知识大全 英语作文 We are what we read 急 快快快 一定是自己写的 抄的不给分


篇首语:一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 英语作文 We are what we read 急 快快快 一定是自己写的 抄的不给分相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

英语作文 We are what we read 急 快快快 一定是自己写的 抄的不给分  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

英语作文 We are what we read 急 快快快 一定是自己写的 抄的不给分

Nowadays, learning and growth are the necessary deeds for modern people who live in a kind of society full of petitions. while, there is a hot ic about the method of learning and growth. Some people is for reading books, and some people think doing and experiencing are the right ways to learn. As for me, i support the former. The following points can support my view.
First of all, the knowledge from most books in publication is true and scientific, gotten from the authors’ or other predecessors’ first-hand concrete or emotional experiences, which is worthy being learned by people. Even if the knowledge is theoretical and academic, they can provide the meaningful experiences, examples for people to reflect, and useful, effective ways to solve daily problems. Secondly, reading books is the most easy, effective way for people to get knowledge in the least time. Then people can save much time to do other things. The more books we read, the more knowledge we get, the solider our theoretical basis is, which is more easily for people to innovate. Thirdly, learning by doing has its limitations. Owing to the limit of time and place, it is unrealistic for people to do or experience everything in order to get knowledge. Sometimes the action is dangerous. For example, .we can’t get the knowledge---killing people is illegal, by killing an innocent person and bearing the terrible result. It is unreasonable.
In the end, i conclude my opinion. Learning through reading is a more efficient choice for people, paring with the way of experiencing and doing.


Group work is often anized in English classes. Let me show you how to do it.
First, every one of us in a group gets different tasks. Then we discuss the ic in English. After discussion, we should write down the key words and write a report. Finally, after finishing the tasks in time, we will choose one of our group members to give a report to the whole class.
In my opinion, group work not only makes me braver, but also helps me speak English fluently. I have improved a lot that way, so I enjoy group work.

Where do you prefer to live in beeen the city and countryside?Well,some people have a passion for living in the city because it facilitates them a lot in their life and work,and also the smooth transportation.Nevertheless,others hold a negative attitude in living the city.They have a weakness for staying the countryside because the love the setting in there.
And i`d like to give my feedback to this issue and i have always been hope to live in the countryside owing to the beauty of nature and the quiet circumstance.I love the feeling as i stand in the middle of the countryside.

my holiday plan初二英语作文。急!快快快快!

My holiday plan
In this holiday, I will play with my little sister, she is a lovely girl. And then, I will chat with my grandmother. And I will go swimming with my best friends, I think we will have a great time. Then I will do my homework and I will help my mother to do the housework. I think this holiday I will be very busy and I also think I will be very happy this holiday!


Whom do we ask for help when we are in trouble? I did a survey on whom we ask forhelp when we are in trouble.Different students have different ideas. Some of the students ask their classmates or friends for help because they think their friends are in their age and this provides a fortable setting to talk. Some of the students ask their teachers or parents for help because the teachers and parents have lots of experiences and their job is to help the kids getting out of trouble. The rest of the students ask themselves for help because they don\'t want to share their trouble with others and they think it\'s a shame to be in trouble. Different students ask different kinds of people for help when they are in trouble.


中国最重要的节日,也是我最喜欢的节日。 It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year . 它是为了庆祝农历新年 In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal . 在春节前夜,家人聚在一起享用丰盛的一餐 In many places people like to set off firecrackers . 在许多地方人们还放鞭炮 Dumplings are the most traditional food . 饺子是最传统的食物 Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes . 孩子们非常喜欢春节,因为他们可以吃好吃的东西和穿新衣服 They can ...

英语 英语 英语 快快快快快快 急

1、can\'t wait to do sth
The soup smells nice, I can\'t wait to taste.汤闻上去真香!我都等不及要尝尝了。
2、range from...to ....
Her interests ranged from ballet to politics. 她的兴趣涵盖芭蕾舞与政治。
3、help sb to do sth
Good food and exercise help me to study better. 好的食物和运动帮助我学习得更好。
4、sense of humour
He has a good sense of humour. 他有很好的幽默感。
5、at least
We play soer at least once a week. 我们至少每个星期踢一次足球。
6、aording to...
They did everything aording to the plan. 他们按计划做了一切事情。
7、act out
Now read and act out the dialogue. 现在来阅读和表演下面的对话。
8、change one\'s attitude towards...
You should change your attitude towards your old parents. 你应该改变对你年老父母的态度。
9、be crazy about/on...
He is crazy about learning English. 他对学习英语很着迷。
10、be kind to...
The teacher is kind to his students. 这位老师对他的学生非常和蔼。
11、quite a lot of
He\'s got quite a lot of friends. 他有相当多的朋友。
12、as good as
It tasted as good as it looked, too. 尝起来也如同看起来一样美妙。

My Favourite Festival ——Mid Autumn Festival 英语作文 快快快急

My favorite festival

Do you know which is my favorite festival? Let me tell you. It is Mid-Autumn festival.It is on the fifth of August, Chinese calendar. That day we are very happy.We can have a big dinner and sit in the open air, looking at the moon. And we usually eat mooncakes. They are round. They are delicious! I like to eat them very much. The moon is round in the evening, too.
Do you like Mid-Autumn festival?




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实况足球WE9LE在Win8系统下注册表导入问题  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!实况足

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知识大全 高分悬赏,请高手帮忙翻译成英语,要求准确,急急



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一、花生后期易发生锈病  锈病一般最先在底叶开始发生,叶片产生we疤斑,周围有很窄的we晕圈,表皮裂开后散出铁锈粉末,严重时叶片发黄,干枯脱落。防治可用75%百菌清600倍液,或25%粉锈宁500倍液

知识大全 英语翻译:多漂亮的天鹅啊! 怎样用how和what开头
