
The tangible products that go into different markets waiting to sell are a combination of raw materials, parts and labor, that varies with the product.Thus, raw materials, components, labor, and markets all influence the location of manufacturing facilities, processing facilities, and assembly facilities.Warehousing, distribution centers and cross-storage facilities provide convenience for the distribution of products, while their location is also affected by the location of the factory facilities, because they want to carry the factory products, to serve the market.
Regarding the relationship between natural resources and facility location, attention used to be paid to how natural resources should be integrated into product production and eventually reach consumers.However, in the recent 25 years, discussions on natural resources and facility sites have increasingly focused on the environment and sustainability.On the one hand, all kinds of pollution, such as air pollution, noise pollution and water pollution, will be considered; on the other hand, the protection of natural resources will be considered.
生产产品的物料直接(如采矿业或渔业)或间接(如农产品)取自土地或海洋。在一些情况下,这些资源可能远离物料或其产品被消费的地方。那些在加工过程中不失去重量的材料,被称为“ 纯材料”( pure materials)。对于这类材料,加工点可选择在临近原材料产地或市场的任一地区。
The materials produced directly (e. g. mining or fishery) or indirectly (e. g. agricultural products) are taken from land or ocean.In some cases, these resources may be far away from where the material or their products are consumed.Those that do not lose weight during processing are referred to as "pure materials" (pure materials).For such materials, the processing point can be selected in any area near the raw material origin or market.

然而,如果物料必须在收集地和需求地之间的某个位置被加工,那么它们是具有失重还是增重的特性,对于设施选址则显得尤为重要。如果物料在加工过程中,会失去相当大部分重量,就是“失重产品”( weight losing products),这类产品的加工地点应选择在临近开采或收获的地方,从而可以避免不必要的运输费用。如果原材料在加工过程中不断增加重量,就是“增重产品”( weight gaining products),这类产品的加工点应靠近市场。从甜菜中提取的糖,就是一种“失重产品”(大概6磅甜菜才能提取1磅糖),而瓶装软饮料则是“增重产品”的例子。
However, if materials must be processed somewhere between the collection or demand sites, then whether they are particularly important for the facility location.If the material loses a considerable part of its weight during processing, the "weightproduct" (weight losing products), the processing site of such products should be selected adjacent to mining or harvest to avoid unnecessary transportation costs.If the raw materials constantly increase their weight during the processing process, it is the "weight enhancement product" (weight gaining products), and the processing point of such products should be close to the market.Sugar from beets is a "weightproduct" (about six pounds of sugar), while bottled soft drinks are examples of a "weight gain product".

In addition to bottling work, water is also considered for the facility.In industrial production, water is used for cooling; in hot seasons, naturally flowing water may also be used in air conditioning equipment.In some processes, water can be used both for cleaning and as a medium for waste removal.At the same time, water is also essential for fire prevention, and the supply of certain water sources also determines the level of fire insurance premium.
Land demand is another natural resource to be considered when locating a facility.Distribution and production facilities may require larger areas of land to ensure effective and efficient operation.For example, building a 250,000 square foot distribution center may require at least 50 acres.In general, the more remote the place, the richer the land resources, the cheaper the price.But these places are often inconvenient transportation and lack of suitable labor.