
New mold set up working checklist
# | Check point(确认点检单元) | YES | NO | |
1 | Is mold set up guy already got qualification from Flextronics training?上模者是否取得公司培训部门的资格认证 | |||
Pre-works | 2 | Is corrected mold will be set up?是否正确就是要上的模具? | ||
3 | Is eye ring fit to eye bolt and enough?是否准备匹配和足够数量的吊环? | |||
4 | Is Crane is ready?天车是否准备好? | |||
5 | Are set up tools ready?上模工具是否准备好? | |||
6 | How many KO hole for KO rod or pull back rod?顶杆或拉杆孔的数量? | |||
7 | If enough KO rods or pull back rods are prepared?是否准备足够数量的顶杆或拉杆? | |||
8 | If all the KO rods or pull back rods are same size?是否所有顶杆或拉杆都是同样规格? | |||
9 | Have any warp, bent or thread damage KO rod or pull back rod?是否发现有弯曲变形或者螺纹损坏的顶杆或拉杆? | |||
10 | If the mold core side and cavity side is locked by mold-lock?前后模是否锁上? | |||
11 | If enough nibs,hoses and connectors are prepared?是否准备足够的水嘴,水管和接头? | |||
12 | If the mold will run by hot water or hot oil?本套模具是否需要跑热水或热油? | |||
13 | If the mold will run by steam-assisted?本套模具是否需要跑蒸汽辅助? | |||
14 | If this mold need to prepare high temperature and high pressure water hose?本套模具需要准备高温高压水管吗? | |||
15 | If this mold need to prepare special connectors or nibs?本套模具是否需要特制的接头或水嘴? | |||
16 | Need to prepare 2 sets of mold temperature controller for this mold or not?本套模具是否需要2台模温机? | |||
17 | Need to prepare chiller for this mold or not?本套模具是否需要准备冷水机? | |||
18 | Need to prepare hot-runner controller for this mold or not?本套模具是否需要准备热流道控制器? | |||
19 | Need to prepare core pull out system for this mold or not? 本套模具是否需要提供抽芯功能? | |||
20 | Need to prepare EXTRA core pull out device for this mold or not? 本套模具是否需要提供额外的抽芯设备? | |||
21 | Need to prepare air-valve or air resource for this mold or not?本套模具是否需要气阀或汽源? | |||
22 | How many safety limit switches in the mold?本套模具的安全限位开关的数量? | |||
23 | If this mold fit to set up on the injection machine according to the mold size?根据模具的尺寸大小是否可以上机? | |||
24 | If this mold fit to set up on the injection machine according to machine functionalities?根据注塑机的功能是否可以匹配模具的需要? | |||
25 | If CRANE 100% safety for this mold?天车是否绝对安全? | |||
26 | If safety cap is ready?是否准备好了安全帽? |
New mold set up working instruction(新模上模作业指导)
Mold set up working | 27 | Make sure the horizontal level moving by CRANE on the topside of the injection machine.确保模具保持水平状态使用天车移到注塑机的上方。 | YES | NO |
28 | HAVE to remember: need to option” mold setting" mode for mold loading and unloading working.必须记住:在上下模作业时,必须选择“低压装模”模式。 | |||
29 | Make sure location ring of the mold and injection machine is matched.确认模具的定位环与机器的定位全匹配。 | |||
30 | Don't forget fitting the mold to front clamp-plate first everytime.Then close mold in low pressure and mold height adjusting,some machine has automatic mold height adjustment function).不要忘记每次上模必须先贴往前模板,在低压关模调整模厚(有些机器有自动模厚调整功能)。 | |||
31 | Mold height adjustment finished, then tie up clamping grippers on fit side first,need to avoid conflicted water line. Don’t forget: grippers quantity defined is:400t below 4pcs for each side; exceed 400t to 600t 6pcs for each side, need to add more grippers if the machine is exceed 600t. 模厚调整完成后,先打紧前模码仔,不要与水路冲突。码仔数量的定义:一般400吨以下注塑机前后模各打4个;大于400吨到600吨的机器应该前后模个上6个码仔;如果机器大于600吨的记住多加码仔更安全。 | |||
32 | Tighten up fix side clamp grippers, then started to hook up KO pin or pull back rods, HAVE to remember NEVER use bent, warp or de-thread pull back pin or bolt and nut for ejector-plate. All the KO pin, pull back pin bolt and nuts need consistency size. 打紧前模码仔后,就开始连接顶杆或拉杆,千万要记住:绝对不能使用弯曲的,变形的,滑牙的顶杆,拉杆,螺丝和螺母,所有顶杆,拉杆,螺丝和螺母规格要一致。 | |||
33 | Every mold without early-return HAVE to hook up pull back rods.所有没有早回装置的模具都必须连接拉杆。 | |||
34 | Tie up rear clamp grippers without conflict to water line. 打紧后模码仔记得不要与水路冲突。 | |||
35 | When tighten up rear clamp grippers ,HAVE to remember unlock the mold-lock; Open the mold in low pressure ready for water hose or hot water(hot oil) hook up. HAVE to remember: mold loading and unloading job need to be done under "mold setting"mode.打紧后模码仔后,必须记得松开锁模块,然后低压开模准备接水管(热水管或者热油管),必须记住:在上下模作业中,从开始到结束都必须在“模具安装”模式下进行的。 | |||
36 | Water line connection HAVE to keep in mind:1>"IN""OUT"mark and channel mark need to clearly understand;2>need to blowing up and checking and make sure is no jammed inside water line before hook up the water hose;3> NEVER allowed looping connection water line;4>Every cavity need to make sure same water flowing direction;5>Make sure same length of water hose for every cavity;6>Need to separately control cavity side and core side by two mold controller.7>Need to separately controll block insert and mold base./接水路时必须牢牢记住:1〉认清“进”“出”和渠道号;2〉接水管前用气枪吹吹看看水路有否堵住;3〉各个模穴绝对不允许搭管连接;4〉每个模穴号确保一样的水流方向;5〉确保每个模穴的水管长度一致;6〉前后模必须分开控制温度;7〉模腔与模胚要分开控制温度。 | |||
37 | Safety limit switch connection: need to hook up every safety limit switch if the mold with. Normally every plastic mold sure be have at least one or two limit switch for ejector plate return. If found without any limit switch or early-return device for ejector-plate please report to supervisor. Notice: normally for safety limit switch connection, need to paper formally ask for facility's support.安全限位开关连接:只要是模具上配有的安全限位开关都必须连接,通常塑胶模具都会配有至少1个或者2个安全限位开关给顶针板复位.如果发现没有限位开关又没有早回装置的必须向主管汇报。注意:对于安全限位开关,通常应该正式的书面要求设备部协助。 | |||
38 | Hot runner controller connection:1>Need to clearly to know how many heat zones with the mold;2>Need to option matching hot runner controller and cable;3>Need to correctly to hook up male and female connector between mold and hot runner controller;4>If connector in the mold not match to the linking cable, need to paper formally ask for facility replace of correct standard connector,no allowed to replace the connector of the cable. 热流道控制器连接:1〉必须很清楚地了解模具需要多少段热源;2〉必须选配合适的控制器和电源连接线;3〉模具与热控制器之间的母座与公座要连接正确;4〉如果没有合适的接头匹配模具,应该书面要求设备部更换模具那端的母座与公座使其统一化标准化,而不是更换电源连接线那头的接头。 | |||
39 | Air valve for valve pin connection, HAVE to keep in mind:1>for the mold with valve-pin, NEVER hook up air source for valve-pin before hot runner heating up;2>At least 3min after hot runner heating up reach to process temperature, hook up air-source to the valve-pin switch but no need immediately switch on the motion option. 3> Molding technician will later turn on the motion option and adjust the air-pressure.封胶针气阀连接,必须牢牢记住:1〉对于带有封胶针的模具,在热流道温度升温到加工温度时绝对不能连接汽源;2〉在热流道升温到加工温度至少3分钟后可以连接汽源但不必要马上打开动作功能;3>注塑技术员将会打开气阀功能和调节气压。 | |||
40 | Mold surface cleaning Don’t forget to clean the mold surface with virgin cotton or cleaner, never cleaning the mold surface with dirty rag or dirty cotton. ( 模面清洗时必须使用新的棉花或者洗模水,决不使用脏的碎布或者脏的棉花) |
...就来给大家一一介绍一下:冲压模具的两部分,上模,下模上模 上模是整副冲模的上半部,即安装于压力机滑块上的冲模部分。上模座 上模座是上模最上面的板状零件,工件时紧贴压力机滑块,并通过模柄或直接与压力...