知识大全 固定背景实现的背景滚动特效示例
Posted 背景
篇首语:吃过的馍馍不香,嚼过的甘蔗不甜。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 固定背景实现的背景滚动特效示例相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
分享一个来自corpse的固定背景滚动特效 使用background attachment: fixed和导航菜单 页面会非常平滑的滚动
代码如下: <div id="cbp fbscroller" > <nav> <a href="#fbsection " >Section </a> <a href="#fbsection ">Section </a> <a href="#fbsection ">Section </a> <a href="#fbsection ">Section </a> <a href="#fbsection ">Section </a> </nav> <section id="fbsection "></section> <section id="fbsection "></section> <section id="fbsection "></section> <section id="fbsection "></section> <section id="fbsection "></section> </div>CSS
代码如下: /* Set all parents to full height */ body container cbp fbscroller cbp fbscroller section height: %; /* The nav is fixed on the right side and we center it by translating it % (we don t know it s height so we can t use the negative margin trick) */ cbp fbscroller > nav position: fixed; z index: ; right: px; top: %; webkit transform: translateY( %); moz transform: translateY( %); ms transform: translateY( %); transform: translateY( %); cbp fbscroller > nav a display: block; position: relative; color: transparent; height: px; cbp fbscroller > nav a:after content: ; position: absolute; width: px; height: px; border radius: %; border: px solid #fff; cbp fbscroller > nav a:hover:after background: rgba( ); cbp fbscroller > nav a cbp fbcurrent:after background: #fff; /* background attachment does the trick */ cbp fbscroller section position: relative; background position: top center; background repeat: no repeat; background size: cover; background attachment: fixed; #fbsection background image: url( /images/ jpg); #fbsection background image: url( /images/ jpg); #fbsection background image: url( /images/ jpg); #fbsection background image: url( /images/ jpg); #fbsection background image: url( /images/ jpg); 代码如下: /** * cbpFixedScrollLayout js v * * * Licensed under the MIT license * * * Copyright Codrops * */ var cbpFixedScrollLayout = (function() // cache and initialize some values var config = // the cbp fbscroller′s sections $sections : $( #cbp fbscroller > section ) // the navigation links $navlinks : $( #cbp fbscroller > nav:first > a ) // index of current link / section currentLink : // the body element $body : $( body ) // the body animation speed animspeed : // the body animation easing (jquery easing) animeasing : easeInOutExpo ; function init() // click on a navigation link: the body is scrolled to the position of the respective section config $navlinks on( click function() scrollAnim( config $sections eq( $( this ) index() ) offset() top ); return false; ); // waypoints defined: // First one when we scroll down: the current navigation link gets updated // A `new section′ is reached when it occupies more than % of the viewport // Second one when we scroll up: the current navigation link gets updated // A `new section′ is reached when it occupies more than % of the viewport config $sections waypoint( function( direction ) if( direction === down ) changeNav( $( this ) ); offset: % ) waypoint( function( direction ) if( direction === up ) changeNav( $( this ) ); offset: % ); // on window resize: the body is scrolled to the position of the current section $( window ) on( debouncedresize function() scrollAnim( config $sections eq( config currentLink ) offset() top ); ); // update the current navigation link function changeNav( $section ) config $navlinks eq( config currentLink ) removeClass( cbp fbcurrent ); config currentLink = $section index( section ); config $navlinks eq( config currentLink ) addClass( cbp fbcurrent ); // function to scroll / animate the body function scrollAnim( top ) config $body stop() animate( scrollTop : top config animspeed config animeasing ); return init : init ; )(); cha138/Article/program/Java/JSP/201311/20507相关参考
做web开发的朋友都应该掌握前端优化这个技巧其中一个就是滚动延时加载这个技巧应用在了很多地方比如新浪微博网页版以下就为大家详细介绍需要的朋友可以参考下 为什么要延时加载呢?页面加载的时候
用JavaScript实现上下文字滚动特效 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧! 文字左
JS仿QQ商城点击左右滚动jquery焦点图特效 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!
jquery特效中的幻灯片想必大家已不陌生吧下面为大家分享个比较不错的幻灯片效果附有源码感兴趣的朋友可以学习下哈 jquery特效幻灯片效果效果图如下 复制代码代码如下:lis
知识大全 纯JavaScript实现HTML5 Canvas六种特效滤镜示例
纯JavaScript实现HTML5Canvas六种特效滤镜示例 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起