知识大全 常用的Javascript函数
Posted 数字
篇首语:做好自己,不为别人的欣赏而存在,却为着自己的特色而活着。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 常用的Javascript函数相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
常用的Javascript函数 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!
/**************************************************** EO_JSLib js* javascript正则表达式检验*******************************************************/
//校验是否全由数字组成function isDigit(s)var patrn=/^[ ] $/;if (!patrn exec(s)) return falsereturn true
//校验登录名 只能输入 个以字母开头 可带数字 _ 的字串function isRegisterUserName(s)var patrn=/^[a zA Z] ([a zA Z ]|[ _]) $/;if (!patrn exec(s)) return falsereturn true
//校验用户姓名 只能输入 个以字母开头的字串function isTrueName(s)var patrn=/^[a zA Z] $/;if (!patrn exec(s)) return falsereturn true
//校验密码 只能输入 个字母 数字 下划线function isPasswd(s)var patrn=/^(\\w) $/;if (!patrn exec(s)) return falsereturn true
//校验普通电话 传真号码 可以 + 开头 除数字外 可含有 function isTel(s)//var patrn=/^[+] (\\d) [ ]?([ ]?(\\d) )+$/;var patrn=/^[+] (\\d) [ ]?([ ]?((\\d)|[ ]) )+$/;if (!patrn exec(s)) return falsereturn true
//校验手机号码 必须以数字开头 除数字外 可含有 function isMobil(s)var patrn=/^[+] (\\d) [ ]?([ ]?((\\d)|[ ]) )+$/;if (!patrn exec(s)) return falsereturn true
//校验邮政编码function isPostalCode(s)//var patrn=/^[a zA Z ] $/;var patrn=/^[a zA Z ] $/;if (!patrn exec(s)) return falsereturn true
//校验搜索关键字function isSearch(s)var patrn=/^[^`~!@#$%^&*()+=|\\\\\\][\\]\\\\:;\\ \\ <>/?] [^`~!@$%^&()+=|\\\\\\][\\]\\\\:;\\ \\ <>?] $/;if (!patrn exec(s)) return falsereturn true
function isIP(s) //by zerglingvar patrn=/^[ ] $/;if (!patrn exec(s)) return falsereturn true /************************************************** FUNCTION: isBeeen* PARAMETERS: val AS any value* lo AS Lower limit to check* hi AS Higher limit to check* CALLS: NOTHING* RETURNS: TRUE if val is beeen lo and hi both inclusive otherwise false ***************************************************/function isBeeen (val lo hi) if ((val < lo) || (val > hi)) return(false); else return(true);
/************************************************* FUNCTION: isDate checks a valid date* PARAMETERS: theStr AS String* CALLS: isBeeen isInt* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a valid date otherwise false *************************************************/function isDate (theStr) var the st = theStr indexOf( );var the nd = theStr lastIndexOf( );
if (the st == the nd) return(false); else var y = theStr substring( the st);var m = theStr substring(the st+ the nd);var d = theStr substring(the nd+ theStr length);var maxDays = ;
if (isInt(m)==false || isInt(d)==false || isInt(y)==false) return(false); else if (y length < ) return(false); else if (!isBeeen (m )) return(false); else if (m== || m== || m== || m== ) maxDays = ;else if (m== ) if (y % > ) maxDays = ;else if (y % == && y % > ) maxDays = ;else maxDays = ;if (isBeeen(d maxDays) == false) return(false); else return(true); /*********************************************** FUNCTION: isEuDate checks a valid date in British format* PARAMETERS: theStr AS String* CALLS: isBeeen isInt* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a valid date otherwise false *************************************************/function isEuDate (theStr) if (isBeeen(theStr length ) == false) return(false); else var the st = theStr indexOf( / );var the nd = theStr lastIndexOf( / );
if (the st == the nd) return(false); else var m = theStr substring(the st+ the nd);var d = theStr substring( the st);var y = theStr substring(the nd+ theStr length);var maxDays = ;
if (isInt(m)==false || isInt(d)==false || isInt(y)==false) return(false); else if (y length < ) return(false); else if (isBeeen (m ) == false) return(false); else if (m== || m== || m== || m== ) maxDays = ;else if (m== ) if (y % > ) maxDays = ;else if (y % == && y % > ) maxDays = ;else maxDays = ;
if (isBeeen(d maxDays) == false) return(false); else return(true);
/*************************************************** FUNCTION: Compare Date! Which is the latest!* PARAMETERS: lessDate moreDate AS String* CALLS: isDate isBeeen* RETURNS: TRUE if lessDate<moreDate****************************************************/function isComdate (lessDate moreDate)if (!isDate(lessDate)) return(false);if (!isDate(moreDate)) return(false);var less st = lessDate indexOf( );var less nd = lessDate lastIndexOf( );var more st = moreDate indexOf( );var more nd = moreDate lastIndexOf( );var lessy = lessDate substring( less st);var lessm = lessDate substring(less st+ less nd);var lessd = lessDate substring(less nd+ lessDate length);var morey = moreDate substring( more st);var morem = moreDate substring(more st+ more nd);var mored = moreDate substring(more nd+ moreDate length);var Date = new Date(lessy lessm lessd); var Date = new Date(morey morem mored); if (Date >Date ) return(false);return(true);
/*********************************************** FUNCTION isEmpty checks if the parameter is empty or null* PARAMETER str AS String*************************************************/function isEmpty (str) if ((str==null)||(str length== )) return true;else return(false);
/************************************************ FUNCTION: isInt* PARAMETER: theStr AS String * RETURNS: TRUE if the passed parameter is an integer otherwise FALSE* CALLS: isDigit***************************************************/function isInt (theStr) var flag = true;
if (isEmpty(theStr)) flag=false; else for (var i= ; i<theStr length; i++) if (isDigit(theStr substring(i i+ )) == false) flag = false; break;return(flag);
/****************************************************** FUNCTION: isReal* PARAMETER: heStr AS String decLen AS Integer (how many digits after period)* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a float otherwise FALSE* CALLS: isInt*******************************************************/function isReal (theStr decLen) var dot st = theStr indexOf( );var dot nd = theStr lastIndexOf( );var OK = true;
if (isEmpty(theStr)) return false;
if (dot st == ) if (!isInt(theStr)) return(false);else return(true);
else if (dot st != dot nd) return (false);else if (dot st== ) return (false);else var intPart = theStr substring( dot st);var decPart = theStr substring(dot nd+ );
if (decPart length > decLen) return(false);else if (!isInt(intPart) || !isInt(decPart)) return (false);else if (isEmpty(decPart)) return (false);else return(true);
/****************************************************** FUNCTION: isEmail* PARAMETER: String (Email Address)* RETURNS: TRUE if the String is a valid Email address* FALSE if the passed string is not a valid Email Address* EMAIL FORMAT: AnyName@EmailServer e g; w* @ sign can appear only once in the email address *******************************************************/function isEmail (theStr) var atIndex = theStr indexOf( @ );var dotIndex = theStr indexOf( atIndex);var flag = true;theSub = theStr substring( dotIndex+ )
if ((atIndex < )||(atIndex != theStr lastIndexOf( @ ))||(dotIndex < atIndex + )||(theStr length <= theSub length)) return(false); else return(true); /********************************************************* FUNCTION: newWindow* PARAMETERS: doc > Document to open in the new windowhite > Height of the new windowwide > Width of the new windowbars > Scroll bars = YES Scroll Bars = NOresize > Resizable = YES Resizable = NO* CALLS: NONE* RETURNS: New window instance*************************************************************/function newWindow (doc hite wide bars resize) var winNew= _blank ;var opt= toolbar= location= directories= status= menubar= ;opt+=( scrollbars= +bars+ );opt+=( resizable= +resize+ );opt+=( width= +wide+ );opt+=( height= +hite);winHandle=window open(doc winNew opt);return;/************************************************************ FUNCTION: DecimalFormat* PARAMETERS: paramValue > Field value* CALLS: NONE* RETURNS: Formated string***************************************************************/function DecimalFormat (paramValue) var intPart = parseInt(paramValue);var decPart =parseFloat(paramValue) intPart;
str = ;if ((decPart == ) || (decPart == null)) str += (intPart + );else str += (intPart + decPart);
return (str);
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