知识大全 Monitor 面试题

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Monitor 面试题  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

1. What attracts you to Monitor in particular?Highlight the things Monitor itself is proud of (like its unstructured career path, its lack of a forced “up or out” policy, and its casual dress code). Try to align your own strengths with those of Monitor.2. What do you do in your free time?Monitor, moreso than most other consulting firms, will actually be interested to hear about your minor passions like cooking Tuscan cuisine or butterfly watching. But don’t sound like too much of a loner. The firm wants team players.3. Tell me about a challenge you recently faced.And, of course, how you overcame it. The classic consulting behavioral “fit” query.4. What are you most proud of on your resume?Choose something the interviewer wouldn’t necessarily pick up on. In particular, since Monitor is an entrepreneurial firm, you should highlight any successful business venture you might have had.5. Written case: There is a wine distributor in Spain with extensive distribution problems. What sort of alternative channels should the pany pursue?As is the wont of this case, insiders report that interpretations and inferences are crucial. “All the key information is provided in the written case study,” says one. “But you must look more closely for the details. Not everything is so overt.6. Your resume tells me that you enjoy a variety of activities. Tell me, what are your dislikes?Remember that Monitor’s “fit” interviews are built right into resume-related questions and case studies. Here, Monitor is looking for self-awareness and honesty in a candidate, but it is also looking for a calm, cool, and collected response. A response that implies an aversion to group activities (an anti-team player mentality) or a rebellious streak (an inability to deal with difficult clients in a diplomatic fashion) will send the candidate right back to Resume- Sending 101.7. Written case: You are a large cola manufacturer that is considering expanding its business into the beer industry. You need to find out whether the market for soft drinks will be larger than the market for beer by the year 2004. How do you determine this?First and foremost, the candidate needs to determine the lowdown on the pany’s current situation. How large is this manufacturing pany? How many people does it reach? Is it losing business in the soft drink industry, and therefore seeking a boost in sales by way of a new venture? The answer to specific inquiries is, of course, secondary to a more general question: is one industry truly more lucrative than the other? All those graphs will tell you.来源于UNUS. ( unus/career ),


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