企业简介: DAVI始创于60年代,现如今已经发展成为世界上最大的板材和型材卷制制造企业,目前拥有四栋可供研究生产的大楼。DAVI是产品研发,革新的领航者,在业内拥有多项专利,具备最高技术和独特设计的DAVI设备均为意大利原装制造,销往世界各地。近日,中国制冷网特意邀请DAVI中国区总监Filippo先生,一起聊聊关于板材和型材卷制设备行业领域的话题。

Z:制冷网 F:Filippo Z:您好,Filippo先生,请您简要介绍一下,DAVI是怎样一家企业呢?目前在全球及中国的发展情况如何? Could you please briefly introduce what kind of enterprise Davi is? What is the current development situation in the world and China?
F:就销量和员工数而言,DAVI是世界上最大的卷板机和型材弯曲机制造商。 DAVI成立于1966年,在板(型)材弯曲领域一直活跃超过50年。总部及整个制造中心位于意大利,同时我们有两个销售和服务分支机构,一个在美国,另一个在中国(上海)。当前的全球形势将对宏观经济产生重大影响,但是我们完全遵守应对COVID-19的相关规定,100%安全生产中。 总之,卷板和型材弯曲的应用行业非常广泛(从能源到农业,从航空航天到造船),这种高度多样化的应用属性使得我们总体业务不会受到疫情影响。我们无法预见将要面临的挑战,但是我们相信DAVI拥有所有必要的工具来面对这些挑战。 DAVI is the largest manufacturer of plate and angle roll in the world in terms of sales volume and employees. DAVI was founded in 1966 and has been active in the world of rolling machine tools for more than 50 years. The HQ, where the whole manufacturing process takes place, is in Italy, while we have two Sales & Service branches, one in the United States and the other one in China (Shanghai). The current global situation will have a large impact at a macroeconomic level, but our production is 100% operational and totally safe fully respecting the regulations imposed by COVID-19. Anyhow, plate roll and angle roll apply to a very wide variety of sectors (from energy to agriculture, from aerospace to shipbuilding) so that this high diversification comes in handy. It’s impossible to foresee the challenges we are going to face, but we believe in DAVI we have all the necessary tools.

Z、据我们了解,DAVI是世界上最大的板材和型材卷制设备制造企业,与同行相比,我们的产品竞争优势都体现在哪些方面? According to our understanding, Davi is one of the world's largest plate and profile rolling machine manufacturing enterprises, compared with competitors, what are the competitive advantages of our products?
F:我们的优势体现在可以做到最短直边、操作更安全、可实现最小直径、最好的辊轴平行度,设备更易于操作和维护,提供最大的灵活度和精度等:以上仅为我们流通产品的部分特征。此外,我们的材料和供应商都经过精心挑选和认证,部件均为意大利和德国制造:严选的供应链。DAVI在全球安装了10000多台设备,其中在中国有400余台设备在投入使用,在实践中累计了丰富的经验;DAVI专有技术适用于很多行业,能为客户提供优质的服务。 Shortest flat end and safer operations, tightest achievable diameters, best rolls parallelism, best operability and maintainability, maximum flexibility and precision. These are only some of the features distinguishing our products in the market. Moreover, quality of materials, with suppliers carefully chosen and certified and components made in Italy and made in Germany: a supply chain subject to a very restrictive selection. Thanks to the experience obtained through more than 10,000 machines installed in the world and about 400 in China, DAVI know-how is applicable to any sector and can serve any client in making their processes better and better.

Z:对于板材和型材卷制设备,您认为用户需要重点关注的性能参数有哪些?原因是什么? What performance parameters do you think users should focus on for plate and profile rolling equipment? Why?
F:(用户更关注)设备的安全性和可操作性,生产效率、最终工件精度,满足公差要求,并实现最短直边,使得投资利益最大化。 Easy operability, safety, high productivity, high precision of the final piece in order to respect the required tolerances, and obviously the shortest flat end in order to maximize the investment and the saving.

Z:2019年DAVI各种产品在中国的销售情况如何?哪些业务板块表现比较抢眼?您认为其中的原因是什么? How are the sales of Davi products in China for 2019? Which business sectors are more eye-catching? What do you think is the reason?
F:2019年是DAVI产品在中国快速发展的一年。DAVI在这一年的收益再创新高。在重型机械的销售中,DAVI设备在风能、核能和锅炉行业的业绩非常不错,其中包含一台我们将于2020年秋季交付的大型设备。而在自动化程度较高的行业中,制冷无疑是相当创收的一个行业。此外,DAVI设备还广泛运用于遍布世界各地的各个行业加工中心。 2019 was a great year for DAVI products in China. It’s been a record year in terms of revenues, that are constantly growing in the recent years. Regarding heavy-duty machines, the most interesting sectors have been wind energy, nuclear and boilers, including a huge machine we will deliver in fall 2020. When it comes to high-automation machines, refrigeration was a very good business sector for sure, in addition to the world of job shops operating for all diverse applications.

Z:DAVI在产品品质和质量控制上,有哪些方面做得比较好,使得这些优点保证了产品的竞争优势? What aspects of product quality and quality control does Davi do well, so that these advantages guarantee the competitive advantage of the product?
F:我们的设备均符合工业4.0的要求,配置了最先进的数控系统,设备可以配合各类附件运作。首先,我们的研发部门能够满足客户不同的需求;其次,我们的售后部门能够及时响应客户要求(提供远程和现场服务支持),提供设备预防性维保、操作培训和设备升级改造等服务。 Our machines are all in line with the requirements of industry 4.0 and the state-of-the-art numerical control allow the integration of a number of accessories even after the initial installation of the equipment. In the first phase, our R&D Department can support the customer with any special need, while, afterwards, our Service & After Sales (SAS) Division is at the side of the client for assistance (remote and on-site), preventive maintenance, training and support when the need for a retrofit comes.

Z:目前,DAVI产品在中国板材和型材卷制市场上更进一步发展面临的最大问题是什么?您认为公司需要从哪些方面去努力解决? At present, what is the biggest problem that Davi products face in the further development of China's plate and profile rolling market? What do you think the company needs to work on?
F:我们的主要目标是扩大DAVI品牌在中国的影响力。围绕这个目标,公司其实已经做了很多年的努力,并且已经在中国成功设立了分公司。在技术能力方面:DAVI的技术工程师都在意大利接受过专业的培训,可以为中国各地的客户提供支持;此外,DAVI在上海建立的本地备件库正在逐步投入使用。同时,我们的代理商网络业也正日益完善,最终目标是能够在中国市场各地成为一个不可替代的存在。 Our main goal is to widen our presence on the Chinese territory. We’ve been working on this for many years and recently we’ve also opened a branch. Then, we have a strong presence in terms of technicians: they’ve all received a deep training in Italy and can support customers all over China. Moreover, in Shanghai a spare parts warehouse is fully operational and can serve the whole territory. Meanwhile, the network of DAVI dealers keeps growing. The final objective is to have an actual capillary presence in all regions of China.
Z:您如何看待未来板材和型材卷制设备市场的发展前景?为此,DAVI接下来会有什么样的发展计划? How do you see the future development of the market for plate and profile rolling machine? So, what's next plan for DAVI?
F:高度自动化和提高生产率是未来的市场发展趋势。据此,公司在研发方面的投资多年来一直在增长,而且还会继续增长。 High automation and productivity are for sure the market trends for the future. This is why our investment in R&D has been growing for many years and will keep growing.
沈阳型材拉弯(宁海县7家博士后工作站 双林股份借并购提升技术创新)