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本期小编结合论文中模型建立和假设等方法内容,继续为大家分享期刊论文《Remanufacturing authorization strategy for competition among OEM, authorized remanufacturer, and unauthorized remanufacturer》的第三节内容:模型假设和符号,请读者跟着小编一起来学习吧!
In this issue, the editor will continue to share the third section of the journal paper "Remanufacturing authorization strategy for competition among OEM, authorized remanufacturer, and unauthorized remanufacturer": model assumptions and symbols, please readers Learn with me!
Body part:

图 1 Figure 1

图 2 Figure 2

图 3 Figure 3
The third section mainly introduces the assumptions and symbolic content of the model. Figures 1 and 2 show the original content in English. Due to translation problems, some correction notes for formula symbols are made in Figure 3. The first paragraph briefly explains the research object and research background of this paper. There may be three types of products in the market at the same time, including new products, authorized and unauthorized remanufactured products, and their retail prices are set as Pn, Par, Pur.
第二段强调顾客根据产品的质量和价格进行购买,并愿意购买效用最高的产品。首先假设客户对产品的估值是θ,在区间[0,1]上均匀分布;其次采用S下标n、ar、ur分别表示新产品、授权再造品和未经授权再造品的质量水平,并且文章假设AR再制造可以将废旧产品恢复到新产品的质量水平,而未经授权的再制造商实施再制造活动只能将废旧产品恢复到新产品的部分质量水平,记为λ,0 < λ≤1,未授权再造品与新产品在λ = 1时质量无差异;最后根据行业惯例,作者认为授权的再制造产品与新产品具有相同的质量水平,在不失一般性的前提下,将新授权再造品的质量等级归一化(即Sn = Sar = 1),因此,未经授权再造品的质量等级为Sur = λSn = λ,其中λ是UR的一个决策变量。
The second paragraph emphasizes that customers buy based on the quality and price of the product and are willing to buy the product with the highest utility. First, it is assumed that the customer's valuation of the product is θ, which is uniformly distributed in the interval [0,1]; secondly, the S subscripts n, ar, and ur are used to denote the quality levels of new products, authorized remanufactured products and unauthorized remanufactured products, respectively. And the article assumes that AR remanufacturing can restore used products to the quality level of new products, while the implementation of remanufacturing activities by unauthorized remanufacturers can only restore used products to part of the quality level of new products, denoted as λ, 0 < λ≤1, there is no difference in quality between unauthorized remanufactured products and new products when λ = 1; finally, according to industry practice, the author believes that authorized remanufactured products have the same quality level as new products, without loss of generality, The quality level of newly authorized remanufactures is normalized (i.e., Sn = Sar = 1), so that the quality level of unauthorized remanufactures is Sur = λSn = λ, where λ is a decision variable of UR.
The third paragraph argues that regardless of whether the remanufactured product is produced by AR or UR, the customer's willingness to pay for the remanufactured product is only a fraction of the willingness to pay for the new product, and delta is a parameter that can capture the customer's perceived quality of the remanufactured product. It then presents the customer's net utility for the new product (see Figure 4), the net utility for the authorized remanufactured product (see Figure 5), and the net utility for the unauthorized remanufactured product (see Figure 6). The fourth and fifth paragraphs respectively illustrate two cases, one is that the customer will only choose new products and unauthorized remanufactured products before authorization, because there are currently no authorized remanufactured products, give its demand function The and inverse demand functions are shown in Figures 7 and 8. The other is that after the OEM authorizes the remanufacturer to remanufacture, the customer can choose among new products, authorized remanufactured products and unauthorized remanufactured products. The demand function and inverse demand function in this case are given as 9 and 10.

图 4 Figure 4

图 5 Figure 5

图 6 Figure 6

图 7 Figure 7

图 8 Figure 8

图 9 Figure 9

图 10 Figure 10
The sixth paragraph assumes that the cores available for remanufacturing are always abundant, implying that the total number of remanufactured products should not be greater than the number of cores available for remanufacturing, and details several reasons why the assumption is reasonable.
The seventh paragraph still sets the model symbols, so that Cn, Car and Cur represent the unit production cost of new products, authorized products and unauthorized remanufactured products, the production cost of new products, and authorized and unauthorized remanufacturing, respectively. The production cost of the product is linked to the quality level of the product in a two-dimensional form:Cur=λ2αCn, where the production cost of the remanufactured product is proportional to the cost of the new product, and the proportionality constant is defined as α.
The last three paragraphs elaborate two further assumptions, one assumes that unauthorized remanufacturing precedes authorized remanufacturing; and second, that UR companies can decide whether to enter the remanufacturing market. And pointed out that the focus of this study is not UR, but authorization and how authorization affects other decisions.
That's it for today's sharing.
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参考文献:Zhou Qin and Meng Chao and Yuen Kum Fai. Remanufacturing authorization strategy for competition among OEM, authorized remanufacturer, and unauthorized remanufacturer[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 242
文案 |Yuan
排版 |Yuan
审核 |Qian
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