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A noodle is made from unleavened dough that has been shaped into thin flat strips or round cylinders and cooked in a boiling liquid. Depending upon the type, noodles may be dried or refrigerated before cooking. The word noodle derives from the German Nudel (noodle) and may be related to the Latin word nodus (knot). In English, noodle is a generic term for unleavened dough made from many different types of ingredients and includes a variety of shapes.

The first written account of noodles is from the East Han Dynasty between AD 25 and 220. In October 2005, the oldest noodles yet discovered were found at the Lajia site (Qijia culture) along the Yellow River in Qinghai, China. The 4,000-year-old noodles appear to have been made from foxtail millet and broomcorn millet.


Today, my grandmother to entertain me, give me to eat noodle.

Start, the grandmother put five bowls of flour in a big basin, middle recess, the water in the middle. Just water flour like crater, here, the grandmother put good basin, mix with chopsticks properly, when water is flour suction light, reoccupy hand roll, like scraps of flour and flour into a ball at this moment, like a rough stone, is really a fickle!

After a period of time, flour enough to absorb the water and bee soft. 30 minutes later, my grandmother knead the "stone" smooth, pour a bowl of flour on the table, I puzzled, ask: "isn\'t the dough is already kneaded? How flour?" Grandma smiled and said: "this is in order not to let the dough and the table together." See grandma break out from the mass of a small, rub into a ball, then add flour, with a rolling pin to press the ball into a round shape, the thinner the good, with my hands, and just 3 hands.

Finally, grandma will "circular" folded, cut with a knife into a cm long noodles. To shake a shake, surface is ready.


开始时,奶奶又放了五碗面粉在一大盆,中间凹进处,在中间的水。只是水面粉像火山口,在这里,奶奶又放了较好的盆,用筷子搅拌正确,当水是面粉吸光,再用手卷,像片片粉和面粉倒入一个舞会,这一刻,就像一块粗糙的石头,真是变化无常 !

经过一段时间,面粉,足以吸收水分并变得柔软。30 分钟后,我的祖母揉"石"光滑、倒一碗面粉在桌子上,我很奇怪,问:"不是面团已经揉好吗?如何面粉吗?"奶奶笑着说:"这是为了不让面团和表在一起,"他说。看到奶奶打破了从一个小小的质量,揉成一个球,然后加入面粉,用擀面杖压成一个圆的形状、良好的越薄,用我的双手和只是 3 手。



Alphabets-字母面通常字母面是用来放在汤里起点缀作用的.2.Macaroni---通心粉 短于4CM才叫通心粉哦,大了就是另外的种类了.3.Rotini("Spirals"or"Twists")-螺旋粉. 一般短于4CM.4.AngelHair,Capellini("FineHairs")-天使面. 细长如发丝,意大利人亲切地称之“天使的发丝”.5.Manicotti-大通心面(袖筒面) 直径很大,内部可填充馅料.6.JumboShells-大扇贝面内部体积大,可填充馅料.7.BowTies,Farfalle("Butterflies")-蝴蝶结面 因其形状深受女性的欢迎.8.MediumEggNoodles(From"Nudel,"Germanmeaningpastewithegg)-蛋面 扁形.9.MediumShells,Conchiglie("Shells")-扇贝面 大扇贝面的缩小版,里面不填馅.10.Ditalini----手指面(顶针面)如同顶针一样的外形. 11.WideEggNoodles---宽边蛋面 12.Spaghetti--长面 传统的长条形,也是一般意义的“意粉”13.Orzo("Barley")-粒粒面 饭粒形状.14.Vermicelli---细面 区别于天使面,细面一般短于5CM.15.Fusilli---弯弯面 类似于螺旋面,不过是长条的.16.Penne,Mostaccioli---尖面(斜管面)区别于通心粉,直径较大,斜截面.17.WagonWheels,Ruote("Wheels")-园面(小轮面)圆形的. 18.Lasagne(From"lasanum,"Latinforpot)-千层面(宽面). 一层面一层馅焗制,或者拿去包意式云吞,口感独到.19.Radiatore("Radiators")-层层面 造型别致精巧.20.Ziti("Bridegrooms")-新郎面. 可以理解为长条形的粗通心粉.21.Linguine("LittleTongues")-中细面形状类似中国的挂面.22.Rigatoni("LargeGrooved")-粗通心面或者是pasta综上,名字就是中国式意面 Spaghetti。


In China,everyone likes eating noodles。Now let me tell you how to make noodles。

First,you should buy flour,it is very important。Second,The 500g flour into the container, flour middle pa a nest, water poured into the 230ml .The water surface, the full mix, mix to the container bottom can not see the powder into the dough knead will be delicious

Use a damp cloth or plastic wrap the dough, set aside for 30 minutes afterkneading made smooth group

Press the dough into a thick wafer roll out into large slices, sprinkle dry starch adhesive proof

The patch fold growth Strip Cut need width noodles sprinkled with drynoodles, will shake out

If not immediately after the noodles fresh-keeping bag into the refrigerator freezer can eat.


First put some water into the pot , then turn on the button make sure it is boiling. After this, when the water is boiled,put the noodles into the water. Then put the salt to suit your flavor. After about five minutes, make the noodles out of the pot.



英文:Turns on the water the ebullition to boil thoroughly the first surface, is putting the thing which one like eating, may put the egg and some pork and the minced green onion, moreover do not fet that adds the seasoning powder!





I also walked many places, had many noodles, such as kunlun hotel in Beijing a bowl of miscellaneous sauce noodles can open appetite, but 200 yuan price is painting a head, guilin west street have a bowl of rice says a root, that is a WanEr handleless cup size, you will take up more than ten back down will be belly round feeling. Malan noodle in gansu HaiWan noodle tastes good, after a solution, you know how many bowl once filled? So, the thing north and south eat noodles is measured in a bowl, has bee a habit. QinFeng heroic are; That pimple do MianTiaoEr stare blankly is solid, wide out world, long also out of the world, call a person sockets foot strength also have crappy a three or four!

Sit quietly with a several elder brothers of shanxi DaPanJi without a chewing, large bowl of noodles end up thinking. Hotel sister statement bowl hold the two root noodles, have let two people use first meaning. I immediately took food card with the camera before images;

希望能帮到你 O(∩_∩)O~






My Father\'s Favorite Food

My father\'s favorite food is noodles.

He almost eats noodles everyday. So my mother always cooks noodle for him.

I didn\'t like noodles at first. But now I like noodles too.

My father says that he likes noodles because my grandpa likes noodles too!

So all of our family like noodles.

Please e to our house and enjoy noodles with us!


there is a good noodle restaurant on the green street,just between the bank and the post office.the noodle here is delicious ,the shop is clean,and there are all kinds of taste,such as Beef,lamb,chicken,cabbage ,you can choose all want ,don\'t miss it,Waiting for your arrival.。




















