知识大全 题目是论考试不及格。字数为300字!急

Posted 题目

篇首语:没有比知识更好的朋友,没有比病魔更坏的敌人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 题目是论考试不及格。字数为300字!急相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


Recently severe debates about passing exam arise. People feel afraid to fail to pass the exam, but there are always some people can pass the exam. Many reasons are to blame 字数有限,楼主参考下~

求一篇200-300字的高中英语作文,题目为an unusual job。谢谢~

An Unusual Experience
One day, I went to ski with my friend, Li Mei. We were playing happily on the ice when I heard a shout"Help". I turned back and was surprised to see a boy falling into a ice hole. But neither of us could swim. So Li Mei and I ran to ask for help. A few minutes later, a policeman came and pulled the boy out of the water. What an unusual experience it was

求一篇英语作文,题目是how to protect your eyesight,字数80

How to protect your eyesight
With the burden of study increasing, more and more students bee short sight. So we asked the eye specialist how to deal with the problem. The specialist suggest that, first, the students should control the reading time. When the students read the book for an hour, they should have a rest or do some exercises to make their eyes relax. Second, they should pay attention to the light. The light should not be too dark or bright. Third, the students should do eye exercise regularly to protect their eyes. Fourth, the students should get plenty of sleep. More sleep means more rest of eyes. We hope those suggestions are useful and can protect your eyesight.



求一篇高中生的英语作文,字数在100左右,题目是:Be an optimist

Do you see the glass as half-full rather than hall empty? The o different answers to the question represent o different attitudes towards life -- optimistic attitude and pessimistic attitude.
Optimism always leads to happiness, health and suess while pessimism, by contrast, results in hopelessness, sickness and failure. That’s because optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in very different ways. When things go wong the pessimist tends to blame himsell, while the optimist looks for loop holes. The optimist feels in control of his oval life. If things are going badly, he acts quickly, looking for solutions, forming a new plan of action, and seeking for advice. On the contrary, the pessimist yields to the arrangement of fate and moves slowly. He doesn’t seek advice, since he assumes nothing can be done.
Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism. Optimism is important in all aspects of our lives. If you can change your mind from pessimism to optimism, you can change your life.

求一篇高中英语作文 急!

- -是作业么
Nobody living in this world being able to plete everything by himself or herself,it is undoubted that all of us need hands given by others.Just as the old saying goes:"hen difficulties arise in one place, aid es from everywhere".
最后一段写The rose\'s in her hand,the flavor in mine.When receiving others\' help,we should remember the flavor and always be ready to give our hands.

Nowadays,SMS interaction has bee a major part of various programs.The reason why the majority programs start such a item is that it is essential to let the audience adequately participate into the show.But everyone gets their own perspectives on this matter.
Some people think it is a fantastic way to get involved . The other people think it is the TV station"s means to make money,In my opinion , SMS interaction does more good than harm to the audience.Starting a new project is valuable in most fast-paced business environments today .It can give us a lot of happiness and let us know more about the programs.Why don"t we aept such a wonderful part?
自己写的 希望采纳。

Dear David,
How are you getting on these days?I\'m writing to ask you something about American univeristies because I\'d like to study in an American university after I finish my high school.
I\'m in Senior 2 now. I get grades in all kinds of exams. I\'m good at physics. I got the first prize in the national Olympic physics petition. So I want to devote myself to physics . It is said Princeton University is famous for its physics, but I am interested in the capital of Washington D.C.
Will you give me some more information about the universities in Washington D.C ?
I\'m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks a lot.
All the best wishes.
Li Hua.




I have a dream
My Dream Everyone has his dream. My dream is to be a f amous journalist in the future. When I grow u p, I\'m going to be a journalist. Next year, I\'m g oing to write articles for magazines and newsp apers. I\'m going to a university in Beijing after senior school. Maybe I\'m going to find a part-t ime job and save some money. Next, I\'m going to work for a TV station as a journalist. Then I\' m going to travel all over the world. What is yo ur dream in the future? Would you like to tell me ? 翻译: 人人都有梦想。我的梦想是在将来做一名著名的 记者。当我长大的时候,我将做一个记者。明年 ,我将给杂志和报纸写一些文章。中学毕业后, 我将去北京的某所大学上学。或许我将找一份兼 职工作来积攒些钱。下一步,我将作为记者为电 视台工作。然后我将周游世界各地。你将来的梦 想是什么?你愿意告诉我吗?


知识大全 数学考试老是不及格怎么办


知识大全 初三二模语文考试网上阅卷,60分话题作文没写题目,但字数够了整体挺


知识大全 求一篇题目为《我的读书生活》的作文,字数在300~400字以内。急需 ! ! ! ! ! !


知识大全 写一篇300—400字的作文(写我的课余生活,字数不包括题目。)


知识大全 初级会计职称考试是不是60分及格


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知识大全 我是一名初二学生,是一个成绩很差的学生,初二八科科目都处于不及格的状态,期末考试8科才250多分,


知识大全 急求初中物理解答题20道,题目字数越少越好,谢谢各位.


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