知识大全 谁有专门用should could would shall填空的题型


篇首语:蹉跎莫遣韶光老,人生唯有读书好。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 谁有专门用should could would shall填空的题型相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

谁有专门用should could would shall填空的题型

常用的情态动词有can,may,must,need,should, had better.
1. can 的用法:
① 表示能力 “能,会” eg: He can speak a little Japanese.他会说一点日语。
② 表示请求或许可 “可以” eg: Can I help you? 要我帮忙吗?
③ 表示猜测 “可能” eg: Where can she go now? 她可能到哪里去了呢?
2.may 的用法:
①表示请求或允许 “可以”“准许” eg: May I go home,please?请问我可以回家吗?
② 表示可能性 “ 可能”、也许” eg: I think it may rain this afternoon. 我想今天下午可能下雨。
eg: ① He might not e today.今天他也许不来了。(语气不肯定)
②You might also get a headache when you work too hard,当你工作太努力时,你也可能患头痛
3. must的用法:
①表示义务、必要或命令 “必须、应该” eg: You must e early tomorrow.你明天得早来。
② 表示推测时“肯定,一定” eg: They must be at home.The light is on 他们肯定在家,灯亮着呢.
③ must not 禁止,不许 eg: You must not tell lies. 你不许撒谎。
注意: ①must开头的疑问句,其否定回答通常用 don\'t have to 或needn\'t 。而不用mustn\'t
eg: ---Must I finish my homework first? 我必须先完成作业吗?
---No, you don\'t have to/ needn\'t. 不,你不必。
② can 和 must在 表推测时,can一般否定句中,而must 常用于肯定句中。
eg: ①It can not be Li Lei 那个人不可能是李磊 ② It must be Li Lei 那个人肯定是李磊。
4. need 的用法:
① 情态动词 “需要, 有必要”一般用于否定句或疑问句中。
eg: You needn\'t e here this afternoon.你今天下午不必来。
② 行为动词 “需要, 有必要” 可以用于各种句式中。
eg: ①You don\'t need to go now. 你不必现在就走。 ② I need to have a rest. 我需要休息一下
③ Do we need to finish all the work today? 我们今天需要完成所有的工作吗?
实义动词表“需要”,后接名、代、不定式。 need后接动名词,主动形式表被动。
情态动词表“需要”,没有人称 数之变。 其后直接加动原,多用疑问与否定。
5.征求许可或给予许可,“我可以•••?”用句型“Can/May/Could/Might I...?”其中"Can I...?"属于非正式用法,"May I ...?"属于正式用法。"Could/Might I...?"的回答通常不用could或might,而用may或can或其他表示客气的词语。
6.肯定句中表推测“可能”:can,could,may,might都可以在肯定句中表“可能”。其中can的语气最强,可能性最大,其余依次递减。 肯定句中表推测“一定,肯定”用must.
7.疑问句中表推测“可能”:用can,could,might,而不能用may. mustn\'t 不表示推测,而表示禁止。
8.否定句中表推测: may not/might not:可能不 can not/could not: 不可能
eg: ①You may not be right.你也许不对. ② You can not be right.你不可能对.
10.表示“必须”时,must表示主观看法,have to强调客观需要。
11.ought to和should两者都表示应该,但是ought to比should语气强。
12.would rather与than连用,其结构是:would rather...than...或would...rather than...。would(rather)和than后面都接动词原形,如果用的动词相同,则than后省去该动词。would rather...than...的意义为“宁愿•••而不是•••”eg:I would rather play football than baseball.我宁愿踢足球而不愿打棒球。
13. 情态动词的助记口诀:
情态动词两要点:动词原形跟后边 没有人称 、数之变
can 表能力 may许可 must来把责任担(必须) 否定回答need换。
need需要 dare敢 should应该 would like 愿(意) have to“ 不得不”表客观。
14.had better用法的助记口诀:
表示“建议”和“忠告”,had better 为最好。 建议某人“最好不•••”,要用 had better not do。
1.(2005河南)You look tired now ,you stay at home and have a rest .
A.had to B.had better C.would like to D.would rather
2.(2005河南)--Must I return the book tomorrow morning ? --No ,you .You keep it for three days .
A.mustn\'t ,may B.mustn\'t ,must C.needn\'t ,can D.needn\'t ,must
3.(2006河南)--Must I go and do it now ? --No ,you ,We still have o more days .
A.shouldn\'t B.can\'t C.needn\'t D.won\'t
4.(2007河南)--I didn\'t pass the math test.I think I have spent too much time playing puter games
recently . --I agree .You play like that any more .
A.needn\'t B.mustn\'t C.may not D.wouldn\'t
5.(08河南)--Our class won the English speaking contest. --Congratulations! You be very proud of it.
A. can B. need C. would D. must
6.(08河南)It seems that it is going to rain. You\'d better the window open when you leave the house.
A. not leave B. leave C. not to leave D. to leave
1.(2003天津)You go and ask Meimei .She know the answer .
A.must ,can B.must ,may C.need ,can D.can, may
2.(2003福建福州)--Must I stay at home ,Mum? --No ,you .
A.mustn\'t B.may not C.can\'t D.don\'t have to
3.(2003广东广州)The boy said he had to speak English in class ,but he speak it after class .
A.could B.didn\'t have to C.might D.shouldn\'t
4.(2004江苏苏州)Could you tell me if he finish the work on time ?
A.could B.was able to C.is able to D.would be able to
5.(2004上海)We keep the new traffic law and learn how to protect ourselves .
A.may B.should c.can D.need
6.(2004广东佛山)--What a nice day! We go surfing ? --Good idea !
A.Shall B.Must C.can D.Need
7.(2004乌鲁木齐)--Tom, don\'t drive too fast ,you hit the other\'s cars . --OK ,I won\'t Mum .
A.must B.need C.may D.have to
8.(2005安徽)You be careful with fire when you have a piic in the forest .It\'s too dangerous .
A.will B.must C.can D.may
9.(2005江苏南通)You worry about him ,He will get well soon.
A.needn\'t B.can\'t C.mustn\'t D.may not
10.(2005海南)--I don\'t mind telling you what I know. --You ,I\'m not asking you for it .
A.needn\'t B.mustn\'t C.may not D.can\'t
11.(2005厦门)I\'m sorry .I go now ,My father told me on the phone that my mother was ill.
A.can B.may C.have to D.think
12.(2005宁波)--Don\'t fet to e to my birthday party tomorrow . .
A.I don\'t B.I won\'t C.I can\'t D.I haven\'t
13.(2006海南)--May I go out and play tennis ,Dad ? --Yes ,but you finish your homework first .
A.can B.could C.may D.must
14.(2006安徽)Although you did well this time ,you look down on(看不起) others .
A.had better B.ought to C.shouldn\'t D.wouldn\'t
15.(2006甘肃金昌)--Could you please pass the book on the shelf to me ? -- .
A.You are wele B.No, I couldn\'t C.Certainly .Here you are D.Yes , I could
16.(2006湖南常德)--Whose volleyball is this ? --It be Carla\'s .She never plays volleyball.
She dislikes it . A.can\'t B.may not C.must
17.(2006湖南怀化)You s your car when the traffic light is red . A.must B.may C.can
18.(2007北京)--Mary , you speak Chinese? --Yes ,only a little .
A.must B.need C.may D.can
19.(2007四川乐山)--Must I do the work now ? --No ,you .You may do it later .
A.can\'t b.mustn\'t C.needn\'t D.shouldn\'t
20.(2007四川南充)This history book be Bob\'s sister\'s . His sister is only a baby .
A.must B.might C.can\'t
21.(2007黑龙江齐齐哈尔)--Xiao Hai ,you step on the grass . --Sorry , I do it again.
A.needn\'t ,won\'t B.mustn\'t ,won\'t C.can\'t ,will
22.(2007辽宁十二市)--I can\'t s smoking ,doctor , --For your health ,I\'m afraid you .
A.may B.need C.have to D.must
23.(2007江苏镇江)--May I try on the jeans ? --Yes ,you .A.should B.can C.must D.need
24.(2007陕西)--Could I borrow your dictionary ? --Of course you .A.can b.must C.should D.will
25.(2007太原)--Must we finish giving out the posters today ?
--Yes ,we ,It can\'t be put off any longer . A.can B.may C.must
26.(2007山西临汾)--Bill ,is the pink umbrella Anna\'s ?
--No ,it be hers ,Hers is purple . A.might B.must C.can\'t
27.(2007山西)John ,you needn\'t do your work today ,you do it tomorrow if you\'re tired.
A.must B.may C.can\'t
28.(2007内蒙古赤峰)--It nearly took me an hour to arrive here .I\'m very tired .
--You be thirsty .Have a drink ,please . A.should B.can C.must D.would
29.(08辽宁沈阳)The baby is too young .You give her big pieces of food.
A. may B. must C. may not D. must not
30.(08陕西)--Whose exam paper is it? --It be Li Lei\'s. He always fets to write his name on it.
A. can\'t B. must C. shouldn\'t D. may
31.(08福建福州)--Kate, you dance the disco? --Yes, I can. A. may B. can C. must D. need
32.(08重庆)--Who\'s that boy reading in the garden?Is it David? --It be David. I saw him in the classroom just now. A. must B. can\'t C. may D. should
33.(08河北)Thomas, Please be quiet. The others hear very well.
A. can\'t B. mustn\'t C. shouldn\'t D. needn\'t
34.(08湖北武汉)--Have you seen my glasses? I find them. --Sorry, I haven\'t seen them.
A. can\'t B. shouldn\'t C. won\'t D.mustn\'t
35.(08四川成都)You stay in bed any longer. Get up to work quickly. A. must B.won\'t C. can\'t
36.(08江苏苏州)We hope that as many people as possible join us for the charity show(慈善演出) tomorrow. A. need B. can C. must D. should
37.(08安徽)--Is Mr Brown driving here? --I\'m not sure. He e by train.
A. may B. shall C. need D. must
38.(08浙江杭州)Four hundred dollars for a pair of shoes, you be joking!A.may B.can C.need D.must
39.(08上海)All the passengers wear seat belts on the plane. A. can B.may C.will D.must
40.(08天津)--I can\'t find Dad. Where is he? --I\'m not sure .He be in the study.
A. must B. may C. need D. will
答案: 河南1-6:BCCBDA 全国:1-5:DDBCB 6-10:ACBAA 11-15:CBDCC 16-20:AADCC
21-25:BCBAC 26-30:CBCDB 31-35:BBAAC 36-40:BADDB
(Best wishes)

填空you ( )go and see a doctor because you had a fever. a:could b:might c:should d:would

should 应该

__I call you a taxi?用should或would填空

用 hould
Should I call you a taxi? 我应该为你叫辆出租车吗?

be, have, do, shall, will, should, would

shall, will, should, would都是助动词


should 是 shall的过去式,也是它的委婉用法。
would 是will的过去式也是它的委婉用法。
shall 只用于第一人称的单复数,I和We。
Will,should和would 所有人称都能用。

would you …… ;should you…… ;shall I……

Yes,I would No,I wouldn\'t 是的,我会无法,我不
Yes,I should No,I shouldn\'t 是的,我应该不,我不应该
Yes, I will. No, I won\'t 是的,我会。 不, 我将不

选词填空! ( )you like some milk ? A . Would B. Could C . Can

解释:would like 表示“想要”,是固定搭配。

They said they would do what they could do ()(keep)the river from being polluted 动词填空

to keep。 用不定时to do 表示目的


比如:Would you like some coffee to drink?
比如Shall we go to the supermarket?

首字母填空I would go to France for holiday if I could a___ it.

I would go to France for holiday if I could (afford,付得起钱)it.


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