本项目坐落于横滨阪东桥地区,由Roovice事务所与Araki + Sasaki architects事务所合作设计,旨在将一栋拥有50年历史的老房子改造为一座具有实用功能的小屋。建筑所在地块面积较大,本项目则位于该地块的一角,且连接本项目与街道的所有通道目前都被地块上被其他建筑占用了。这种特殊的场地条件使得小屋与社区道路隔绝,为本项目的改造增加了难度。
In Bandobashi, a neighbourhood of Yokohama, Roovice collaborated with the studio Araki + Sasaki architects to renovate a scattered 50-year old building in a hut-like house. The building is located in a corner big plot, where all the accesses from the roads were and still are currently occupied by other constructions. This peculiar condition left the scattered hut without a direct connection to the street, which limited the solutions for the project.
▼项目概览,overall of the project © Akira Nakamura

事实上,设计团队的第一个想法是拆除场地上遗留下来的建筑废墟,并在现有的临街建筑的后部新建一座Roovice专属的材料与工具仓库。但这个想法是不可行的,因为日本的建筑法规禁止在不能通车的场地上新建建筑。因此,唯一可能的解决办法是修复场地上受损的建筑。如上所述,现有的建筑由于缺乏维护而倒塌,而唯一的主要结构却保留了下来。从外围墙到室内的所有其他建筑元素都因过于破旧而无法修复。改造设计由Roovice事务所与Araki + Sasaki architects事务所合作完成,Roovice事务所专攻室内而Araki + Sasaki architects事务所则负责建筑外观。两家工作室都希望为该建筑创造出有趣的空间氛围,并让租户能够根据自己的需求扩大现有的空间。
In fact, the first idea was to demolish the leftover ruins and build a second warehouse for Roovice’ tools and materials anew, behind the existing one facing the street. This was not permitted though due to the Japanese constructions laws that doesn’t allow new erections without a viable vehicle access to them. Hence, the only possible solution was to renovate the wrecked building. As mentioned above, the existing construction was left to pieces due to a lack of maintenance and collapsed while somehow the only primary structure remained standing. All the other elements, from the perimeter walls to the interiors were too deteriorated to be repaired. The project was developed together with Araki+Sasaki architects: the interior has been designed and constructed by Roovice, while Araki+Sasaki focused on the exterior. The two studios shared the idea of creating a fun space which could have been expanded by the tenants.
▼厨房与浴室位于单独的扩建体量中,The kitchen and bathroom are located in the extension volume © Akira Nakamura

For the outside, the architect saw this opportunity as the best chance to experiment with their latest constructive method called moktankan : a modular system based on wooden clamp-connected pipes with multiple shapes possible that can find a use in a large variety of ways. The idea is coming from the metal scaffolding normally seen on construction sites, with this being much lighter thanks to the wood, and potentially a permanent structure.
▼“moktankan”由于木管与金属连接节点组成,a modular system based on wooden clamp-connected pipes © Akira Nakamura

▼混凝土基座与木制平台,the concrete base of the house and the wooden platform © Akira Nakamura

Following the intention of creating an entertaining space, the project wanted to recall a past kids playground and its typical jungle gym with wooden pipes replacing the metal ones. This was placed halfway through the entrance area, creating an inside and outside volume at the same time. During the construction, the architects decided to change the function from a warehouse to a dwelling, with a big enough entrance that could host different activities: from an exhibition space to an atelier, the moktankan helps to give the ambience the freedom of adding and removing elements according to the needs.
▼玄关,entrance © Akira Nakamura

▼“moktankan”装置细部,details of the moktankan © Akira Nakamura

Being a relatively small building, the floor plan is minimal but efficient: the existing structural elements define the bedroom and living, while both kitchen and bathroom have been enclosed in an expansion box each. A wooden deck develops along the south facade of the building and the concrete base, providing a pleasant atmosphere for the garden and the moktankan. For the facade, the corrugated sheets resemble an old Japanese warehouse and reduce the budget. Similarly, the corrugated plexiglass in the doma keeps the typical image and maintains harmony with the exterior material.
the other side of the entrance © Akira Nakamura

viewing the entrance from interior © Akira Nakamura

▼水波纹有机玻璃板与波纹金属板外立面相呼应,the water corrugated plexiglas panels echo corrugated metal panels on the facade © Akira Nakamura

▼室内概览,overall of interior © Akira Nakamura

▼厨房位于扩建的“盒子”中,the kitchen is located in the “box” of the extension © Akira Nakamura

▼保留下来的原始木制结构,the original wooden structure of the old house © Akira Nakamura

▼厨房,kitchen © Akira Nakamura

▼房屋的原始结构界定出起居室与卧室,the original structure of the house defines the living room from the bedroom © Akira Nakamura

▼室内细部,detail of interior © Akira Nakamura

Regarding the interiors, all the materials used for the project came from the leftovers of the nearby Roovice’ warehouse. That generated an assorted texture for the pavement, incredibly lowered the costs and also helped the studio to reuse raw materials otherwise challenging to recycle. At the same time, the team wanted to combine the comfort of a home with the aesthetic of a hut: the result is a contrast between the cold metal on the outside and the warm cosy inside.
▼夜景,night view © Akira Nakamura

▼平面图,plan © Roovice + Araki + Sasaki architects
