of agile development, expanding agile beyond just software delivery, migrating our technology assets to the cloud, and automating our software pipeline through continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD).
When the pandemic started, unemployment quickly jumped up to around 14.7%. Our goal as a company was to help renters and homeowners keep their homes. So, we quickly deployed a new payment deferral workout solution. By leveraging our mature agile processes, we were able to deliver that capability a lot faster than in the past, and serve a critical need for the country.
Another example is the lender’s ability to use rental payment history as part of the credit risk assessment process through Fannie Mae’s automated underwriting system to determine if a borrower is eligible. This is now an automated process that we are able to deliver quickly because of our data platforms and our CI/CD delivery.
How would you educate a CEO on CI/CD?
I would start with the business outcome and the need for the software to be high quality with no errors once we are in production. I would explain that CI/CD allows our software to pass through automated checkpoints which help determine if the solution is meeting the right controls and cybersecurity requirements. I would add that CI/CD allows us to ensure resiliency and additional non-functional requirements, such as reliability, performance, and maintainability, are incorporated right into the product.
What was critical in your journey to agile development and CI/CD?
Our digital and technology teams were front and center as we talked about how to modernize our technology environment so that we could deliver more for lenders, homeowners, and renters. We talked about the need to invest in a new “one team” structure to better integrate technology with our business functions, and to encourage more collaboration.
We also discussed the importance of empowerment. If we bring a cross-functional group of people together in an agile team with a common goal, and give them ownership of the complete product delivery life cycle, they will be motivated to build the right solution with the right outcome.
Empowerment happens when you move up the agile maturity curve. Once a team that is working together on a common goal with a regular cadence of feature delivery gets a few wins, then the team trusts the process, and management trusts the teams. That’s when you get empowerment.
“Testing and learning” has also been an important concept for us. We cannot know that every idea will be the right one, so we are now structured to do the right proofs of concept with the right pilots and feedback loops.
How do you measure the success of the agile teams?
When we had finalized our target-state CI/CD software pipeline we set quarterly and annual objectives for the rate of new releases across all of our agile teams.
This allowed us to see which phases of the development process were slowing us down, so that we could identify conflicts and road blocks. When we removed those road blocks and started to pick up the pace, we tightened our next quarterly goal.
How have you kept the business engaged through the digital transformation?
This digital transformation, which is to offer innovative solutions to solve America’s biggest housing challenges, is a business transformation. This is not technology “doing something” to the business.
It all comes down to the “one team” model. The product leaders come from the business and lead cross-functional teams, so they are engaged. Our business partners are on our steering committees and help work through our progress and challenges, so they are engaged.
For most of the projects that fall under the transformation umbrella, our business leaders are at the table from an oversight perspective. So, the product leader is on the ground executing, with business leadership providing oversight on how we are tracking against our goals, what obstacles we are facing, and what trade-off decisions we need to make. And ultimately, we report on our progress to our management committee, as well as our board.
How is the CIO role evolving?
Today, my responsibilities include Fannie Mae’s technology assets, cybersecurity, our enterprise data assets, and implementation of our digital solutions.
I am also on Fannie Mae’s management committee, which reflects the vital importance of data security to our business, as well as the importance of digital transformation to the future of our business.
The CIO role will evolve to play an even greater part in developing an agile mindset and environment. For a long time, agile has been about changing the way product and technology delivery teams operate. But when we start to look at where our processes slow down and where there are opportunities for efficiency, it comes back to expanding our agile way of operating and thinking across the enterprise. The CIO role is critical to the development of an agile corporate culture.
The CIO also plays an important role in ensuring that our cybersecurity priorities are understood and accepted by our business partners. This means the CIO of the future will spend even more time on education and risk management than today.
What is forward thinking today is legacy tomorrow, so the CIO has to engage in continuous education, innovation, and building a team that brings new ideas to the table.
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