在临床工作中,产伤,以及婴幼儿骨折,很多骨科医生并不知道如何处理。看到有移位的骨折,骨科医生就建议手术,甚或直接开刀手术,家属担心骨折对位不齐,会影响孩子的发育而左右医生的决策。本文结合儿童锁骨骨折临床实例在小儿骨科医生之间的讨论以及对Rang's Children's Fractures 4th Edition中关于婴幼儿锁骨骨折治疗的论述,希望对于骨科医生,妇产科医生以及患儿家属有一定的帮助作用。
中华骨科网-儿童骨科1群 微信群上的聊天记录
—————2022-08-31 —————
马扩助 临沂市第三人民医院 09:40

徐丰~开封市儿童医院 09:47
马扩助 临沂市第三人民医院 09:51
马扩助 临沂市第三人民医院 09:52

周晓康河北省儿童医院 09:53
只要耐心多解释清楚,看看半年后的片子,家属就会容易理解满意。 如果只是看近期的片子,外行是不会满意的
洪攀 武汉协和骨科 09:57
不满意 解释一下,毕竟没有手术指证,佛度有缘人,不信任你,也就不用太多废话。
马扩助 临沂市第三人民医院 09:57
@洪攀 武汉协和小儿骨科 谢谢
山大二院柳晓军 10:00
燕华—华新儿骨 10:10
ZRH 10:19

马扩助 临沂市第三人民医院 10:38
@燕华—华新儿骨 谢谢
吕洪海 10:38
马扩助 临沂市第三人民医院 10:38
@武汉协和医院骨科迮仁浩 谢谢
吕洪海 10:40
陈建松浙大儿院骨科 10:40
马扩助 临沂市第三人民医院 10:41
ZRH 10:41
洪攀 武汉协和骨科 10:42
@武汉协和医院骨科迮仁浩 这个是几岁的小朋友呀
ZRH 10:46

徐丰~开封市儿童医院 10:47
@临沂三院骨科马扩助 对于这个患儿,绷带可以经常紧一紧,别太松。
山大二院柳晓军 10:54
Tony 10:54
ZRH 10:56
Tony 11:02
陈建松浙大儿院骨科 11:04
Tony 11:05
ZRH 11:11
洪攀 武汉协和骨科 11:14
@武汉协和医院骨科迮仁浩 应该追求稳定,用锁定板固定,取髂骨,类似先天性锁骨假关节,上肢和下肢骨折不愈合应该治疗理念存在一定的差异。
Tony 11:23
洮河刀客 11:27
@临沂三院骨科马扩助 有一张图没发出来?看不到
马扩助 临沂市第三人民医院 11:29
洪攀 武汉协和骨科 11:29
@刘喜平-湖南省儿童医院骨科 不容有失,植骨稳妥。
马扩助 临沂市第三人民医院 11:30

Tony 11:30
[憨笑][强]@洪攀 武汉协和小儿骨科 现在的医生最担心的就是怕不稳妥,怕惹麻烦[微笑]。
洪攀 武汉协和骨科 11:31
吕洪海 11:32
洪攀 武汉协和骨科 11:33
吕洪海 11:34
Tony 11:34
打根克氏针需要广泛剥离骨膜吗?[捂脸] 术者那样的打法估计闭合都能打上。
小米虫 11:37
Tony 11:38
ZRH 11:40
Tony 11:42
吕洪海 11:45
Tony 11:48
洮河刀客 12:00
@临沂三院骨科马扩助 好的。谢谢你了
赵黎英华儿童骨科医生集团 12:02
下面是Rang's Children's Fractures 4th Edition中关于婴幼儿锁骨骨折治疗的论述。

Clavicle fractures are one of the most common injuries sustained during childbirth; children of large birth weight (greater than 4,000 g) and those with shoulder dystocia are at the highest risk. Infants who sustain a clavicle fracture may also sustain a brachial plexus injury because of nerve stretch (Erb palsy). The neonate with a clavicle fracture may present with an asymmetric Moro reflex or the appearance of a flail upper extremity.
Differentiating a neurologic injury from a clavicle fracture during the first few weeks of life can be extremely difficult, and the child may have both. Xray or ultrasound can diagnose the fracture, but clear neurologic assessment of the upper extremity may not be possible until the fracture has healed.

Ernst Moro (1874-1951):Dr. Moro was an Austrian pediatrician who described a defensive infantile reflex normally present in all infants/newborns up to 3 or 4 months of age. When the infant feels as if they are falling, they immediately abduct the arms, and then draw their arms across their chest in an embracing manner. An asymmetric Moro reflex may be secondary to neurologic injury or fracture.
Some children are born with a congenital pseudoarthrosis of the clavicle (Fig.6-3). This can easily be confused with a clavicle fracture and has instigated unnecessary child abuse work-ups. The painless swelling over the midshaft of the clavicle is often noted in infancy but may go undetected for years. The xray will show a smooth intact cortex at the site of pseudoarthrosis and not the jagged edges of acute fracture. A fracture will have abundant callus within a few weeks, and no callus will develop if it is a pseudoarthrosis.

Figure 6-3 Congenital pseudoarthrosis of the clavicle can easily be confused with a fracture. 图6-3先天性锁骨假关节易误诊为锁骨骨折。
The majority of children with clavicle congenital pseudoarthrosis do well with no treatment. However, if the patient does become symptomatic or the parents are unhappy with the appearance, resecting the pseudoarthrosis, bone grafting, and plating provide predictable union.
Children and Adolescents
Most clavicle fractures occur as a result of a fall directly on the shoulder with the arm at the side, but less commonly a fracture may occur as a result of a direct blow or a fall on an outstretched hand. Participation in contact sports such as football, rugby, wrestling, and hockey are responsible for the largest percentage of clavicle fractures in adolescence, but with our nation’s increased interest in extreme sports such as BMX, motocross, and mixed martial arts (MMA), we are seeing higher-energy fractures more frequently.
The examination of a child with a clavicle fracture is relatively straight forward given the superficial nature of the bone. Typically, the patient will present with the arm being held in an adducted position close to the body with the opposite hand supporting the injured extremity. The skin should be inspected for an open fracture or significant tenting (which has rarely been reported to erode through the skin). Typically, the clinical deformity, ecchymosis, swelling (Fig. 6-4), and point tenderness lead the physician to the diagnosis.

Figure 6-4 The clavicle is subcutaneous, making deformity noticeable. This patient has a healing right clavicle fracture. Patients need to be told about the size of callus that will appear (and later resorb). 图6-4 锁骨位皮下,因此畸形明显。此患者右侧锁骨骨折正在愈合。需告知患者将出现的骨痂大小(以及随后的再吸收)。
Limb threatening concerns associated with clavicle fractures and dislocations that need to be identified immediately include vascular injury (subclavian vessels), neurologic injury (brachial plexus), and injury to the mediastinal structures (esophagus, trachea, pleura, and lung) by angulated or displaced fragments.
Fractures can be complete, incomplete but angulated, or plastically deformed (Fig. 6-5). The very thick layer of periosteum surrounding the pediatric clavicle tends to maintain the alignment of the fracture, which typically leads to early union in infants and children. As children become teenagers, the periosteum no longer acts as a strong supporting structure leading to greater fracture displacement and a higher risk of non-union.


Lateral: Further subdivided by Dameron and Rockwood.
Note: The epiphysis and periosteum typically remain in place and the shaft displaces.

I: No significant displacement,I型:无明显移位

II: Mild displacement(<25%),II型:轻度移位(<25%)

III: Superior displacement(25%-100%),III型:向上移位(25%-100%)

IV: Posterior displacement,IV型:向后移位

V: Superior displacement (>100%),V型:向上移位(>100%)

VI: Inferior displacement,VI型:向下移位
Medial: Subdivision of medial clavicle fractures. The description of the fracture can be based on displacement of the shaft—anterior, posterior, of inferior.

A: Physeal fracture,A: 骺骨折

B: Sternoclavicular dislocation (rare),B: 胸锁关节脱位(少见)

C: Medial shaft fracture,C: 内侧骨干骨折
The basic types of fracture include medial, lateral, and midshaft fractures. Medial and lateral fractures have been further subdivided based on location of the fracture and displacement of the shaft (see “Classification of Pediatric Clavicle Fractures” for an overview of the sub-classifications).
The periosteum is much thicker, stronger, and less readily torn in a child than in an adult and continuity of the periosteum determines whether or not a fracture displaces. When displacement occurs, the intact hinge of periosteum can help or hinder reduction.
Infant clavicular fractures can be treated by pinning the shirtsleeve to the shirt (Fig. 6-6) or loosely wrapping the arm to the body with an elastic bandage for 2-3 weeks. This treatment provides some immobilization and pain relief and reminds people not to pick the baby up by the arm. Infantile fractures tend to heal well regardless of treatment. The associated injuries including brachial plexus palsy require more focused attention; however, these are difficult to evaluate until the fracture heals and motion can be better assessed.
婴幼儿锁骨骨折可以通过将患侧衣服袖子固定在衣服上(图 6-6)或用弹性绷带将手臂松散包裹固定于身体上2-3 周进行治疗。此固定可缓解疼痛,并提醒抱起患儿时不要提患儿的患肢。不管治疗与否,婴幼儿骨折往往愈合良好。(如并发臂丛神经损伤,则需特别注意;但是在骨折时很难进行评估,需待骨折愈合患侧上肢可以自主活动后,方可进行评估。)

Figure 6-6 An infant with a clavicle fracture can be treated by pinning the sleeve (of the injured side) to the body of the garment. A second option: wrap the limb to the trunk gently with an ACE bandage.图6-6.婴幼儿锁骨骨折可以通过将患侧衣服袖子固定在衣服上或用弹性绷带将手臂松散包裹固定于身体上治疗
Children and Adolescents
Current trends in orthopedic care suggest that treatment selection for midshaft clavicle fractures has become more controversial. Historically, indications for surgical fixation were relatively limited including open fractures and severely displaced fractures with significant skin tenting or neurovascular compromise.
With the publication of several randomized controlled trials in adult populations showing faster healing rates, lower non-union rates, and better functional outcomes with surgical intervention, many surgeons have been applying these “adult principles” to adolescent and pediatric patients. Currently, the literature is unclear as to which adolescent clavicle fractures should be fixed. As an institution, we trend toward non-operative treatment for the vast majority of clavicle fractures.
Nearly all minimally displaced clavicle fractures can be treated with a sling or a figure-of-8 brace (Table 6-2). A theoretical advantage of the figure-of-8 is that it potentially pulls the shoulders back minimizing fracture fragment overlap. A practical advantage is that it frees the extremity making simple daily tasks such as computing easier. Practical advantages of the sling, on the other hand, include its ease of use, ubiquitous availability, and cost effectiveness.
几乎所有轻微移位的锁骨骨折都可使用吊带或8字形绷带固定进行治疗(表 6-2)。8字形绷带可将肩部向后拉,从而最大限度地减少骨折片段的重叠,其优势是解放了肢体,可以完成日常简单的任务,比如写作业和使用电脑。而悬吊带固定的优势是方便获得、操作简单、实用、廉价。
Many clinical trials failed to show significant outcome differences between slings and figure-of-8 braces. As a result, there are regional preferences for one or the other.
许多临床试验并未证明前臂吊带和 8 字形绷带之间存在显著差异。因此,不同的区域的医生会有不同的选择。
“While surgical fixation may return athletes with displaced fracture to sport faster, we do not believe that the four to six weeks gained justifies the vastly greater treatment costs, risks of surgery, and likely need for implant removal (that will take them out of sports again) for most amateur athletes”
Table 6-2 Classic Dilemma: Sling versus Figure-of-8 Brace 表6-2典型困境:吊带还是8字绷带固定 | ||
Advantages优点 | Disadvantages缺点 | |
Sling,吊带固定: ![]() | Very inexpensive 特便宜 Easy to put on 容易佩戴 No pressure over fracture 骨折处无压迫 A few sizes fit all 几种尺码适合所有人 | No ability to pull fracture to length 不能恢复骨折长度 Hand is not free 手不自由 |
Figure-of-8, 8字绷带固定 ![]() | Can hold fracture better reduced (in theory) (理论上)可维持骨折复位 Hands free for activities 手自由活动 | Harder to put on 不容易佩戴 Focal pressure over fracture site 骨折局部有压迫 Need to keep multiple sizes in stock 需要库存多种尺寸 |
When a non-operative approach is utilized, the fracture is protected for 4-6 weeks, with contact sports avoided for another 6 weeks. As in most simple injuries, half the treatment consists of educating the parents about the normal course. An unsightly lump may appear with fracture healing (callus) and will potentially persist for a year while remodeling progresses (we tell parents that the lump may be the size of a walnut or an egg—Fig.6-7).
当采用非手术方法时,骨折固定 4-6 周,另外6周内避免碰撞运动。与大多数简单的损伤一样,一半的治疗包括对患儿父母进行正常骨折愈合过程的教育。在骨折愈合(骨痂)时可能会出现难看的包块,并且在重塑过程中可能会持续一年(我们应该告诉患儿父母,包块可能有核桃或鸡蛋那么大(图 6-7)。
Figure 6-7 Significantly overlapped midshaft clavicle fracture in a teenager. We warn patients that the resulting callus may be the size of a walnut (or even an egg in a teenager). With time, most fractures remodel nicely.图 6-7 青少年明显重叠的中段锁骨骨折。我们应该告知患者,由此产生的骨痂组织可能有核桃大小(有的可能有鸡蛋大小)。随着时间的推移,大多数骨折都能很好地重塑。
Although x-rays of a fracture healing in bayonet opposition may frighten the parents, studies have shown that a significant amount of angulation and overlap can be accepted. Once the fracture is non-tender and there is radiographic healing, the patient may slowly return to sports. Final x-rays are usually obtained at 4-6 weeks after injury; if there are concerns of a developing non-union, longer follow-up becomes necessary.
Surgical Reduction?
There are four primary concerns that drive patients and their families toward surgery:
1. Concern that a malunion will lead to functional deficits
2. Concern about developing a non-union
3. The cosmetic concerns discussed previously
4. The concern that a non-operative approach will take longer to heal
Concerns over a symptomatic malunion are possibly the strongest indication for surgery, but still not well validated in the pediatric or adolescent literature. Various criteria for surgery have been proposed including complete displacement, greater than 2 cm of shortening, and comminuted fracture patterns. Our institution, as well as Boston Children’s Hospital, have published studies showing that patients treated non-operatively (even with significant displacement and shortening) have no significant functional deficits and are able to return to high levels of overhead sport. Taking into consideration that the rare established symptomatic malunion can still be managed with late surgery with good outcomes, nearly all of these fractures can be treated without surgery.

Figure 6-8 Although rare, clavicle nonunions can occur in children.
Although non-unions have been reported in as many as 15% of completely displaced clavicle fractures in the adult population, they remain an extremely rare complication in pediatric patients with less than a dozen cases having been reported in the literature (Fig. 6-8). Over the last 10 years, our institution has treated hundreds of midshaft clavicle fractures and we have only observed three non-unions all of which were successfully managed with local bone graft and plate fixation. We, therefore, do not believe that nonunion concerns in adolescent patients, even with displaced fracture patterns, justify acute surgery.
Although surgical fixation may return athletes with displaced fracture to sport faster, we do not believe that the 4-6 weeks gained justifies the vastly greater treatment costs, risks of surgery, and likely need for implant removal (that will take them out of sports again) for most amateur athletes.
For the rare midshaft clavicle fracture requiring surgery, plate fixation can be used for all fracture patterns. The rigid construct enables early mobilization and a rapid return to sports. Some centers are now using intramedullary stabilization with elastic nails for non-comminuted fracture patterns (Fig. 6-9); this minimizes the scar that results from open treatment. To date, no study has compared the results of plate fixation to intramedullary fixation in the pediatric population.

Figure 6-9 Intramedullary devices offer an alternative to plate fixation for the rare surgical fracture. (Image courtesy of Chris Souder, MD.)罕见锁骨骨折手术,使用弹性锁骨髓内钉代替钢板内固定。
Dameron and Rockwood suggest that Type I, II, and III distal clavicle fractures will heal and remodel without intervention. Reduction and fixation of these lateral-sided injuries is only necessary for Types IV, V, and VI that have a severe and fixed deformity. Distal clavicle injuries in pediatric patients are usually transphyseal fractures and not true AC separations (as seen in adults). The intact periosteum allows children to heal and remodel with few complications without operative intervention.
Most lateral clavicle fractures are adequately treated with a sling or figure-of-8 brace for 3 weeks followed by an additional period in which contact sports are avoided. Early range of motion should be started as soon as pain allows. Complex harness/brace devices designed to reduce clavicle fractures (Kenny Howard type harness) are rarely used in children.
Complex harness/brace devices designed to reduce clavicle fractures (Kenny Howard type harness) are rarely used in children.
用于减少锁骨骨折的复杂安全带/支撑装置(Kenny Howard型安全带)很少用于儿童。

Figure 6-10 Posteriorly displaced medial clavicle fracture with the medial end of the clavicle driven posteriorly into the chest.锁骨内侧骨折向后移位,使锁骨内侧端向后进入胸腔。
When surgical fixation is potentially required (Type IV, V, or VI injuries), controversy exists as to the optimal fixation technique with some favoring Kirschner wires, others hook plates, pre-contoured lateral clavicle plates, coracoclavicular fixation devices, or a combination thereof (Table 6-3). In the rare circumstance where pin fixation is used, we advocate significantly bending the pin outside the skin to minimize wire migration and weekly clinical evaluations until the pins have been removed (typically 3-4 weeks). The literature indicates that there can be significant complications from pin migration, including death. We believe each of these cases must be approached on an individual basis based on the size and comminution of the fracture fragments.
当需要手术固定时(IV、V或VI型骨折),采取何种固定技术存在争议,有人喜欢用克氏针,另有人喜欢钩板、预弯外侧锁骨板、喙锁固定装置或它们的组合(表 6-3)。在罕有的髓内针固定时,我们主张将针的一端折弯留置皮肤外侧,以防固定针移位,并且每周随访直至固定针去除(一般需要 3-4 周)。文献表明,固定针移位可能会导致严重的并发症,甚至死亡。我们认为,每个病例都应该根据骨折粉碎程度以及骨折块的大小,遵循个体化治疗原则,决定治疗方案。

Almost all medial clavicle fractures in patients under age 18 years appear to be SC dislocations, but in fact, most are transphyseal injuries. As noted earlier, the epiphyseal ossification center does not appear until age 18 years and may fuse as late as age 25 years. If the shaft displaces anteriorly, the chances of remodeling are excellent, with minimal risk to vital structures.
If the clavicle displaces posteriorly, the mediastinal structures are at risk (Fig.6-10). These fractures may be difficult to recognize (the patient may complain of medial clavicle or sternal pain with difficulty swallowing or breathing). In suspected cases, a CT scan is necessary for diagnosis. If the study shows any impingement, or vascular compromise, the fracture should be reduced under general anesthesia with a vascular surgeon available.
“Open reduction should be performed if stable reduction cannot be achieved”
Reduction of a posteriorly displaced medial fracture can usually be accomplished in a closed fashion. A bolster placed between the shoulder blades elevates the anterior chest. In thin patients, the surgeon can place his/her fingers behind the clavicle. Upward pressure with the arm abducted, externally rotated, and extended can relocate the displaced clavicle (Fig. 6-11).
锁骨内侧后移位骨折通常可以进行闭合复位。两侧肩胛骨间置垫,抬高胸部。体瘦患者,医生可置其手指于锁骨后。上臂外展,外旋和伸直,可复位移位骨折。(图6-11 )。

Figure 6-11 A. A 14-year-old male who sustained a posteriorly displaced medial clavicle fracture. B. The plain radiograph suggests injury. C. A CT scan confirms posterior displacement (arrow). D. In thin patients, the clavicle can sometimes be reduced using manual manipulation with traction on the arm. Closed reduction was successful in this patient. He was then placed into a figure-of-8 brace. A.14岁男性,锁骨内侧骨折向后移位。B.X线片显示骨折移位。C.CT扫描显示锁骨骨折向后移位(箭头)。D.体瘦患者,可通过手臂牵引,手法复位锁骨骨折。该患者闭合复位成功后行8字绷带固定。
If closed reduction fails, or the reduction is unstable, open reduction should be performed. A strong #5 suture through the medial clavicle and sternum anteriorly in a figure-8 fashion is usually adequate to stabilize the SC joint. It is prudent to have a trauma or thoracic surgeon available during stabilization in case of hemorrhage; this is a rare complication but is life threatening if inadequate resources are available to stop and correct the blood loss.
如果闭合复位失败,或复位不稳定,应进行开放复位。用强力#5 缝合线以 8 字形将锁骨内侧和胸骨前方缝合足以稳定胸锁关节。如有出血,在手术复位时最好有创伤医生或胸外科医生在场;此并发症罕见,但如果没有足够医疗资源止血和纠正失血,就会危及生命。
The vast majority of pediatric clavicle fractures can be treated conservatively, but the surgeon must recognize the few fractures that will benefit from open reduction.