萨古鲁 Isha

Sadhguru looks at why it is important to wear clothing made of natural, organic material, and how synthetic clothing material has a negative impact on our lives.
Questioner: So we as Indians we are taking in everything from West, whatever West promotes right from lifestyle to clothing. Can you speak more about this?
Sadhguru: You stand up one second. Stand this way. [Laughter][Participant is wearing a Reebok T-shirt] Are you a shoe salesman? [Laughter] What is that? Is that Reebok? Hmm?
Participant: Yes.
Sadhguru: You're not a footwear salesperson? Then why are you wearing this? I'm asking you, why are you wearing that? Why are you wearing this shoe company name? Are you a salesperson of this company? No. Then why? Because you saw Usain Bolt, or Magic Johnson, wearing something. You need to understand, for him to wear that T-shirt, he is being paid millions of dollars. Nobody is paying you anything, why are you advertising for the shoe? [Applause] At least wear an Isha T-shirt. [Laughter/Applause] We are known to get everything free. [Laughter] At least advertise for Isha free. Why are you advertising for a shoe company free? They didn't even give you a pair of shoes. I'm giving my time and life to you.[Laughter/Applause] See, this boy; you stand up. See, he's …yourself, yeah… you're from which country?
Sadhguru(萨古鲁):你又不是卖鞋的,为什么要穿着这个?我问你,为什么你穿着那个?为什么你穿着印了运动鞋公司名字的衣服?你是这个公司的销售吗?不是。那为什么要穿?因为你看到Usain Bolt(尤塞恩·博尔特)或者Magic Johnson(魔术师约翰逊)穿着这些。你要明白:他穿那件T恤是收了几百万美元的。没人给你钱,你为什么要为这个鞋做广告呢?[鼓掌]至少穿一件Isha的T恤。[笑声/鼓掌]我们免费拿东西是出了名的。[笑声]至少该免费为Isha做广告。为什么你要免费为一家运动鞋公司做广告?他们连双鞋都没给你,而我给了你我的时间和生命。[笑声/鼓掌]看,这个小伙子,你站起来。看,他是……你,就你……你来自哪个国家?
Participant: U.S.
Sadhguru: See, he is from United States. Look at his uniform. Turn around, show it to him. [Laughter/Applause] See? [Applause][Participant is wearing his Anaadhi robe and a silence tag] At least he is doing the right advertisement. What are you doing? [Laughter] I think you should get both of them on the video. [Laughter] Stand up, stand up. Let him... What Indians doing, what America is doing – just see. [Laughter/Applause] Turn around, turn around. [Laughter] See? [Applause] So... what is the next step for you? Are you going to hang two shoes around your neck, and walk around? [Laughter] No, what is the next step? Right now it's just written, maybe then you will wear the product... and walk around.
So... [Laughs] when it comes to clothing…one thing is, to use something which comes from the land, because organic substances have their own influence on your energy system. How your aura develops, it's important that the substance that you wear is organic, not some nylon, or plastic, or something. And another thing is, if you already do not know this, India has over 120 distinct weaves. If you travel from district to district, from one county to another, in every county they have a distinct weave, unique weave, that that kind of weave is not done anywhere else. No other culture on the planet has developed so many types of textiles.
But... like somebody was telling me, if you take a photograph in any major city in India, below the knees, if you take a picture of people, over 60% of them are wearing only American workman's clothes: blue denims, only single color. Of course, some are faded, some are torn intentionally, [Laughter] some are punched holes, some have faded it forcefully. [Laughs] But basically, workman's clothes. Nothing wrong, I'm not saying something is wrong.
But there is something right, isn't it? Something not being wrong does not make it completely right. What is suitable for the weather, the conditions, the tropical conditions in which you exist? What kind of clothing is most suitable, that's what you should wear, because... how your body merges with the weather, and the atmosphere around you, is important. To bring this to a certain level of ease and comfort, it's very important. I want you to just experiment – those of you who are wearing tight-fitting nylon clothes on a daily basis, just wear some loose cotton clothes for 3 days, and see how it feels. Then you decide.
But unless the shoe company is willing to pay you something, you writing it on your... are you getting a tattoo on your forehead – ‘Reebok’? [Laughter] No. I have always, you know…even people who sponsor our events, I say, "Put it in one place, don't write it all over the place." Yes! They're paying money because they want some exposure, but put it in a... aesthetically, properly placed area, not just all over the place! I never allow any sponsor's name to be written behind me, at least; money, or no money. I can't understand why you're writing it all over your chest, and back, and face, and walking around about footwear. I don't even know if you wear those-footwear, but you wear their T-shirt.
At least if you are some…if you are a fan of Tendulkar, you write ‘Tendulkar’ and walk around – silly, but it's okay. I'm not saying it has to be an Indian player; you like Lionel Messi... you say ‘Messi’ and go – people will understand you are a mess. [Laughter] People will understand, you know? [Laughs] But it's okay, at least you appreciate somebody's skill, and you want to write ‘Bolt’ and go – all right. Even if you cannot run like him, he is your... you're his fan, it's okay. But when did you become a fan of shoes? [Laughs] It's ridiculous. It doesn't make sense to me. [Laughs]
至少如果你是……如果你是Tendulkar(板球运动员)的粉丝,你穿着‘Tendulkar’到处溜达——虽然很傻,但还可以。我不是说必须是印度球员;你喜欢Lionel Messi(梅西)……你穿着着‘Messi’(梅西)出门——人们会理解你是一团糟(英文“一团糟mess”与“梅西”拼写近似)。[笑声]大家懂的,你知道吧?[笑]可以的,至少你是在欣赏某人的技能,另外你想穿着‘Bolt’(博尔特)出门——没问题。即使你不能像他那样跑步,他是你的……你是他的粉丝,那没问题。可是你什么时候变成了鞋的粉丝?[笑]这很可笑。我不能理解。[笑]
If you're a fan of a runner, or a player, or a football player, or a cricket player, it doesn't matter where they come from, if you're a fan, you like it, you wrote their name on your T-shirt, all right. But why are you advertising for a shoe company, and a cigarette company, and this company, and that company – I don't understand. At least if they give the T-shirt free, okay, you're wearing a free T-shirt, alright, leave it. No, you're buying it! [Laughter] It doesn't make any sense to me, I don't know... [Laughs] maybe I'm missing something. I think it's the laces. [Laughter]
So... there is something about clothing. One thing is, the aesthetics of it for other people who watch; but the most important thing is, that your body is at ease. "No, no, I'm okay, I'm all right" –that's what is not okay [Laughs] that it's like this, this, this... [Gestures] that's what is not okay. I'm telling you, just change to an organic fiber, close your eyes, and feel it, and see how it feels. Your body will come to ease. You think it's okay to be in different states of dis-ease. You think it's okay to be agitated. You think it's okay to be itchy and uncomfortable. I think... I appreciate your tolerance. [Chuckles] I am not so tolerant about things which are not comfortable, unless it is towards a certain purpose. If you're determined you want to sell 10,000 shoes this month, you write it all over your face the shoe company's name, it's okay with me. After all, you're trying to scale up [Laughs] trying to achieve something – it's okay with me.
So... what is it? You're a... are you hoarding for somebody? Are you an advertisement board for somebody? If you have to be one, at least advertise Isha, I'm telling you. We will print big things; we are right now putting in a subtle way, here. But if you like this, if you are going to wear shoes around your neck and walk around – what's my problem? We will open a tattoo shop [Laughter] on your forehead, ‘I love Isha.’ [Laughter/Applause] When you're anyway willing to do, why should I miss the opportunity? [Laughter] I thought it's unaesthetic to do such things. [Laughs]
那么……你这是什么呢?你是一个……你在为谁做大幅广告吗?你是谁的广告牌吗?如果你一定要做,那至少是要为Isha做广告啊,听我的。我们会大大的印出来;现在我们做得不怎么显眼。但如果你喜欢这样,如果你要把鞋子挂在脖子上到处溜达——那我有什么好顾虑的?我们会开一间纹身店[笑声]在你的额头上纹‘I love Isha.’(我爱Isha)[笑声/鼓掌]反正你都愿意做,那为什么我要错过这个机会?[笑声]我是认为做这样的事情一点美感都没有。[笑]
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