施克SICK电感式接近传(双语新闻播报(February 8))
篇首语:金鞍玉勒寻芳客,未信我庐别有春。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了施克SICK电感式接近传(双语新闻播报(February 8))相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
施克SICK电感式接近传(双语新闻播报(February 8))
> Memphis Zoo Mourns Death of Giant Panda

An image of giant panda Le Le and some floral tributes are pictured at the Memphis Zoo in Memphis, the United States, on Feb 4, 2023. The Memphis Zoo in Memphis, US state of Tennessee, said on Friday that giant panda Le Le had died. [Photo/Xinhua]
Le Le, born on July 18, 1998 at the Shanghai Zoo, was 25 years old at the time of his death. He came to Memphis zoo in 2003 and was slated to return to China this year after the end of the loan agreement with the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens.旅美大熊猫“乐乐”离世,享年25岁。“乐乐”于1998年7月18日出生在上海动物园,自2003年开始饲养于(美国田纳西州)孟菲斯动物园,原计划在今年与中国动物园协会的租借协议到期后返回中国。
"Le Le was a happy bear that enjoyed apples, engaging with enrichment activities and relaxing while covering himself with freshly shredded bamboo. He had an easy-going personality and was a favorite of all who met and worked with him over the years," the zoo said in a statement.据孟菲斯动物园在一份声明中说,“乐乐”是“一只快乐的熊猫,喜欢吃苹果,喜欢用竹子盖住自己,享受放松。它性格温和,多年来深受饲养员、动物园工作人员和游客的喜爱”。
Over his 20 years, Le Le delighted millions of guests, served as an exemplary ambassador for his species and remains a shining symbol of conservation partnership with China, the zoo said.“乐乐”自抵达美国以后,20年来给孟菲斯市民,以及数百万计的游客带去无尽欢乐。通告称,“乐乐”是代表大熊猫物种的卓越使者,是中美两国在大熊猫保护研究合作领域熠熠闪光的象征。
In recent years, the Memphis Zoo has drawn criticism from animal activists who believed the pandas were being mistreated and neglected.近年来,保护动物组织批评美国孟菲斯动物园对大熊猫的照顾不足,甚至有虐待大熊猫的行为。
A cause of death has not been determined, but the zoo\'s veterinarians and a team of panda experts will perform a medical examination in the future, Thompson said. He noted that there was no indication in video footage that the giant panda was sick in the days leading up to his death.该动物园首席执行官兼总裁马特•汤普森表示,“乐乐”的死因尚未确定,离世前几天,乐乐没有表现出任何痛苦的迹象。由兽医专家组成的医疗小组将进行彻底检查,以查明死因。
The Chinese embassy in the US expressed sadness over the passing of giant panda Le Le at the Memphis Zoo and said it will handle the aftermath and send an expert team to the US to find out the cause of the giant panda’s death.中国驻美国使馆发言人表示,中方对大熊猫“乐乐”离世感到痛心和惋惜。驻美使馆将协助有关方面做好善后工作。据了解,中国动物园协会已同孟菲斯动物园展开对接,将及时组建专家组并尽快前往孟菲斯动物园,与美方专家共同对大熊猫死亡原因展开调查。
>U.S. gun violence sets records in first month of 2023: Gun Violence Archive

FILE PHOTO: Weathered signs, candles and stuffed animals remain at a memorial outside Robb Elementary School the day after the video showing the May shooting inside the school released, in Uvalde, Texas, US, July 13, 2022. [Photo/Agencies]
The United States has suffered 44 mass shootings this year as of January 29, the worst year on record since the Gun Violence Archive, a website that tracks shootings in the country, began tracking mass shootings in 2014.今年截至1月29日,美国发生了44起大规模枪击事件,这是自2014年美国“枪支暴力档案”网站开始记录大规模枪击事件以来,最严重的一年。
Guns are deeply ingrained in American society and in the nation\'s political and social debates.枪支问题在美国社会根深蒂固,是一个持续存在的政治和社会议题。
There were 641 mass shootings in the U.S. in 2022, the second-highest number behind the 690 in 2021, according to the same source.“枪支暴力档案”网站数据显示,2022年美国共发生641起大规模枪击事件,仅次于2021的690起。
A database compiled by The Associated Press, USA Today and Northeastern University highlighted that the nation\'s first mass shooting last year happened on January 23.美联社、《今日美国》和美国东北大学汇编的一个数据库显示,2022年1月23日美国发生当年第一起大规模枪击案。
By the same date this year, the nation had already endured six mass shootings, leaving 39 people dead. 从今年元旦至1月23日,全美已经发生6起大规模枪击事件,造成39人死亡。
The database tracks every attack in the U.S. that has claimed at least four lives, not including the shooter\'s, since 2006.该数据库追踪了自2006年以来在美国发生的每一起造成至少4人死亡(不含枪手)的枪击事件。
A 2022 poll by the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that, overall, 71 percent of Americans say gun laws should be stricter.芝加哥大学哈里斯公共政策学院和美联社NORC公共事务研究中心2022年的一项民意调查显示,71%的美国人认为枪支管理法律应该更加严格。
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