一.电气名词 Electric items
二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits)
三.设备 Equipments
四.保护、继电器 Protection , relays
五.电气仪表 Electric instruments
六.防雷 Lightning protection
七.接地 Grounding , earthing
八.室、所 Room , Substation
九.电修车间设备 Equipments of electric repair
十.材料 Material
一.电气名词 Electric items

交(直)流 Alternating (direct) current
短路电流 Short-circuit current
起始次暂态短路电流 Initial subtransient short-circuit current
冲击电流 Impulse current
稳态短路电流 Steady state short-circuit current
临界电流 Critical current
切断电流 Rupturing current
熔断电流 Blow-out current
故障电流 Fault current
计算电流 Calculating current
极限有限电流 Limit effective current
过电流 Over current
逆电流 Inverse current
整定电流 Setting current
额定电流 Rated current
电流密度 Current density
短路电流最大有效值 Maximum effective value of short-circuit current
高压 High-voltage , High-tension
低压 Low-voltage , Low-tension
计算电压 Calculating voltage
激磁电压 Exciting voltage
冲击电压 Impulse voltage
临界电压 Critical voltage
残留电压 Residual voltage
击穿电压 Puncture voltage
脉动电压 Pulsating voltage
供电电压 Supply voltage
电力电压 Power voltage
照明电压 Lighting voltage
灯丝电压 Filament voltage
额定电压 Rated voltage
电压损失 Voltage loss
过(欠)电压 Over (under) voltage
线路电压 Line voltage
电压降 Voltage drop
工作电压 Working voltage
一次电压 Primary voltage
二次电压 Secondary voltage
电源 Electric source (power supply)
自控电压 Power supply for process control
6kV控制闪光电源 Flashing supply for 6kV control
工作电源 Working power supply (electric source)
保安电源 Emergency power supply (electric source)
直流稳压电源 Stabilized D.C. source
控制电源 Control supply
直流电源 D.C. source
交流电源 A.C. source
负荷计算 Load calculation
设备容量 Installed capacity
需要容量 Electric demand
功率因数 Power factor
安装高度 Mounting height
耐电压 Breakdown voltage
工频耐压 High-voltage test with working frequency
表面闪络 Surface flash-over
直流泄漏 D.C. leakage
体电阻率 Volume resistivity
介质损失角 Dielectric loss angle
击穿强度 Puncture intensity
电压等级 Voltage grade
比重 Specific gravity
性能 Feature
相序 Phase sequence
瞬时 Instantaneous
倾角 Angle of inclination
跨度 Span
正极 Positive pole
负极 Negative pole
截面(积) Cross section area
辅助电源 Auxiliary source
遮断容量 Interrupting capacity
载流量 Current-carrying capacity
校正系数 Correction factor
连续负荷 Continuous load
长期载流量 Continuous capacity
长时间额定值 Longtime rating
电动机堵转电流 Locked-rotor motor current
限定负荷 Limited load
电感负荷 Inductive load
感应电流 Induced current
二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits)

母线 Bus-bar
合闸电源 母线 Closing power source bus
闪光母线 Flashing-bus
备用母线 Spare bus
装在支柱上的插接式母线 Post-supported plug-in bus way
装在吊钩上的插接式母线 Hook-supported plug-in bus way
装在支架上的插接式母线 Bracket-supported plug-in bus way
小母线 Miniature bus
电源小母线 Power supply miniature bus
操作小母线 Operating miniature bus
事故信号小母线 Miniature bus for fault signal
闪光小母线 Flashing miniature bus
主母线 Main bus
直流主母线 D.C. main bus
预告母线 Prewarning bus
干线 Main line
照明干线 Lighting main line
接地干线 Grounding main line
插座干线 Receptacle main line
电压干线 Voltage main line
端子出线 Terminal outgoing
中性线 Neutral
支线 Branch-line
引入线 Lead-in
电气线路 Electric circuit
交流配电线路 A.C. distribution circuit
直流配电线路 D.C. distribution circuit
事故照明线路 Emergency lighting circuit
控制线路 Control circuit
接地或接零线路 Grounding or neutralizing circuit
信号线路 Signal circuit
有接地极的接地线路网 Grounding with grounding electrodes
定子绕组测温回路 Temperature measuring circuit for stator winding
接地信号回路 Grounding signal circuit
闪光信号回路 Flashing-signal circuit
开阀回路 Circuit for opening valve
关(闭)阀回路 Circuit for closing valve
开度计回路 Circuit for opening meter
电流测量回路 Current-measuring circuit
差动保护回路 Differental protective circuit
过流保护回路 Over-current protective circuit
合闸回路 Closing circuit
停车延时回路 Delayed shutdown circuit
掉闸回路 Trip circuit
激磁回路 Exciting circuit
备用回路 Spare circuit
主回路 Main circuit
馈路 Feeder circuit
现有回路 Existing circuit
单线回路 Single-wire circuit
接地回路 Earthed circuit
有电压的电路 Live circuit
三.设备 Equipments

高压开关柜 H.V. switchgear
动力配电箱 Power distribution cabinet
电源配电箱 Source distribution cabinet
直流配电屏 D.C. switchboard (distribution panel)
交流低压配电屏 A.C.L.V. switchboard (distribution panel)
静电电容器柜 Static capacitor cabinet
多种电源插销箱 Receptacle box for miscellaneous power supplies
控制箱 Control cabinet
照明配电箱 Lighting (distribution panel)
连接箱 Junction box
出线盒 Outlet box
开关箱 Switch box
控制台 Console
分段屏 Sectionalizing panel
进线屏 Incoming line panel
电控箱 Electric control panel
边屏 Side board
端子箱 Terminal box
供电盘 Power supply box
瓶车箱 Synchronizing cabinet
感应调压器专用变压器高压柜 Special transformer H.V. cabinet for induction voltage regulator
电压互感器柜 Potential transformer cabinet
信号屏 Signal panel
浮充屏 Floating panel
蓄电池屏 Battery panel
充电屏 Charging panel
母线联络柜 Bus tie cabinet
转换开关 Transfer switch
电压表转换开关 Voltmeter change-over switch
铁壳开关 Metal-clad switch (Iron-clad switch)
管式熔断器 Cartridge fuse
真空断路器 Vacuum circuit breaker (V.C.B.)
自动开关 Automatic switch
高压 负荷开关 H.V. load break switch
三极高压断路器 3-pole HV circuit-breaker
刀开关 Knife switch
转换开关 Transfer switch
双极铁壳开关 2-pole iron-clad switch
风扇变速开关 Fan speed regulator switch
密闭照明灯开关 Hermetic lighting switch
防爆照明灯开关 Explosion-proof lighting switch
行程开关 Limit switch
高压隔离开关 H.V. disconnecting switch
明装单极板钮开关 Surface-mounted single-pole toggle switch
暗装单极板钮开关 Flush-mounted single-pole toggle switch
三路开关 Three-way switch
气密式组合开关 Hermetic packet type switch
防护式开关 Guard type switch
联锁开关 Interlock switch
操作方式选择开关 Selecting switch for types of operation
控制电源开关 Switch for control supply
主令开关 Master switch (controller)
多切点切换开关 Multi-point change-over switch
按钮 Push-button
控制按钮 Control push-button
防爆控制按钮 Explosion-proof control push-button
事故紧急按钮 Emergency stopping push-button
起动按钮 Starting push-button
停止按钮 Stopping push-button
现场按钮 Push-button in field
挡板 damper
音响解除按钮 Push-button for sound release
起动器 Starter
磁力起动器 Magnetic starter
综合起动器 Combination starter (Magnetic starter combination)
电力变压器 Power transformer
调压变压器 Voltage regulating transformer
电压互感器 Potential transformer
电流互感器 Current transformer
照明变压器 Lighting transformer
三相三绕组变压器 3-phase tertiary winding transformer
高压试验变压器 H.V. testing transformer
局部照明变压器 Local lighting transformer
多量程仪用电流互感器 Multi-range current transformer for measurement
降压变压器 Step-down transformer
伺服电动机 Servo-motor
双电压电动机 Dual-voltage motor
感应电动机 Induction motor
交流异步电动机 A.C. asynchronous motor
同步电动机 synchronous motor
三相滑环感应电动机 3-phase slip-ring induction motor
三相鼠笼感应电动机 3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor
绕线式电动机 Wound-rotor induction motor
反应式电动机 Reaction motor
柴油发电机 Diesel generator
励磁发电机 Excitation generator
明装双极插座 Surface-mounted 2-pole receptacle
暗装双极插座 Flush-mounted 2-pole receptacle
双极带接地插座 2-pole receptacle with grounding contact
单相三孔明插座 Surface-mounted single phase 3-pole receptacle
防护式明装三相四孔插座 Guard type surface-mounted 3-phase 4-pole receptacle
配照型灯 Standard dome lighting fitting
搪瓷深照型灯 Enameled high bay lighting fitting
防水防尘灯 Water and dust proof lighting fitting
安全灯 Safety lighting fitting
隔爆灯 Explosion-proof lighting fitting
弯灯 Goose-neck light
壁灯 Wall light
高压水银灯 High pressure mercury vapor lighting fitting
投光灯 Flood-light (projection light)
信号灯 Signal lamp
天棚灯 Ceiling-mounted lighting fitting
局部照明灯 Local lighting fitting
灯座 Lamp holder
事故照明灯 Emergency lighting fitting
高压水银荧光灯 H.P. mercury fluorescent lighting fitting
广照型工厂灯 Wide lit type industrial fitting
深照型灯具 High bay lighting fitting
白炽灯具 Incandescent lamp (bulb)
圆球型灯 Globe lamp
嵌入式荧光灯 flush type fluorescent lighting fitting
红色障碍灯 Red obstruction lamp for aviation
厂区道路照明灯 Street lighting in plant area
路灯 Street lamp
视孔灯 Inspection hole lamp
立杆弯灯 goose-neck post lamp , pole lamp
模拟报警信号 Semigraph and alarm signal
自整角机 Selsyn
励磁机 Exciter
显示器 Display
电位器 Potentiometer
内电阻 Internal resistance
固定电阻(器) Fixed resistance
脱扣 Release , trip
分励 Shunt trip
特殊失压脱扣器 Special no-voltage release
“或”开关放大器 “Or” switch amplifier
制动器 Brake
电容 Capacitor
整流器 Rectifier
镇流器 Chock
分流器 Shunt
油变阻器 Oil immersed rheostat
频敏电阻器 Frequency sensitive rheostat
滑线变阻器 Sliding rheostat
蜂鸣器 Buzzer
电机加热器 Space heater (for motor)
空气断路器电机操作机构 Motor operating mechanism for air circuit-breaker
可控硅励磁装置 Silicon controlled rectifier excitation device
保护装置 Protective device (element)
闪光装置 Flashing device
接闪装置 (避雷器) Lightning arrester
断相保护 Phase failure protection
四.保护、继电器 Protection , relays

信号继电器 Signal relay
过电流继电器 Over-current relay
电压继电器 Voltage relay
时间继电器 Time relay
中间继电器 Auxiliary relay
热继电器 Thermal relay
温度继电器 Temperature relay
瓦斯继电器 Gas relay
控制电源中间继电器 Auxiliary relay for control supply
自动操作继电器 Relay for auto-operation
低电压继电器 Under-voltage relay
过电压继电器 Over-voltage relay
联锁继电器 Interlock relay
冲击继电器 Impact relay
合闸位置继电器 Close position relay
逆流继电器 Reverse-current relay
差流继电器 Differential current relay
差动继电器 Differential relay
电流继电器 Current relay
功率继电器 Power relay
接地继电器 Earthing relay
重合闸继电器 Reclosing relay
同步继电器 Synchronous relay
速动继电器 Quick acting relay
定时限继电器 Definite time relay
光电继电器 Photoelectric relay
电子继电器 Electronic relay
电磁式继电器 Electromagnetic relay
电动式继电器 Electrodynamic relay
气压继电器 Gas-pressure relay
继电器常开触点 Relay N.O. contact
继电器常闭触点 Relay N.C. contact
继电器保护触点(常开) Relay holding contact (N.O.)
能自动返回的常闭按钮触点 Self-return button with N.C. contact
模拟信号触点 Contact for semigraph signal
强励磁接点 Shock excitation contact
电感线圈 Induction coil
电流线圈 Current coil
脱扣线圈 Trip coil
合闸线圈 Close coil
释放线圈 Releasing coil
掉闸线圈 Tripping coil
予告信号 Prewarning signal
掉闸回路断线信号 Breakage signal of trip circuit
断路器事故掉闸信号 Fault trip signal of breaker
掉闸音响信号 Tripping audible signal
重瓦斯预告信号 Heavy gas prewarning signal
温度预告信号 Temperature prewarning signal
手动、自动操作时事故信号 Fault signal in manual/automatic operation
保护掉闸 Protective trip
控制掉闸 Control trip
手动跳闸 Manual trip
变电所紧急停车 Emergency shutdown at substation
工艺故障 Fault in process
励磁故障 Fault in excitation
工作电源失电报警 No-voltage alarm of working electric source
工作电源分合闸 On and off of working electric source
工作电源投入 Throw-in of working electric source
保安电源送电 supply of emergency electric source
运转指示 Indicating of operation
投入指示 Indicating of throw-in
同步指示 Indicating of synchronism
延时停车 Delayed shutdown
电源切除 Switch off the power supply
速断及过流断通 Instantaneous trip and over-current off/on
自保持 Self-holding
自锁 Self-lock
联锁 Interlocking
绝缘监视 Insulation supervision
电压监视 Voltage supervision
联锁解除 Release of interlock
工作、保安电源切换 Transfer of working and emergency power supply
发电机与工作母线并车 Synchronization of generator to working bus
重瓦斯保护 Heavy gas protection
开或闭超扭矩保护 Over-torque protection during opening and closing valve
电机起动顺序 Sequence of motor starting
铭牌框注字 Name plate denotation (inscription)
五.电气仪表 Electric instruments

电流表 Ammeter
电压表 Voltmeter
三相三线有功电度表 Three-phase three-wire kilowatt-hour meter , kWh meter
单相电度表 Single-phase kilowatt-hour meter
三相无功电度表 Three-phase kilovar-hour meter
有功功率表 Active power meter , kilowatt meter
无功功率表 Reactive power meter , kilovar meter
三相瓦特表(功率表) Three-phase watt meter
功率因数表 Power factor meter
频率表 Frequency meter
验电流器 Galvanoscope
欧姆表 Ohmmeter
相位表 Phase meter
转速表 Tachometer
波长表 Wave-length meter
三相四线制标准电度表 3-phase 4-wire standard watthour-meter
过载电流表 Overload ammeter
低功率因数瓦特表 Low power-factor wattmeter
交直流两用钳型电流表 A.C./D.C. multi-purpose tongtester
兆欧表 Megger , Megohmmeter
万用表 Avometer
微安表 Microammeter
毫安表 Milliammeter
各种测量仪表 Various kind of measuring instruments
接地电阻测量仪 Earthing resistance tester
真空管电压表 Vacuum tube voltmeter
电动秒表 Electric second-meter
六.防雷 Lightning protection
避雷装置 Lightning protector
避雷针 Lightning rod
避雷带 Strap type lightning protector
避雷网 Network of lightning protector
避雷针支架 Lightning rod support
避雷针尖 Tip of lightning rod
避雷针拉铁 Brace for lightning rod
避雷器 Lightning arrester , surge discharger
球型避雷器 Spherical arrester
管形避雷器 Tubular arrester
阀形避雷器 Auto-valve arrester
低压避雷器 Low voltage arrester
角形 避雷器 Horn arrester
多隙避雷器 Multigap arrester
铝避雷器 Aluminum cell arrester
氧化膜避雷器 Oxide film arrester
击穿保险器 Puncture lightning arrester
雷击 Lightning stroke
直接雷击 Direct lightning stroke
感应雷击 Induction lightning stroke
雷电日 Thunderbolt days
雷电或然率 Lightning and thunder probability
触电 Electric shock
静电感应 Electrostatic induction
七.接地 Grounding , earthing
接地保护 Ground protection , earth protection
防雷接地 Grounding for lightning
保护接地 Protective earthing
人工接地 Artificial grounding
工作接地 Working grounding , working earthing
重复接地 Multiple earthing
屏蔽接地 Screen earthing , shielding ground
中性点接地 Neutral point grounded
接地系统 Grounding system , earthing system
接地故障 Ground fault , earth fault
单相接地 Single phase earthing
母线接地 Bus ground
接地装置 Grounding device , earthing device
引下线 Down-lead , down conductor
引下线固定 Clamping plate of support for fixing
支架夹板 Down lead
引下线固定支脚 Support for fixing down lead
接地线 Ground connector
接地干线 Ground(ing) main , (bus)
接地网 Grounding network , earthing network
接地极 Earth electrode (pole)
接地电阻 Earth resistance
接地电路 Earth (ground) circuit
连接条 Connecting strip
断接卡 Connecting clamp
八.室、所 Room , Substation

贮藏室 Storage
套间 Compartment
蓄电池室 Battery room
控制室 Control room
配电室 Distribution room
维修间 Repair room
变电所 Substation
高压配电室 H.V. distribution room
休息室 Rest room
九.电修车间设备 Equipments of electric repair
砂轮机 Emery wheel grinder
台钻 Bench drilling machine
交流电焊机 A.C. welding machine
移动式空气压缩机 Portable air compressor
手电钻 Electric hand drill
单速手摇绕线机 Single speed hand winding machine
导线钳压器 Wire jointing press-clamp
油压千斤顶 Hydraulic jack
电吹尘器 Electric dust cleaner
存放柜 Store chest
高压试验变压器 H.V. testing transformer
泄漏试验变压器 Leakage testing set
大电流发生器 Strong current generator
油浸自冷感应调压器 Oil-immersed self-cooled induction voltage regulator
多量程仪用电流互感器 Multi-range current transformer for measurement
仪用电感互感器 Instrumental voltage transformer
单相自耦变压器 Single-phase auto-transformer
三相自耦变压器 3-phase auto-transformer
硅整流器 Silicon rectifier
仪表试验台 Testing stand for instrument
接触器,继电器试验台 Relay and contactor testing stand
慢扫描示波器 Slow scanning oscillograph
交流电子稳压器 A.C. electronic voltage stabilizer
携带式交流电桥 Portable A.C. electric bridge
接地电阻测量仪 Earthing resistance tester
电缆故障探伤仪 Cable fault detector
直流单臂电桥 D.C. single-arm electric bridge , Wheatstone bridge
十.材料 Material
绝缘包布 Insulating tape
填料 Filler , packing
绝缘膏 Insulating compound
电缆膏 Cable compound
防腐油 Anti-corrosive oil
沥青漆 Bituminous varnish
绝缘漆 Insulating varnish
瓷漆 Enamel varnish
有色金属 Non-ferrous metal
黑色金属 ferrous metal
白金属 White metal
云母 Mica
环氧树脂 Epoxy resin
聚氯乙烯 Polyvinyl chloride , PVC
蜡 Wax
滑石粉 Talc powder
电胶木 Bakelite
聚丙烯外壳 Polyacrylic cover
耐油橡胶管 Oil-proof rubber tubes
接地铜线 Grounding copper wire
垫圈 Pad
塑料绝缘线 Plastics insulated wire
橡套电缆 Rubber sheathed cable
中间接头 Splice
填充剂 Filling agent
绝缘电线 Insulated wire
移动软电缆 Movable flexible cable
补偿导线 Extension wire
套管 Bushing
母线槽 Busway
悬索 Cable suspension
滑触线 Trolley conductor
镀锌煤气管 Galvanized gas pipe
镀锌角钢 Galvanized steel angle
镀锌扁钢 Galvanized steel strap
钢丝绳 Steel wire rope
电笛 Siren
电磁阀 Electromagnetic valve
连接片 Connecting link
切换片 Transfering link
端子排 Terminal board
半导体二极管 Semiconductor diode
开度计 Opening meter
逻辑元件 Logical element
接线盒 Junction box
仪表槽板 Instrument trunking
电缆吊架 Cable hanger
出线套 Outgoing line sleeve
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