模型遮盖带选多宽的(亚当的模型指导书 ② 喷笔使用与底色喷涂|原创翻译)
篇首语:风华是一指流砂,苍老是一段年华。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了模型遮盖带选多宽的(亚当的模型指导书 ② 喷笔使用与底色喷涂|原创翻译)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
模型遮盖带选多宽的(亚当的模型指导书 ② 喷笔使用与底色喷涂|原创翻译)
1. 这一章节亚当写的覆盖面非常的广。所以内容特别多(包括喷笔气泵的选择,喷笔的使用方法,调漆,喷涂,笔涂,迷彩等等),有些内容老手们可能觉得很无趣。
2. 为了充分尊重原出版社,我并不打算用在原图书排版基础上粘贴中文的方式呈现,还是通过截图的模式来吧。可能影响一点点大家的观感,请大家小小牺牲一下。
3. 为了方便阅读,这期我会把中文放在前面,英文作为参考放在后面,大家注意图示编号对应的内容。
4. 有些地方我加入了一些自己的理解,甚至有些观点和亚当有点出入,大家多多批评指正。

Applying basecoats and camouflages
模型上的第一层漆我们称之为底漆(base coat)(译者注:这里并不是指水补土,这里的base coat指的是水补土之后上的一层用来打底的颜色,干脆理解为底色比较好一点)
The first layer of paint that you applyonto a scale model is often referred to as a base coat.
This base color serves as the pedestal thatwill work in conjunction with all of the following semi-transparent weatheringsteps and effects applied over it. Therefore the color that you choose for abasecoat is very important as it will be altered by the subsequent finishingsteps. The base coat also needs to be applied properly so it is smooth, withoutflaws and not hiding any of the important fine details while evenly coveringthe model. Of course much of the same goes for the camouflage that is usuallyapplied immediately after.

The dark green shade airbrushed onto thisJSU-152 is a good example of planning ahead when choosing your base color. Imixed this tone to be rather light while also adding a lot of yellow forvibrancy. You will see throughout the next parts of this book that the lightertone will be darkened to more of an accurate Russian green shade while stillcontaining a hint of vitality after the washes, fading and other variousweathering effects have been added.
Using a paintbrush for applying a basecoatis certainly an option although most hobbyists usually airbrush both thebasecoat and the camouflage. Therefore airbrushing is vital to scale modellingand it\'s something that comes with practice. Properly maintaining your airbrushis very important in order to keep it functioning properly. Choosing yourpaints is also essential. Over time you will also begin to find which paintsyou are most comfortable with when airbrushing.
These segments will contain information andexamples for properly using and maintaining an airbrush. I will also discussthe methods and paints that I use to apply base coats and camouflages. Thesetechniques are what I have learnt from experience over the years to get theresults on the models that I publish. Let\'s now look at some things to keep inmind when purchasing an airbrush and compressor that will best fit your needs.

Choosing an airbrush and compressor
Arguably the airbrush is our most importanttool when it comes to painting replicas.
Double action airbrushes are more or lessthe standard type used throughout the hobby. There are also single action typeairbrushes but you cannot simultaneously control the airflow together with theamount of paint passing through the nozzle. This can be limiting when sprayingcamouflages or applying color modulation for example. Although more expensive,a double action airbrush allows you to control both the amount of paint goingthrough the nozzle and the airflow making it much more applicable foreffectively caring out these tasks.
There is a wide range of airbrushesavailable in regards to both price and quality. One might think that professionalmodelers own a wide range of expensive airbrushes. In fact many practicedhobbyists still prefer their first airbrush which they have been comfortablewith using for many years. With the exception of occasionally replacing a part,purchasing a quality airbrush is an investment that you will only need to makeonce if you both take care of and clean it regularly. Most quality airbrushesalso come with a warranty therefore you will be able to get most broken partsreplaced for free.
An important factor with an airbrush is thewidth of the needle and its nozzle. Needles usually rage from 0.2mm to 0.5mm.Smaller needles are suitable for very fine controlled camouflages and effectswhile bigger ones are better for larger surfaces such as applying base coats. Mostgood airbrushes are available in a choice of different sizes.
With a double action airbrush you cancontrol the amount of paint that you are spraying onto the model. Thereforewhen using one you are less likely to encounter problems when quickly paintinga large surface with a 0.2mm needle. With a single action type you might havedifficulties when trying to spray very thin lines through a 0.5mm nozzle. Consequentlyif you are looking for an all-purpose scale modelling airbrush, a double actionmodel containing a smaller nozzle is recommended.
With a bit of research and searching youshould be able to find a good airbrush that fits your needs at a reasonableprice lasting you for years to come. Remember that a little investment willmost likely pay back in regards of quality. Durability and therefore longevity.After you have purchased your airbrush the essential thing that you will needis experience that can only be gained with practice. Withe experience you willalso find that you are more comfortable with airbrushing some types of paintthan others.
Understanding the paints your use and howmuch to thin each of them for different types of finishes and effects will alsocome with practice allowing you to get the most out of your airbrush.

△ Photo 1 图片1
中间的这款是田宫的超细 HG,是一款非常棒的通用性0.2口径喷笔,我这7年来发表的每一个模型都是用它来完成的。
These are the three airbrushes that I willbe suing throughout this book. They are all double action types. I have had thetop Mig Productions airbrush containing a large cup for around six years now.This airbrush has a 0.3 nozzle allowing it to spray larger amounts of paint. Itis ideal for quickly applying sound basecoats over larger subjects.
The middle one is a Tamiya superfine HG-SFmodel. It is a good general purpose airbrush containing a smaller 0.2mm nozzle.This was the only airbrush that I used for all of the articles that I publishedfor almost seven years.
The bottom airbrush is an Infinity model byHarder and Steinbach. I only take it out when applying complexed camouflagesand color modulation. It was given to me as a gift a few years ago and I wasinitially discouraged with this model when I started using it. The action wasdifferent from the Tamiya superfine that I was accustomed to. After some time Iwas able to get familiar with the action of the Infinity and now consider to bethe finest airbrush that I currently own. Therefore, as I mentioned earlier,only with time and practice can you get accustomed to your airbrush allowing youto get the most out of it.

△ Photo 2 图片2
The first thing that you should do uponpurchasing an airbrush is disassemble it. Knowing how it goes together willgive you and understanding of how it operates. Knowing how your airbrushfunctions will also allow you to quickly troubleshoot and clean it during andafter use. We will discuss more about cleaning your airbrush shortly.
Your airbrush will also need a source ofair in order to operate. There are also many different compressors availablethat differ in type and price. Like when looking for an airbrush you will wantto do a bit of research before purchasing a compressor.

△ Photo 3 图片3
I have two compressors that I use. Thefirst in this photo was given to me while in Russia as a stop-gap prior topurchasing a better one. It is a rather low-end inexpensive type. The airflowis controlled by the small knob on the right hand side. This knob later had tobe taped in place as the compressor\'s vibration during use would cause it tocome loose slowly increasing the flow through my airbrush. Although basic andmore for beginners, it does work and a few of the models in this book werepainted only using this compressor.

△ Photo 4 图片4
Silent compressors like this one are muchmore common amongst hobbyists. Models like these usually contain an air flowregulator, automatic on/off pressure switches and thermal overload protection.They also contain a moisture trap. Moisture traps keep condensation fromaccumulation in your air hose creating drops that will cause the airbrush to"spit" affecting the soundness of the base coat.
If you take care of your compressormaintaining it regularly, these devices will most likely last you a lifetime.Now let\'s look at some common problems usually encountered when your airbrushand compressor are not properly set.

Troubleshooting yourairbrush
When airbrushing there are a couple ofthings that you should keep in mind in order to obtain good results.
You should be familiar with your airbrush.The kind of paint you are working with is also important because differenttypes of paint will give various results. Even different brands of the sametypes of paint contain their own characteristics. The two major things that youwill need to keep in mind are the air pressure and, most important, the paint-to-thinnerratio. All of these factors need to be considered for the various tasks thatyou will need an airbrush for. For a base coat it is always recommended to usea thin mixture. Most modelers prefer a mix of 30% paint to 70% thinner ratio.This ratio can vary depending on the paint. I airbrush some primers andvarnishes at a 70% paint to 30% thinner ratio. When airbrushing scale modelsyou should start with applying rather thin layers using quick passes whenapplying a base coat for example. Two or three thin coats will always lead to amore satisfying result than one thick coat. When creating camouflage stripes orblotches the paint to thinner ratio will sometimes vary depending on the resultyou would like to obtain. If you are after a rather hard edged pattern it isrecommended to use mixture containing a bit more paint. Patterns with softeredges are best applied using a mixture with more thinner. Of course theair-pressure that your compressor is set to also has an effect. Again,understanding all of this will come with practice.
Before even getting your airbrush close toyour model you should check the result first on a piece of scrap paper. Thefollowing pictures display typical unwanted result that you may encounter whenairbrushing. The accompanying text will give you an idea on what needs to bechanged to improve the outcome. Another source of problems is the condition ofthe airbrush. You need to make sure that it is always clean and that there areno paint residues from past projects inside adhered to the nozzle and needle.

△ Photo 1 图片1
The result seen on this first exampleindicates that the paint is clearly too thin. Extra paint needs to be added tothe mixture.

△ Photo 2 图片2
An uneven application with wildly dispersedspeckles probably mean that this time the paint is too thick and more thinnershould be added

△ Photo 3 图片3
On this example two errors have occurred. Firstthe paint mixture is too thin containing not enough paint and the air pressureis set too high. The so called "spider legs" are always an indicatorof excessive the air pressure.

△ Photo 4 图片4
If your application looks similar to thisyou might want to increase the air pressure of your compressor as it is a bittoo low.

△ Photo 5 图片5
Every brand of paint usually has their ownthinner and/or airbrush cleaner. It is recommended to use such productstogether as they correspond to the chemistry of the paint. Horrible clogs canresult in your airbrush otherwise. Make sure that your airbrush is completelycleaned after each session. This will save you a lot of stress the next timeyou are painting that model you recently spent so much time assembling.

△ Photo 6 图片6
Finally, be responsible and wear a particle maskand have proper ventilation when airbrushing. Breathing in fumes ceased by thedifferent thinners can result in long-term chronic health problems. I wouldrecommend speaking to the people at your local hardware store to find one thatbest works for you. Let’s now look at applying a basecoat.
We will begin with preparation of themodel. It should be cleaned prior to having any paint applied. Securing smallparts such as hatches and wheels in order to keep them from being blown acrossthe bench by the airbrush is also handy. Sometimes the model contains metalparts that need to be primed. Then we will look at techniques for applying asmooth basecoat that evenly covers the model.

△ Photo 1 and2 图片1-2
After assembly I would always recommendfirst cleaning your model with dish washing detergent using an old toothbrush inorder to remove mould releasing agents, dust, oils from your fingers and liquidfluxes (if your model contains soldered PE parts) which might affect or bevisible through the basecoat. If your model has a lot of fine PE parts I woulduse an old paint brush to clean those delicate areas. Please note that the solderedareas will oxidize developing a bit of texture after you wash the model so donot clean it until you are ready to apply the basecoat. Afterwards place themodel onto a paper towel and let it dry overnight.

△ Photo 3-7 图片3-7
The JSU, T-34 and Tiger I models areexamples of some of the details and sub-assemblies that I keep separate whenpainting a model. Keeping these parts un-glued allows you to handle them forbetter positioning during the application of time-consuming effects such aschipping. Most of these parts can easily be held in place using Blu-Tak whileairbrushing the basecoat. Make sure that you cover areas where parts are tolater be glued using masking tape or liquid mask.

△ Photo 8 图片8
Let\'s use this E-50 as an example. Prior to airbrushing the basecoat I applied a few coats of primer over the largerphoto-etched parts. You will find that most paints adhere well to the plasticof injection moulded kits. Priming the whole kit will just give you another layer of paint that might only help to hide fine details.

△ Photo 9-10 图片9-10
(译者注:这个我们国内玩家有个普遍的认识就是“牛奶状”,其实什么是牛奶状我也拿捏不准。 所以对于新手来说,首先可以严格控制比例,然后再根据自己的喜好和喷出来的效果判断自己习惯稀一点还是浓一点。亚当这里提供了一个判断“牛奶状”的方法,就是观察流速,且算是一种参考方法吧。总之稀释比例这玩意,在做模型的时候真的是个玄学,无他,唯手孰尔。)
I mixed a tone representing a light redoxide primer using Tamiya paints. I kept the tone light as I knew theweathering steps applied after would darken it to a realistic looking primerred. I blended the tone to about one-part paint and two parts Lacquer thinner.Tipping the cup back and forth and viewing how quickly the paint runs back downthe side is a simple way for you to get an idea as to how much the paint isdiluted. How much you choose to thin the paint to your personal liking willcome with experience.

△ Photo 11-13 图片11-13
I usably set the regulator on my aircompressor to about 18 PSI when spraying a basecoat. You should always airbrushthe replica from at least four or five different angles (front, back right, andleft) to ensure that you have a good coat inside and around all of the details.As a result of this you will need to add numerous thin coats. It is importantthat your paint is properly diluted. Always keep your airbrush moving makingpasses with a circular motion evenly distributing the paint over the surfaceavoiding any buildup or puddles. I normally airbrush four to five even finecoats over the model.

△ Photo 14-16 图片14-16
Tape and paper along with old paintbrushesare great for holding and positioning parts during airbrushing. Old unneededitems such as this resin accessory are also great for securing parts. Thehatches were stuck to this accessory using Blu-Tak.

△ Photo17-19 图片17-19
An important thing to keep in mind whileapplying a basecoat is the angle of your airbrush. As in photo 17, always keepthe airbrush slanted and not perpendicular to the surface you are paintingespecially in corners. This will ensure that all of the overspray is blown awayfrom the models surface. Pointing your airbrush directly toward the part as inphoto 18 may result in overspray building up causing areas of fine texture.This texture can cause unwanted matt regions on satin and glossy finishes whilealso affecting some of the upcoming weathering steps such as washes forexample.

△ Photo 20-21 图片20-21
After obtaining a good smooth base coatover the entire model I will often brush different shades mixed form Lifecoloror Vallejo acrylics onto some of the different components for contrast. Modelersoften refer to this as “Paneling”. The black fenders on this example were alsobrush painted at this time.

△ Photo 22-25 图片22-25
These round vents are one example as to theadvantage of temporarily attaching components by means of Blu-Tak instead ofgluing them permanently. After airbrushing the basecoat I was able to removethis piece and quickly airbrush the light grey tone representing the zincphosphate primer. A few coats of Vallejo matt were used to finish the flatbase-coat insuring that the brush painted acrylics and primer red surfaces had aunified matt texture.
I strongly recommend that you always cleaneverything with dish washing detergent and warm water prior to airbrushing. Tryto keep as many components and sub-assemblies removable from the model aspossible. This will let you easily position the parts allowing for betterresults while also permitting you to save time during painting and weatheringas you will see. You can also see that a basecoat can consist of a few stepsaside from airbrushing such as brush painting details to get some contrastamongst parts. A few nice coats of matt varnish, in this case, also whereapplied. Let’s now move on to airbrushing a camouflage and some things toremember while doing so.
文 / Adam Wilder
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