知识大全 不用.net和其组件用asp访问webservice

Posted 变量

篇首语:不为外撼,不以物移,而后可以任天下之大事。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 不用.net和其组件用asp访问webservice相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

  可能 大多数的人认为我们需要运行或使用soap toolkit以访问webservice 但是这不是必需的 使用微软的xml parser我们同样可以利用传统的asp页面来访问webservice 下面我就展示给大家看一看!    我将使用三个文件来实现我的展示     global asa 当程序开始运行时 使用application变量    i_soapcall asp 一个包含文件 用以访问soap service    default asp 一个基本的asp文件 用以显示soap数据Global asa    当website运行时global asa时刻都在运行 在application_onstart中我们加入application变量    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript RUNAT=Server>  Sub Application_OnStart  Dim ASPNETResources  ASPNETResources = GetASPNetResources()  Application( ASPNETExpires ) =   If Len(ASPNETResources) > then  Application Lock  Application( ASPNETResourcesUpdated )=Now()  Application( ASPNETResourceList )=ASPNETResources  Application UnLock  End if  End Sub  </script>  <! #include file= i_soapcall asp >    当application第一次执行时 我们定义了一个变量 ASPNETResources 它的值是函数GetASPNetResources()的执行结果 这个函数可以在包含文件i_soapcall asp中找到 他返回一个字符串 随后我们定义了过期时间的变量     Application( ASPNETExpires ) 我们将在default asp中使用 最后我们检查了GetASPNetResources()是否执行正确 返回值长度是否大于 如果成功我们需要纪录时间 Application( ASPNETResourcesUpdated ) 和执行结果Application( ASPNETResourceList ) 在后面我将告诉大家这些变量是做什么的!    Default asp    default asp是用来显示我们的webservice请求    <%  Dim   ASPNETResources  If len( Application( ASPNETResourceList ) )> then  If DateDiff( h Now() Application( ASPNETResourcesUpdated )) > Application( ASPNETExpires ) Then  ASPNETResources = GetASPNetResources()  Application Lock  Application( ASPNETResourcesUpdated )=Now()  Application( ASPNETResourceList )=ASPNETResources  Application UnLock  End if  Else  ASPNETResources = GetASPNetResources()  Application Lock  Application( ASPNETResourcesUpdated )=Now()  Application( ASPNETResourceList )=ASPNETResources  Application UnLock  End if  Response Write   Application( ASPNETResourceList )  %>    现在是神秘的i_soapcall asp    大家在想神秘的GetASPNetResources()到底是什么样子的 可以用基本的asp页面调用webservice 不要忘了soap service无论是wsdl文档还是执行结果都是一个xml文档 所以我们可以parse(解析)它 这并不困难!    在函数中我们用到两个object    Function GetASPNetResources()  Set SoapRequest = Server CreateObject( MSXML XMLHTTP )  Set myXML =Server CreateObject( MSXML DOMDocument )    SoapRequest 是服务器端组件 可以发送post和get请求     myXML将被用来创建一个soap service的xml文档    myXML Async=False  SoapURL = _ds asmx/GetNew aspXResources?   SoapRequest Open GET SoapURL False  SoapRequest Send()  if Not myXML load(SoapRequest responseXML) then  returnString =   Else    我们设定SoapURL 为我们的webservice的url然后我们用下面的语句打开连接SoapRequest Open GET SoapURL False    SoapRequest Open有五个参数 但是只有前两个是必需的 这意味着其他三个是可以随意选择的    参数解释     oServerXMLHTTPRequest open bstrMethod bstrUrl bAsync bstrUser bstrPassword  Parameters  bstrMethod  HTTP method used to open the connection such as PUT or PROPFIND   bstrUrl  Requested URL This must be an absolute URL such as   bAsync (optional)  Boolean Indicator as to whether the call is asynchronous The default is False (the call does not  return immediately)   bstrUser (optional)  Name of the user for authentication   bstrPassword (optional)  Password for authentication This parameter is ignored if the user parameter is Null or missing    设置完毕我们用SoapRequest Send()向服务器发送请求 服务器返回的结果作为文本被存储在SoapRequest responseXML中 我们要做的就是构析这段文本     下面给出i_soapcall asp的全部代码    <script language= vbscript runat= server >  Function GetASPNetResources()  Dim returnString  Dim myXML  Dim SoapRequest  Dim SoapURL  Set SoapRequest = Server CreateObject( MSXML XMLHTTP )  Set myXML =Server CreateObject( MSXML DOMDocument )  myXML Async=False  SoapURL = _ds asmx/GetNew aspXResources?    这是真实可用的webservice  SoapRequest Open GET SoapURL False  SoapRequest Send()  if Not myXML load(SoapRequest responseXML) then an Error loading XML  returnString =   Else   parse the XML  Dim nodesURL  Dim nodesName  Dim nodesDateUpdated  Dim nodesDomain  Dim NumOfNodes  Dim ResourceList  Dim i  REM The XML Nodes are CASE SENSITIVVE!  Set nodesURL=myXML documentElement selectNodes( //URL )  Set nodesName=myXML documentElement selectNodes( //Name )  REM unment the following lines if we want to access the DataUpdated and the Domain Nodes  REM Set nodesDateUpdated = myXML documentElement selectNodes( //DateUpdated )  REM Set nodesDomain = myXML documentElement selectNodes( //Domain )  REM the number of nodes in the list  NumOfNodes = nodesURL Length  ResourceList = <font face=verdana size= >Latest ASP NET Resources</font><ul>   For i = to NumOfNodes   ResourceList = ResourceList & <li><a & nodesURL(i) text & ><font face=verdana size= > &  nodesName(i) text & </font></a></li>   next  ResourceList =ResourceList & </ul>   returnString = ResourceList  Set nodesURL = Nothing  Set nodesName = Nothing  End If  Set SoapRequest = Nothing  Set myXML = Nothing  GetASPNetResources = returnString  End Function  </script>    同样的创作思路可以用在别的编程语言中 cha138/Article/program/ASP/201311/21871


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