知识大全 职场面霸教你如何正确提问面试官

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The interviewer asks you, Do you have any questions for me?


You say ... Yes!


This is the easiest interview question out there. Always say yes。


Asking questions shows that you『re interested in the job. It also gives you a chance to show how knowledgeable you are about the position and the industry. Most important, it lets you highlight why you『re the perfect candidate。


You have to choose your questions carefully, though, depending on who『s doing the interviewing. An excellent question for a recruiter might be inappropriate for an executive. And you don『t want to ask your potential boss something that『s best suited for a future coworker。


Also, there are certain questions you should never ask early in the interview process -- no matter whom you『re meeting. Don『t ask about salary, vacation, 401(k) or anything else that might make you seem more interested in the pensation than the pany。


This article shares questions appropriate for every type of interviewer。


The Recruiter: The 『Big Picture『 Person


It『s the recruiter『s job to identify strong candidates and guide them through the hiring process. Think of the recruiter as the big picture person. They can give you an overview of the pany and the department as a whole. (Save very specific questions about the job for the hiring manager。) The recruiter is also the best person to answer questions about the hiring process。


Some questions to ask the recruiter:


* How would you describe the pany culture?

* What type of employees tend to excel at this pany?

* Can you tell me more about the interview process?

* 你怎样形容这家公司的企业文化?

* 什么类型的员工能在这家公司有比较好的发展?

* 能给我多讲讲招聘程序吗?

The Hiring Manager: Your Future Boss


The hiring manager will likely supervise you if you get the job. They『re the most knowledgeable people about the position and its requirements. You should direct specific questions about the job, its responsibilities and its challenges to them. You may also want to ask what kind of candidate they『re seeking。


Some questions to ask the hiring manager:


* What are the most important skills for the job?

* How would you describe your ideal candidate?

* What『s a mon career path at the pany for someone in this role?

* 对这份工作来说最重要的能力是什么?

* 你怎样描述理想中的候选人呢?

* 公司里做这个职位的人发展前景是什么样的?

The Executive: The Industry Expert


Senior managers and executives are likely to be most knowledgeable about the latest happenings in their industry. If you『ll be working closely with an executive, you can ask them some specifics about the job. But you should focus most of your questions on the future of the pany and the industry. This is your chance to show off your industry knowledge!


Some questions to ask a senior manager or executive:


* How do you think this industry will change in the next five years?

* What do you think gives this pany an edge over its petitors?

* What『s the pany『s biggest challenge? How is it planning to meet that challenge?

* 你觉得这个行业在未来五年会发生什么样的变化?

* 你觉得公司和其他竞争者相比有什么优势?

* 公司现在面临的最大挑战是什么?公司有什么计画迎接这些挑战吗?

The Coworker: The Straight-Talker


Some interviews will also include a meeting with a potential coworker -- the interviewer most likely to tell it how it is. A potential colleague may be most candid about the job, its challenges and the work environment. However, don『t expect inside information -- and certainly don『t ask for it。


Some questions to ask a potential coworker:


* What『s a typical day like in the department?

* How would you describe the work environment at the pany?

* What『s the most enjoyable part of your job? What『s the most challenging part?

* 在这个部门最典型的一天是怎么过的?

* 你觉得公司里的工作环境是什么样的?

* 你的工作中最有趣的部分是什么?最有挑战的又是什么?


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