
Posted 历史




Hello,Jone !Summer holiday is ing so I am writing to invite you to our country for a visit .I am free and I can take you to visit many places of interest in our country.In your last letter you asked me to introduce something about Beijing .I think it is a good chance to e to Beijing .First I would like to take you to visit the Great Wall,which is one of the wonders in the world.Second I want to take you to some hutongs to explore the culture of old Beijing .Then we can go to the summer palace to experience the cool and fort .Finally we can go to Wangfujing Street to taste some delicious food .I think we will have a good time .I am looking forward to your reply.Yours.Wangxin.约翰!暑假会来,所以我写这封信是为了邀请你来我们的国家.我自由了,我可以带你去参观我们国家的许多名胜.你最后的信中你问我介绍一些关于北京的事情.我认为这是一个很好的机会来北京.首先,我想带你去参观长城,它是世界奇观之一.第二我想带你去一些老北京的胡同探讨文化.然后我们可以去颐和园去体验凉爽和舒适.最后我们可以去王府井大街品尝一些美味的食物.我认为我们将有一个美好的时光.我期待着你的回复.你的.。


1.Munich is also known as Ming Hing, is the capital of bavaria. Munich is divided into two parts of old town and new town, the total area of 310 square kilometers. In 2010 the population of 1300000, is the largest city in southern Germany, Germany\'s third largest city (after Berlin and Hamburg); metropolitan area population reached 2700000.

2.Munich is located in southern Germany North of the Alps of the ISAR River, is one of the major German economy, culture, science and technology and transportation center, is one of Europe\'s most prosperous city. Munich also retains the simple style of the original capital of the kingdom of Bavaria, it was known as the "millions of people in the village". Biological engineering, software and service center. With the pany\'s headquarters and the headquarters of many Multi-National Corporation in europe.

3.Munich is Germany\'s second largest financial center (after Frankfurt), Munich is the largest publishing center has one of the largest in Europe, "the German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung", as well as many.

4.Munich personal independence of conduct and royal style, but also has the wild side. This is probably the only one of the new and the old, conservative and innovation of fierce collision, the negotiations in the world war ii.


Name: the Federal Republic of Germany (The Federal Republic of Germany, Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland) National Day: October 3 (1990, the re-unification of Germany and Japan) The anniversary of Nazi victims: Jan 27 (Soviet Red Army liberated the Nazi Germany in the territory of Poland\'s Auschwitz anniversary, on January 3, 1996 to determine) Germany of the European Jews killed Monument Democracy: May 7 National Flag: Wang was a rectangular shape, length and width ratio of 5:3. Top-down by the black, red, yellow parallel to the equivalent of three cross-linked to form a rectangle. Tri-color flag of different origins, dating back to the first century AD of the Roman Empire, later in the 16th century, the German farmers and the war of the 17th century bourgeois democratic revolution in Germany, on behalf of the Republic\'s tricolor flag flying in Germany, also on the land . German Empire in 1918 after the collapse, the Weimar Republic was also used black, red, yellow tricolor flag to flag. September 1949 set up the Federal Republic of Germany, still used during the Weimar Republic\'s tricolor flag; in October the same year the establishment of the German Democratic Republic is also a three-color flag, the only flag in the middle of the plane increases, including a hammer, gauge, the national emblem, such as wheat Patterns as a sign of distinction. October 3, 1990, after the reunification of Germany still used in the Federal Republic of Germany of the national flag. Tri-color flag in airports, hotels, banquets and other occasions to fly. Federal Government agencies and embassies in foreign countries, such as of hoisting the national flag design with Black Hawk. National Emblem: The golden shield emblem. Face shield is a Red-billed red claws, wings to start the Black Hawk, Black Hawk a symbol of strength and courage. National Anthem: "Song of Germany" in the third paragraph, the lyrics are August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (1798 -1874 years), written in 1841, tunes from Joseph Haydn (1732 -1809 years) and write. In 1922, the Weimar Republic\'s first imperial president Friedrich Ebert "Song of Germany" for the upgrading of the national anthem. In 1952, the Federal President of the Eastman-ho and Prime Minister of the Federal munications Adenauer between the first, the song was re-admitted to the national anthem. Weizsacker, President of the Federal and Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl in August 1991 in recognition of munication "Song of Germany" on the reunification of Germany in the traditional sense. Flower: cornflower, also known as the Blue Lotus, Lai Chi-ju, Turquoise Blue, belong to the Asteraceae. After the Germans for many years to cultivate this kind of "flowers on the field" have light blue, blue-violet, blue, Deep Purple, Xueqing, Dan Hong, Rose Red, white and other colors. The first-inflorescence was born in the top of the slender stalk, as if Juanxiu a young girl toward the "Light of life" - the sun, happiness and joy to pray. Germany is the cornflower blossoms, Germany with a German national symbol of her patriotism, optimism, tenacity, the simple characteristics, and that she was auspicious, as a result of "national flower." State bird: white stork, a famous rare bird watching. In Europe, since ancient times on the white stork is considered to be "brought about by the well-being of birds," is a symbol of good fortune, was sent by God as an "angel", specifically to visit the luck of the people. White stork has been selected as the national bird, many German families in the specially built chimney on a platform for building their nests with. State stone: Amber National political figures: President Horst Koehler Federation (Horst Koehler), 2004 was elected 5 years, serving in July; the Federal Parliament Wolfgang Thierse (Wolfgang Thierse), 1998 on 10 years elected 26; Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (Angela Merkel), 2005, took office 11 years. Former President of the Federation and Minister of the Federal Physical Geography: Germany is located in central Europe, east Poland, the Czech Republic, south Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands sector of the West, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Denmark and linked to the North and the North Sea and Baltic Sea Pro, is Europe\'s largest neighboring country. An area of 357,114 square kilometers (January 2008). North low-lying South high Terrain can be divided into four areas: the North German Plain, an average of less than 100 meters above sea level; mountain and Germany from the east-west high land constituted; south-west of the Rhine Valley fault, is on both 。



5.用英语介绍德国的历史、经济、工业 不要太晦涩

历史 Germany gained importance as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation,which was the first Reich translated as kingdom. It was started by Charlemagne, who became the first Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD, and it lasted until 1806 the time of the Napoleonic Wars. The second Reich was started with a treaty in 1871 in Versailles. The biggest state in the new German Empire was Prussia. The Kings of Prussia were also "German Emperors" they did not call themselves "Emperors of Germany". There were many other kingdoms, duchies and republics in the Empire, but not Austria. Germany stayed an empire with many different kinds of people for another 50 years. The treaty of unification was made after Germany won the Franco-Prussian War with France in 1871. In World War I, Germany joined Austria-Hungary, and declared war on France. The war became slow in the west and was fought in trenches, holes soldiers dug in the ground to protect themselves. Many men were killed on both sides. In the east the soldiers fought normal battles and the Germans won in the east. The war ended in 1918 because the Germans could not win in the west, and Germany\'s emperor had to give up his power. Germany was put under harsh restrictions, and France took Alsace from Germany. After a revolution, the Second Reich ended and the democratic Weimar Republic began. After the war, there were bad money problems in Germany because of the Peace Treaty of Versailles and the worldwide Great Depression. The "Third Reich" was Nazi Germany; it lasted 12 years, from 1933 to 1945. Adolf Hitler became the Head of government, and by the Enabling Act on March 23, 1933, the parliament gave him total control of the country and the government.[3] On March 23, 1933, the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act, which enabled Hitler\'s government to issue decrees independently of the Reichstag and the presidency; Hitler in effect assumed dictatorial powers. Hitler sought to unify all Germans in one state, and did this by uniting ethnic lands where Germans lived in Austria, Czechoslovakia with the German Republic. But his actions became radical, aggressive, and arrogant. Hitler started to abuse his power and declared himself "Führer" (dictator). Hitler then started to claim nearby countries to be part of Germany, and took them over, beginning with Poland, and including parts of Russia, and the Baltic states. The invasion of Poland started World War II on September 1, 1939. In the beginning, Germany was winning, and quickly got control of most of Europe and a large part of the Soviet Union. After the decisive Battle of Kursk, the German Eastern Front began a slow retreat until war\'s end. The reason was because Hitler refused to listen to his generals. On 8 May 1945, Germany gave up after Berlin was captured and Hitler had killed himself a week earlier. Because of the war, Germany lost a lot of German land east of Oder-Neisse line, and for 45 years, Germany was split into West Germany West- and German Democratic Republic East Germany. After the end of Socialism in Europe in 1990, East Germany joined West Germany. The new Germany is an important part of the European Union, a group of countries that want to bring all of Europe together for reasons of politics, defence, and economy. 政治 Germany is a constitutional federal democracy[4]. Its political rules e from the 1949 \'constitution\' called Grundgesetz (Basic Law). It has a parliamentary system, and the parliament elects the head of government, the Bundeskanzler (Federal Chancellor). The current Chancellor, Dr Angela Merkel, is a woman who used to live in East Germany. The people of Germany vote for the parliament, called the Bundestag (Federal Assembly), every four years. Government members of the 16 Bundesländer work in the Bundesrat (Federal Council). The Bundesrat can help make some laws. The head of state is the Bundespräsident (Federal President). This person has no real powers but can order elections for the Bundestag. The judiciary branch (the part of German politics that deals with courts) has a Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court). It can stop all acts by the law-makers or other leaders if they feel they go against Germany\'s constitution. 经济/工业 Germany has the world\'s third largest technologically powerful economy (only the United States and Japan are more powerful). Bringing West and East Germany together and making their economy work is still taking a long time and costing a lot of money; the west gives about $100 billion to the east a year。

6.德国简介 英文

The Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland (help·info)), or simply Germany (Deutschland), is one of the world\'s leading industrialised countries. Located in Central Europe, it is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea, to the east by Poland and the Czech Republic, to the south by Austria and Switzerland, and to the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Germany is a democratic parliamentary federal republic, made up of 16 states called Bundesländer, which in certain spheres act independently of the federation. Historically consisting of several sovereign nations with their own history, culture as well as religion, Germany was unified as a nation state during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870/1871.

The Federal Republic of Germany is a member state of the United Nations, NATO, the G8 and the G4 nations, and is a founding member of the European Union. It is the European Union\'s most populous and most economically powerful member state. Germany also plays a role as one of the world\'s major powers.


name: the federal republic of germany (the federal republic of germany, die bundesrepublik deutschland) national day: october 3 (1990, the re-unification of germany and japan) the anniversary of nazi victims: jan 27 (soviet red army liberated the nazi germany in the territory of poland\'s auschwitz anniversary, on january 3, 1996 to determine) germany of the european jews killed monument democracy: may 7 national flag: wang was a rectangular shape, length and width ratio of 5:3. top-down by the black, red, yellow parallel to the equivalent of three cross-linked to form a rectangle. tri-color flag of different origins, dating back to the first century ad of the roman empire, later in the 16th century, the german farmers and the war of the 17th century bourgeois democratic revolution in germany, on behalf of the republic\'s tricolor flag flying in germany, also on the land . german empire in 1918 after the collapse, the weimar republic was also used black, red, yellow tricolor flag to flag. september 1949 set up the federal republic of germany, still used during the weimar republic\'s tricolor flag; in october the same year the establishment of the german democratic republic is also a three-color flag, the only flag in the middle of the plane increases, including a hammer, gauge, the national emblem, such as wheat patterns as a sign of distinction. october 3, 1990, after the reunification of germany still used in the federal republic of germany of the national flag. tri-color flag in airports, hotels, banquets and other occasions to fly. federal government agencies and embassies in foreign countries, such as of hoisting the national flag design with black hawk. national emblem: the golden shield emblem. face shield is a red-billed red claws, wings to start the black hawk, black hawk a symbol of strength and courage. national anthem: "song of germany" in the third paragraph, the lyrics are august heinrich hoffmann von fallersleben (1798 -1874 years), written in 1841, tunes from joseph haydn (1732 -1809 years) and write. in 1922, the weimar republic\'s first imperial president friedrich ebert "song of germany" for the upgrading of the national anthem. in 1952, the federal president of the eastman-ho and prime minister of the federal munications adenauer between the first, the song was re-admitted to the national anthem.。



面积为357020. 22平方公里(1999年12月)。地势北低南高,可分为四个地形区:北德平原,平均海拔不到100米;中德山地,由东西走向的高地块构成;西南部莱茵断裂谷地区,两旁是山地,谷壁陡峭;南部的巴伐利亚高原和阿尔卑斯山区,其间拜恩阿尔卑斯山脉的主峰祖格峰海拔2963米,为全国最高峰。


西北部海洋性气候较明显,往东、南 部逐渐向大陆性气候过渡。平均气温7月14~19℃,1月-5~1℃。




首都: 柏林 (Berlin) ,人口:338.7万(2001年9月),年平均气温约8.6℃。 德国统一的象征: 勃兰登堡门,位于柏林市中心菩提树大街和6月17日大街的交汇处,是柏林市区著名的游览胜地和德国统一的象征。

Germany is located in central Europe, Poland, the Czech republic, Austria and Switzerland, south west Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, and the north sea and connected in Denmark and the Baltic sea, it is the most European neighbours. 357020 area, 22 square kilometers (December 1999). Terrain can be divided into north meteorological DeXingOu: four, northern Germany, average altitude of less than 100 plains, Sino-german mountains, for the land by high, Southwest Rhine valley area, a fault, the wall; steep hill South of the Bavarian Alps, plateau and the Alps mountain and ZuGeFeng altitude, the highest 2963. The Rhine river is flowing (mainly domestic 865 kilometres), the river, the river, a siddhartha, the Danube river. Large lakes have lake pensates, chiemsee, amare lake, the lake times. Obviously, the climate in northwest toward the east, south of transition to a continental climate. Average temperatures on July 14 ~ 19 degrees Celsius, January - 5 ~ 1 ° c. Annual precipitation 500-1000 mm, hill is more. As of January 1, 1995, according to the international law in 1982, Germany in beihai park and agreement by 3 miles east of the territorial sea to 12 nautical 22 kilometers), the area of each increase 4100 and 1,700 square kilometers.Population: 8237 million (2001), mainly is the German people, and a few danes, carefree gypsy and cable cloth. Foreigners have 7.5 million, total population of 9%. German. People who believe in 33.7% protestant and Roman Catholic 33.2% people believe.Capital: Berlin (Berlin), population: 338.7 million (September 2001), average temperature, about 6 degrees Celsius.German reunification, the symbol of the Brandenburg gate in Berlin: downtown lindens street and June 17th street, is the famous tourist attractions in Berlin, Germany and the symbol of unity.。


Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ), is a country in Central Europe. It is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea; to the east by Poland and the Czech Republic; to the south by Austria and Switzerland; and to the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands. The territory of Germany covers 357,021 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. With over 82 million inhabitants, it has the largest population of any member state of the European Union and is home to the third-largest number of international migrants worldwide.A region named Germania inhabited by several Germanic peoples has been known and documented before 100 AD. Since the 10th century German territories have formed a central part of the Holy Roman Empire that lasted until 1806. During the 16th century, northern Germany became the centre of the Protestant Reformation. As a modern nation-state, the country was first unified amidst the Franco-Prussian War in 1871. In 1949, after World War II, Germany was divided into two separate states — East Germany and West Germany — along the lines of Allied occupation. The two states were reunified in 1990. West Germany was a founding member of the European munity (EC) in 1957, which became the European Union in 1993. It is part of the borderless Schengen zone and adopted the European currency, the euro, in 1999.Germany is a federal parliamentary republic of sixteen states (Länder). The capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany is a member of the United Nations, NATO, the G8, the G4 nations, and signed the Kyoto protocol. It is a major economic power with the world\'s third largest economy by nominal GDP and the largest exporter of goods in 2007. In absolute terms, Germany allocates the second biggest annual budget of development aid in the world,while its military expenditure ranked sixth. The country has developed a high standard of living and established a prehensive system of social security. It holds a key position in European affairs and maintains a multitude of close partnerships on a global level.Germany is recognized as a scientific and technological leader in several fields.更多的英文介绍可以看://deutschland.de/home.php?lang=2。




















