知识大全 以"mydreamjob"为题写一篇短文80词左右长大想干什么,为了你的目标打算怎么做,高中毕业


篇首语:傲不可长,欲不可纵,乐不可极,志不可满。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 以"mydreamjob"为题写一篇短文80词左右长大想干什么,为了你的目标打算怎么做,高中毕业相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

以"mydreamjob"为题写一篇短文80词左右长大想干什么,为了你的目标打算怎么做,高中毕业  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!





以"my school"为题写一篇小短文50词左右

My school is located at (路名).It is a double storey building,there are enty classrooms.It\'s a very big and clean school.We also have a basketball court,a hall,a canteen and a large garden.There are alot of beautiful flowers in the garden.I love my school.

以"How to keep our hair healthy"为题写一篇80词左右的短文。

How to keep our hair healthy
As is known to all,everyone wants to be beautiful.Keep your hair in a good condition canmake you more beautiful and more popular.
So,you may ask how to keep our hair healthy? There are some easy tips for you.
First,you should wash your hair regularly.Use the shampoo that suits you.Some people have oily hair while some have dry hair.They should use different kind of shampoo.
Second,do not tie your hair too tightly if you have long hair.That is bad for your hair.
In a word,pay some attention to your hair and be the spotlight in the street!

以“How I Study English"为题写一篇80词左右的短文。

Many people ask me how I learn the English.What I want to say is that it is not hard to learn English well.Here are some ideas to learn English.First, you must love the English.And hear to the teacher carefully,petting homework on time.Second,speak English loudly. Third,read Enlish book and do exercise as much as possible.then you will learn English well .

以"My Busy Weekend"为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文

I am a student.But I\'m stressed out.On Saturday,I have to visit my uncle and help him to babysit his son in whole day.In the evening,I have to do my homework.Dear me,they are too difficult!On Sunday morning,I have to help my mom make breakfast,do house work and go shopping.Oh,I cannot stand shopping.On Sunday afternoon, I have to study for my math and biology test.In the evening, I have to sleep early.I haven\'t fun on weekends. How unhappy I am!

以"My Good Habits"为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文

My good habits
In my opinion, my good habit is to study everything I\'m not fimiliar with. It is said that it is never too old to learn and so it is. The world is changing all the time and we can never prepare and learn evertything before we do them. Therefore we should be brave enough to face our ignorance and try our best to solve them. Then we have the ability to improve ourselves and make our dream furnish.

以"A Rainstorm hit Nanjing"为题,写一篇80词左右的短文

A rainstorm hit Nanjing
Continuous heavy rains have swept across wide areas of China in the past few days. Nanjing was once again hit by a heavy rainstorm on Monday.
Places like Nanjing downtown, the Hao River received a rainstorm alert issued by Meteorological Agency on Sunday. The rain began since morning and became intense after that. Water was sprayed to both sides of the road when cars passed by.
The rainstorm turned into dark night, cars moved slowly due to roads blocked. The China Meteorological Agency also forecast that the rain belt will advance northwards since Tuesday. Nanjing and its neighbour city Jiangsu will be hit by the heavy rainstorm again.

以"my ideal teacher"为题写一篇词数100左右的短文

Do you have a teacher? You may say“Yes.” Everyone has his teacher. You have, he has, and so do I. In my mind I\'ll never fet her-my first English teacher. We have many teachers in our school, some of them old and some of them young. Among these teachers, there is one whom I particularly like and respect.she is Mis. Wu, and young woman of 28.she seems to know everything and she teaches well. She is not tall,but she has o big eyes.Her voice sounds beautiful and she speaks English very well.She is very humorous, and she always teaches us in an interesting way. Sometimes she plays with us. She\'s very kind. She likes singing and collecting posters.She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.She likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea. This is my favourite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much. Oh, I fot to tell you that she teaches at Yiyuan high School.


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