材料成分分析方法(纺织品测试:成份结构分析测试标准 瑞锋仪器整理)


篇首语:学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了材料成分分析方法(纺织品测试:成份结构分析测试标准 瑞锋仪器整理)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

材料成分分析方法(纺织品测试:成份结构分析测试标准 瑞锋仪器整理)

Yarn Counts 纱支

ASTM D1059 Standard Test Method for Yarn Number Based on Short-Length Specimens基于短长度样品的纱线支数的标准试验方法

BS 5441 Methods of test for knitted fabrics针织品试验方法

ASTM D1907 Standard Test Method for Linear Density of Yarn (Yarn Number) by the Skein Method用绞纱法测定纱线性密度(纱线支数)的标准试验方法

AS 2001.2.23 Methods of test for textiles – physical tests – determination of linear density of textile yarn from packages纺织品测试方法.物理测试.从包装中测定纺织纱线的线性密度

CAN / CGSB-4.2 No. 5.2 Textile Test Methods Linear Density of Yarn in SI Units纺织品试验方法.计量单位中纱的线性密度

ASTM D1059 Standard Test Method for Yarn Number Based on Short-Length Specimens基于短长度样品的纱线支数的标准试验方法

BS 2865 Methods for determination of linear density of yarn removed from fabric 从织物上取下的纱线性密度的测定方法

BS ISO 7211-5 Textiles - Woven fabrics - Construction - Methods of analysis - Determination of linear density of yarn removed from fabric纺织品.机织物.结构.分析方法.从织物中取出的纱线线性密度的测定

ISO 2060 Textiles-Yarn from packages-Determination of linear density (mass per unit length) by the skein method纺织品-卷装纱-用绞纱法测定线密度(单位长度的质量)

BS/DIN EN ISO 2060 Yarn from packages - Determination of linear density (mass per unit length) by the skein method包装纱线 - 用绞纱法测定线密度(每单位长度的质量)

Starch Content 淀粉含量

By Enzyme Method 酶分析法

Identification of Dyestuff 染料鉴定

By Qualitative Analysis 定性分析

Yarn Twist 纱捻度

AS 2001.2.14 Methods of test for textiles – physical tests – determination of twist in yarns纺织品试验方法-物理试验-纱线捻度的测定

ISO 2061 Textiles - Determination of twist in yarns - Direct counting method纺织品.纱线捻度的测定.直接计数法

ASTM D1422 Standard Test Method for Twist in Single Spun Yarns by the Untwist-Retwist Method单纱捻度的标准测试方法--未捻-再捻法

ASTM D1423 Standard Test Method for Twist in Yarns by Direct-Counting直接计数法测试纱线的捻度的标准方法

DIN/BS EN ISO 2061 Textiles - Determination of twist in yarns - Direct counting method


CAN / CGSB-4.2 No. 8.2 Textile test methods Textiles - Determination of twist in yarns - Direct counting method纺织品测试方法 纺织品 - 测定纱线的捻度 - 直接计数法

Fibre Analysis 纤维分析

JIS L1030-2 Testing methods for quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures of textiles -- Part 2: Testing methods for quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures纺织品纤维混合物定量分析的试验方法.第2部分:纤维混合物定量分析的试验方法

CAN/CGSB-4.2 No.14 Textile Test Methods Quantitative Analysis of Fibre Mixtures Supersedes纺织品试验方法.纤维混合定量分析

AATCC 20A Test Method for Fiber Analysis: Quantitative纤维分析测试方法:定量

ASTM D629 Standard Test Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Textiles纺织品定量分析的标准试验方法

ISO 17751 Textiles - Quantitative analysis of cashmere, wool, other specialty animal fibers and their blends - Part 2: Scanning Electron Microscopy method纺织品.羊绒,羊毛,其他特种动物纤维及其混纺织物的定量分析.第2部分: 扫描电子显微镜法

By Infra-red 红外光谱分析法

By Chemical 化学分析法

Mercerisation in Cotton 棉丝光处理

AATCC 89 Test Method for Mercerization in Cotton棉花丝光的测试方法

Fabric Width布匹幅宽

ASTM D3774 Standard Test Methods for Width of Textile Fabric纺织品宽度的标准试验方法

BS 1930 Method for Determination of Width of Woven or Knitted Fabrics When Relaxed at Zero Tension零张力松弛时机织物或针织物宽度的测定方法

AS 2001.2.12 Methods of test for textiles - Physical tests - Determination of width of fabrics纺织品试验方法.第2部分:物理实验.如2001.2.12纺织品宽度测量

ISO 3932 Textiles; Woven fabrics; Measurement of width of pieces纺织品 机织物 匹幅宽的测量

EN 1773 Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length纺织物.织物.幅宽和长度测定

CAN / CGSB-4.2 No. 4 纺织品试验方法,纱和线长度的测定

BS / DIN EN 1773 Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length纺织物.织物.幅宽和长度测定

ISO 22198 Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length纺织品. 织物长度和幅宽的测定

BS EN 22198Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length纺织品. 织物长度和幅宽的测定

Length of Thread (per cone) 线长度 (每筒)

ASTM D204 Standard Test Methods for Sewing Threads缝纫线的标准试验方法

Crimp or Take Up of Yarn 纱线绉缩或织缩率

ASTM D3883 Standard Test Method for Yarn Crimp or Yarn Take-up in Woven Fabrics机织织物中纱线卷曲性或织缩性的标准试验方法

BS 2863 Determination of Crimp of Yarn in Fabric织物中纱线卷曲度的测定

ISO 7211-3 Textiles — Woven fabrics — Construction — Methods of analysis — Part 3: Determination of crimp of yarn in fabric纺织品.机织物.结构.分析方法.第3部分: 测定织物中纱线的卷曲度

BS ISO 7211-3 Textiles - Woven fabrics - Construction - Methods of analysis - Determination of crimp of yarn in fabric纺织品.机织物.结构.分析方法.织物纱线卷曲性的测定

Extractable Matter Soxhlet Extraction 可萃取物

ASTM D 2257 Standard Test Method for Extractable Matter in Textiles纺织材料中可萃取物的试验方法

BS 1425-1 Appendix B Cleanliness of fillings and stuffings for bedding, upholstery and other domestic articles - Specification for fillings and stuffings other than feather and/or down床上用品、室内装饰品和其他家用制品的填充料的清洁度.羽毛/羽绒除外的填充料规范

AATCC 97 Test Method for Extractable Content of Textiles纺织品可萃取物含量的测试方法

ASTM D3495(leather) Standard Test Method for Hexane Extraction of Leather皮革制品中己烷萃取的标准试验方法

TM 136 ISO 4048(leather) Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of matter soluble in dichloromethane and free fatty acid content皮革.化学试验.可溶于二氯甲烷的物质和游离脂肪酸含量的测定

Terry to Ground Ratio 毛圈经密与地经密度比

ISO 7211-3 Textiles — Woven fabrics — Construction — Methods of analysis — Part 3: Determination of crimp of yarn in fabric纺织品.机织物.结构.分析方法.第3部分: 测定织物中纱线的卷曲度

EN 14697 Annex C Textiles - Terry towels and terry towel fabrics - Specifications and methods of test纺织品.丝绒毛巾和丝绒毛巾织物.规范和试验方法

Moisture Content/Regain 水分含量/回潮率

IWTO 33 洗净毛或炭化毛的绝干重量与计算发票重量的确定

IWTO 34 羊毛条烘箱绝干重量、计算发票重量和销售重量的测定

ASTM D2654 Standard Test Methods for Moisture in Textiles


ASTM D1576 (wool) Standard Test Method for Moisture in Wool by Oven-Drying利用炉烘干法测定羊毛内水分的标准试验方法

Fabric Weight 布料重量

JIS L-1096 Testing methods for woven and knitted fabrics织物和针织物的试验方法

CAN / CGSB-4.2 No. 5.1 Textile Test Methods Unit Mass of Fabrics纺织品试验方法

ASTM D3776 Standard Test Methods for Mass Per Unit Area (Weight) of Fabric织物单位面积质量(重量)的标准试验方法

BS 2471 Paper and board - Determination of opacity (paper backing) - Diffuse reflectance method纸和纸板.不透明度(纸板背衬)的测定.漫反射法

ASTM D3776 Standard Test Methods for Mass Per Unit Area (Weight) of Fabric织物单位面积质量(重量)的标准试验方法

BS/DIN EN 12127 Textile fabrics - Determination of mass per unit area using small samples纺织织物.用小样品测定单位面积质量

JIS L-1018 Test methods for knitted fabrics针织物试验方法

AS 2001.2.13 Methods of test for textiles - Physical tests - Determination of mass per unit area and mass per unit length of fabrics纺织品试验方法.第2部分:物理试验.纺织品每单位面积质量和每单位长度质量的测量

ISO 3801 Textiles - Woven fabrics - Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area) 纺织品. 机织物. 单位长度重量和单位面积重量的测定

JIS L-1096 Testing methods for woven and knitted fabrics织物和针织物的试验方法

AS 2001.2.13 Methods of test for textiles - Physical tests - Determination of mass per unit area and mass per unit length of fabrics纺织品试验方法.第2部分:物理试验.纺织品每单位面积质量和每单位长度质量的测量

ISO 3801 Textiles - Woven fabrics - Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area) 纺织品. 机织物. 单位长度重量和单位面积重量的测定

Measuring Bow & Skew扭曲及歪斜量度

ASTM D3882编织物和针织物中扭纹和斜纹的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Bow and Skew in Woven and Knitted Fabrics

BS 2819 Methods for determination of Bow, skew and lengthway distortion in knitted fabrics针织物弯曲、歪斜和纵向变形的测定方法

Determination of Skew扭曲及歪斜

NF G07 163 Textile - test for fabrics – measurement of angular spacing纺织品.织物试验.角间距的测量

NF G07 168 Textile. Test foe knitted fabrics. Evaluation of snarling through measurement of the step – aside angle编织纤维试验.通过测量偏离角评定织物缠结

Fabric Thickness布料厚度

DIN / BS EN ISO 5084 Textiles-Determination of thickness of textiles and textile products纺织品.纺织品和纺织制品厚度的测定

AS 2001.2.15 (A) Methods of test for textiles - Physical tests - Determination of thickness of textile fabrics纺织品试验方法2.15:物理试验.纺织品厚度测量

ASTM D1777 Standard Test Method for Thickness of Textile Materials测量纺织材料的厚度标准试验方法

BS 2544 Methods for Determination of Thickness of Textile Materials纺织材料厚度的测定方法

ISO 5084 Textiles-Determination of thickness of textiles and textile products纺织品.纺织品和纺织制品厚度的测定

Threads per Unit Length (Woven Fabric Construction)织物密度 (机织物)

EN 1049-2 Textiles-Woven fabrics-Construction-Methods of analysis-Part 2;Determination of number of threads per unit length纺织品.机织物结构.分析方法.第2部分:单位长度纱线数的测定

ASTM D3775 Standard Test Method for Warp (End) and Filling (Pick) Count of Woven Fabrics机织物经纱(端部)和纬纱数(挑选)的标准试验方法

ISO 7211-2 Textiles - Woven fabric - Construction - Method of analysis - Part 2: Determination of number of threads per unit length纺织品. 机织物. 结构. 分析方法. 第2部分:单位长度纱线数的测定

BS ISO 7211-2 Textiles-Woven fabrics-Construction-Methods of analysis-Part 2:Determination of number of threads per unit length纺织品.机织物.结构.分析方法.第2部分:单位长度纱线根数的测定

NF/DIN/BS EN 1049-2 Textiles-Woven fabrics-Construction-Methods of analysis-Part 2;Determination of number of threads per unit length纺织品.机织物结构.分析方法.第2部分:单位长度纱线数的测定

CAN / CGSB-4.2 No. 6 Textile test methods Textiles - Woven fabrics - Construction - Methods of analysis - Part 2: Determination of number of threads per unit length

AS 2001.2.5 Methods of test for textiles - Physical tests - Determination of the number of threads per unit length in woven fabric纺织品的试验方法.物理试验..机织物每单位长度纤维数的测定

Stitich Density (Knitted Fabric Construction) 织物密度 (针织物)

BS 5441 Methods of test for knitted fabrics针织品试验方法

ASTM D3887 Standard Specification for Tolerances for Knitted Fabrics针织物公差的标准规范

AS 2001.2.6 Method of test for textiles method 2.6: physical test – determination of the methods of walls and courses per unit length in knitted fabric纺织品测试方法,方法 2.6:物理测试 - 针织面料中每单位长度的 WALES 和 Courses 数量的测定

CAN/CGSB-4.2 NO. 7 Textile Test Methods Knitted Fabric Count - Wales and Courses per Centimeter纺织品试验方法.每厘米针织品的密度

Type of Weave 梭织品织法分类

ISO 7211-1 presentation of a weave diagram and plans for drafting, denting and lifting展示编织图和牵伸、凹陷和提升计划

BS 2861 Presentation of a Weave Diagram and Plans for Drafting, Denting and Lifting展示编织图和牵伸、凹陷和提升计划

深圳市瑞锋仪器有限公司,是一家专注于开发、生产及销售高端纺织测试仪器及耗材的专业化、高科技公司。公司坐落于中国深圳,一座年轻、漂亮、富有活力的创新型科技城市。公司产品覆盖绝大部分纺织品物理性测试方法和标准,同时也开发出多款功能性检测仪器,技术优势明显。公司还在纺织测试耗材领域颇有成就,已经独立开发出多款极具竞争力的测试耗材,诸如纺织品耐酚黄变测试耗材、钉锤勾丝羊毛毡套、起球测试专用软木垫等,已广泛应用于很多检测实验室。 “以人为本、科技创新、质量第一、客户优先”是瑞锋矢志不渝坚持的理念。
















海绵阻燃等级划分标准(内饰阻燃分析(附GB 8410测试数据))


海绵阻燃等级划分标准(内饰阻燃分析(附GB 8410测试数据))


