知识大全 ABB面经F2F interview in ABB for MT.

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篇首语:拼一个春夏秋冬,愿一生无怨无悔。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 ABB面经F2F interview in ABB for MT.相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

ABB面经F2F interview in ABB for MT.  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Date: 19 November 2007Questions are as below:Self IntroductionWhich cities you like best?What』s your career path during the next 3 years?What did you do during the internship in TI?Did you applied for the position recruited by TI?Why not?Then it』s my turn to ask questions:Is there big opportuinities for us to be promoted in ABB as there are so many employees in China?Is there any chance for us to be trained oversea during or after the trainee program?what is difference among ABB, Siemens, and Schenider?Then the interview is over! My interveiwer is really a good guy, and hope to see him again in the next round if I have the opportunity of entering the 2nd round!Bless all! hope us get our offers ASAP!


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