知识大全 精卫填海 要求:60词左右,初一水平,词语不要太难 ———谢谢

Posted 糖果

篇首语:守望相助,一缕阳光也将照亮心扉;同心协力,一点火光也能温暖灵魂。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 精卫填海 要求:60词左右,初一水平,词语不要太难 ———谢谢相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

跪求一篇初一英语作文 题目:精卫填海 要求:60词左右,初一水平,词语不要太难 ———谢谢

Once upon a time,there was a little girl named Little girl,her father was Emperor Yan,and loved Little girl very much.They often played together,but one day,while Little girl was boating in sea,she was drowned carelessly,and her soul became a bird called Jingwei.Yan felt very sad and saw Jingwei every day.Jingwei hated the sea and she decided to use the stones and branches to reclaim land.


我的一家.my family.
我的爱好。my habbit
一个难忘的周末。an unfetable/nice weekend.

我要求一篇英语作文,题目是My best holiday ! 初一水平,英文单词60词左右,帮忙!感谢啊

There are a lot of holidays during my life time .
But I think the best holiday was last summer holiday . It was the time after I graduated from High School . So I felt very happy , because I can go to university and study the other interesting things that I have never learned. On the other hand . I could have a good rest after studying for a long time . So I could have a good sleep 、 surf on the inter 、watch TV and study to cook well.
But the most special thing was to go to have a past-time job in a toy factory . It was my first part-time job .You know that it is hard to find a job . At first , my friends and I wanted to be a waitar in a restaurant. We thought that working in a restaurant could could train our speechcragt and courage, because this was the first time that we went to find a job .So we always smiled. But unfortuntely , the restaurant didn\'t offer a part-time job .It made us feel shy .But we didn\'t give up ,so we found a job in a toy facyory ,In there we just wanted to put the marks on the little cars or other toys. Sometimes we could help the other workers to make the litter blackboards. It was very interesting . And as we know , toys of the factory were sented to the foreign counties .WO...It is cool. The toys which I made would be sent to other plsces . I thought it was wonderful . Even though the work which we did was easy ,the pay was good .So I fekt happier and happier , worked harder and harder. Finally , the boss was proud of us and gave us some extra !!!
I had a wonderful National Holiday. Firstly, I finished doing my homework as quickly as I could. Then I reviewed what I learnt and prepared for my new lessons. I also read some interesting books and saw some wonderful movies. Secondly, I helped my parents do some housework every day. Such as, cleaning the room, making the bed, washing the clothes and so on. Thirdly, I visited my friends and played table tennis with them, I aslo visited Beijing with my parents and stayed there for three days. We went to the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and so on. I really had a good time for my holiday。
My best holioday
Last summer,i went to the beijing with my parents and my best friends.i went to visit the palace of museum,there was very beautiful and very big.then,i went shopping with my best friends,the clothes were very cool and cute,in the afternoon,i ate the lunch in the quanjude restaurant,the duck was very delicious.
I have a good time in beijing.

初一英语作文 有题目 带要求的 60—80词左右

来自美国的Tony是你的新同学。周末他到你家做客,看到了你爷爷的照片,请根据所给内容,以“My grandfather”为题写一篇短文,向他介绍你的爷爷。
Birthday On March 3, 1945
Birthplace In a small town
In 1950 Moved to the city with his parents
In 1951 Started school
In 1965 Finished school
In 1966 Became a teacher
In 1970 Got married
In 1973 Had a baby
My grandfather
My grandfather was born on March 3, 1945 in a small town. He moved to the city with his parents when he was five years old. He started school in 1951, and finished school in 1965. He became a teacher at the age of 21.
My grandfather got married to my grandmother in 1970. They had their baby three years later. And the baby was my father.

跪求初一英语作文100篇 30个单词左右 字数不要太多

Spring festival is the most important festival to Chinese people.It always lasts for 15 days.Before this day,all the family members eat dinner together.Last spring festival,my parents and I had a wonderful time. We had the most delicious dinner. After dinner, my parents watched the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV together.But my cousins and I went outside and set off fireworks. They were so beautiful. The next day, we got the lucky money (压岁钱) from the elders.We are looking forward to the next spring festival

初一英语作文 任何题目60词左右

Today is my mother\'s birthday.I want to buy something for my mother.She likes flowers.So I buy some beautiful carnation for her.Then I go to shopping.I want to buy a T-shirt for her.The shop assistant ask me what color does my mother like.I think she likes green,So I want to bur a green T-shirt for her.Then I go home.My mother is very happy.I am very happy,too.I help my mother do housework.We are very happy.
呵呵 、怎样阿?我也是初一的哦~=w=~

英语作文My Experience about Travelling初一水平单词不要太难

in my last summer vacation i went to a fantastic and famous water park in the U.S A. there i was shocked by my exciting experience when way stayed over. that day was a fine day, fine and warm with serenity
it had more than 20 aquatics. my friends and I went to this water park early, so that we could visit all the items in the park. on a barge we drifted for miles and we really had a good sight view when we go through the vally. after our experiencing all the enty-odd items, the flume ride was most exciting part, for we dropped into the water right about 25 feet above the water.
this journey gave us a proufound impression and we totally enjoyed this funny day. we loved this water park.


There is an Indian story about a bar of candy that came to see God in Heaven and plained: "Dear God, I am so sweet. I am so nice! I keep the Five Precepts. I meditate all the time." The sugar candy, as you know, it always sits on the table doing nothing. He says he never does harm to anyone. "But anyone, even the ants, the flies -- anyone who es near me wants to eat me. Why? What have I done? Doesn\'t the law of karma exist anymore?" Because God says that if you do something bad, if you harm someone, if you are sour, then people will return sourness to you. But if you are sweet to people, if you are nice and you don\'t do any harm to people, then they will never harm you, right?
So the candy said, "Why me? I am a candy. (Laughter) I am so sweet, and people always eat me and abuse me, why?" And God said, "You better step a little bit further before I answer you." And the candy said, "Why, you don\'t like me?" God said, "Just do it! Stand away, please!" Hes nearly lost Hiers temper. Oh, Hes shouted very hard, very loud. And the sugar was shaking, thinking that God got angry with him and didn\'t like him. He said, "M-m-m-y G-g-god, but what did I do?" God said, "You didn\'t do anything, but if you stay too near, I will also want to eat you!" (Laughter and applause)
Everything in this world has a nature of its own. Some are charming, some are seducing, like the candy, chocolate, the cakes, and some burn everything like fire, as soon as you get near.

9篇 初一120词的英语作文 着急! 不要一个类型的 跪求! 谢谢!初一水平啊

3、要有on, in, under等表示方位的介词。
This is my room . It’s small but it’s very nice and clean. There is a desk, a bed and o chairs in it . The desk is near the window. You can see some books and flowers on the desk. The bed is near the desk, and under the desk, there is a ball. My shoes are under the bed. Ther eis a map of China on the wall. There is a picture on the wall,too. I like my room.
假如你是Mona Hand 请根据表格的信息,写一封信向笔友Tom介绍自己, 以便增加相互了解,可适当发挥。
Name Mona Hand Age(年龄)13
Sports collection 6 baseballs and 4 soer balls…
Subject(科目) Like English and math interesting
Food : like ice cream ,Fench fries and hamburgers
Dislike (不喜欢) Salad brooli
Dear Tom:
How are you? Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Mona Hand. I am thirteen years old.I like sports collection.I have 6 baseballs and 4 soer balls.I like English and maths because they are interesting. I like ice cream, Fench fries and hamburgers but I don\'t like Salad or brooli.
假设你是Li Ping,你的朋友叫Tom,请你以My friend and I为题介绍一下你和他的体貌特征、饮食喜好及体育爱好等。要求:不低于60词。
My friend and I
My name is Li Ping. I’m 12 years old. I’m 130 cm tall. My hobbies are playing volleyball and listening to music. I like soer too. I like apples, bananas, tomatoes, but I don’t like eating vegetables.
I have a friend. His name is Tom. We are in the same class. He is 5 cm taller than me, but he is a little thinner. He also likes playing sports, but he don’t like playing basketball. He thinks it’s boring. He likes eating hamburgers very much.
Ⅺ. 书面表达。(15分)
I have a good friend. He is a boy. His name is Li Ming. I often call him Mingming. He is a good student. There are three people in his family. They are his parents and him. He likes bananas very much. But he doesn’t like apples. He likes hamburgers and chicken for lunch. He likes playing sports, too. He has o basketballs. He often plays basketball with his friends. I like him .
五。 VII. 书面表达。(10分)
你是电影俱乐部(Movie Club)的一名会员。你们经常组织看不同类型的影片。请较全面地介绍你们的俱乐部成员及开展的活动。
Our Movie Club
My name is Tom Green. ______________________________________
Our Movie Club
My name is Tom Green. I am thirteen years old. My birthday is April 25th. I can play basketball and swim very well. I like seeing movies very much. I am in a movie . In the , I have a friend called Jim Brown. He is elve years old and he is good at drawing. His birthday is July 7th. We are going to see a new film next Sunday afternoon. It will be on at three o\'clock. It is an action movie called Hero. Li Lianjie is the actor. I think it will be exciting. I can\'t wait to see it.
六 XI. 书面表达(10分)
你一定过过很多次生日了。哪次你的印象最深?请你写一篇题为“My birthday”的短文,约40字左右。
My birthday
Today is my birthday, I have a birthday party at home. My friends e and give me many presents. My mother puts the big birthday cake on the table and light the candles. Then I make a wish and cut the cake. The cake tastes delicious. Then we sing and play the guitar. Dance the disco. Everyone has a god time.
七. 书面表达。(共15分)
请以My day 为题,写一篇60词左右的短文。介绍一下你一天的活动内容及时间。首句已给出,不计入总词数。
My day
I am a student. ______________________________________________________________
I am a student. I am very busy every day. I usually get up at six in the morning. After breakfast, I usually go to school at around seven thirty. School starts at eight. I often eat lunch at school. I get home at about five fifty in the afternoon. After dinner, I watch TV for half an hour and then do my homework. At about nine, I go to bed.
八. David 来自法国,根据下面信息来介绍他:
父母:Mr and Mrs Green 妹妹 Alice 五岁

David is from France. He is living in Beijing now. He has a happy family. Mr and Mrs Green are his parents. They work in a factory. He has a lovely sister. Her name is Alice. She is five years old. David is studying at a middle school. His favorite subject is biology, because he thinks it is interesting. His favorite sport is basketball. He can play it well. He wants to join the school team. His favorite movie is thrillers and he likes exciting stories.
九。 IX书面表达。根据下面图画,写一段60词左右的短文进行描述。(5分) 提示:mend (修理)the car, water (动词,浇水)
Look at the photo of Sandy\'s family. The boy is Sandy. He is cleaning the window. The girl is his sister. She is reading a book beside the house. A bird is in the tree. It\'s singing. The man is his father. He is mending the car. The woman is his mother. She is watering the flowers. How happy they are!


We have fourteen subjects.They are math, Chinese, English, history, geography, biology, politics, music, art, P.E., puter and so on.My favorite subject is Chinese. I like it very much because it is very interesting. Our Chinese teacher is also very kind. We love her very much.


知识大全 用英文讲一个小故事带翻译初一水平60字左右。


知识大全 英语日记(60-80词)初一的


知识大全 求一篇初中英语作文,题目是My school,不要太长,80词到100词左右,3Q了

求一篇初中英语作文,题目是Myschool,不要太长,80词到100词左右,3Q了  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容

知识大全 求10篇七年级英语暑假周记,100词左右。生词不要太多。记住是10篇啊,而且每篇都有题目


知识大全 求初二水平的小故事,不要太长不要太短,大概讲完在2分钟左右,还要感想,感想长一点,这个故事最好不要很


知识大全 好词大全4字


知识大全 你对西安了解多少?请写一篇60词左右的小短文


知识大全 快


知识大全 由于本人成绩不好,最好出现一些错误,但不要太明显


知识大全 英语作文学生压力太大看法议论文80词左右带翻译
