知识大全 JNDI 连接Windows Active Directory&nb

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篇首语:男儿欲遂平生志,六经勤向窗前读。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 JNDI 连接Windows Active Directory&nb相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

JNDI 连接Windows Active Directory&nb  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

  这编主要是描述 Java JNDI 连 Windows Active Directory 的教程 包括认证 新增用户 修改密码 及 取得用户资料 作者原文:开始教程: 建立 IIS SSL 将 CA Certificate 加入至 jre keystore 里 JNDI 连 AD 建立 IIS SSL:Install Windows Server:Install AD:Start > Run > dcpromotedomain name : joeyta DOT localNT domain name : joeytaserver即 Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) 为 joeytaserver joeyta DOT local先安装 IIS 再安装 CA Install IIS:Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Configure Your Server Wizard >> Next > Next > Application server (IIS ASP NET) > Next进入 表示安装成功 Install CA:Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs >> Add/Remove Windows Components选择 Certificate Services > Next 选择 Enterprise root CA > Next Common name for this CA: testca > Next进入 表示安装成功 Generating a Certificate Signing Request:Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager >> Internet Information Services > (local puter) > Web Sites > > 右键点选 Default Web Site > Properties选择 Directory Security > Server Certificate >> Create a new certificate > Prepare the request now but send it later一直按 Next 需要注意的是 Common name 必须为 joeyserver joeyta local 这是给使用者连 ssl 的 website 最后产生 certificate request file 预设为 c:\\certreq txtRequest a certificate on CA:进入 按 Request a certificate > advanced certificate request > Submit a certificate request by using a base encoded CMC or PKCS# file or submit a renewal request by using a base encoded PKCS# file使用 notepad 打开 c:\\certreq txt copy c:\\certreq txt 内容贴至 Saved Request:Certificate Template 选择 Web Server 按 Submit然后点选 Download certificate 将 certnew cer 储存至 c:\\certnew cerInstalling a Certificate:Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager >> Internet Information Services > (local puter) > Web Sites > > 右键点选 Default Web Site > Properties选择 Directory Security > Server Certificate >> Process the pending request and install the certificate > NextPath and file name: c:\\certnew cer > NextSSL port this web site should use: > Next > Next > Finish 将 CA Certificate 加入至 jre keystore 里:进入 点选 Download a CA certificate certificate chain or CRL点选 Download CA certificate 然后下载并改名为 c:\\testca_cert cer然后执行 mand:c:\\temp>keytool import alias testca_cert file /testca_cert cer keystore /jdk _ /jre/lib/security/cacerts storepass changeit 出现 Trusted this certificate? 按 y 即新增成功

   JNDI 连 AD:

  /***************************** LDAPFastBind java *****************/package test ldap;import java io IOException;import java io UnsupportedEncodingException;import java util Hashtable;import javax naming AuthenticationException;import javax naming Context;import javax naming NamingEnumeration;import javax naming NamingException;import javax naming directory Attribute;import javax naming directory Attributes;import javax naming directory BasicAttribute;import javax naming directory BasicAttributes;import javax naming directory DirContext;import javax naming directory ModificationItem;import javax naming directory SearchControls;import javax naming directory SearchResult;import javax naming ldap Control;import javax naming ldap InitialLdapContext;import javax naming ldap LdapContext;import javax naming ldap StartTlsRequest;import javax naming ldap StartTlsResponse;class FastBindConnectionControl implements Control     public byte[] getEncodedValue()         return null;        public String getID()         return ;        public boolean isCritical()         return true;    public class LDAPFastBind     public Hashtable env = null;    public LdapContext ctx = null;    public Control[] connCtls = null;    public LDAPFastBind(String ldapurl)         env = new Hashtable();        env put(Context INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY                  sun jndi ldap LdapCtxFactory );        env put(Context SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION simple );        env put(Context PROVIDER_URL ldapurl);                env put(Context SECURITY_PROTOCOL ssl );        String keystore = /jdk _ /jre/lib/security/cacerts ;        System setProperty( ssl trustStore keystore);                connCtls = new Control[] new FastBindConnectionControl() ;        // first time we initialize the context no credentials are supplied        // therefore it is an anonymous bind         try             ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env connCtls);         catch (NamingException e)             System out println( Naming exception + e);                public boolean Authenticate(String username String password)         try             ctx addToEnvironment(Context SECURITY_PRINCIPAL username);            ctx addToEnvironment(Context SECURITY_CREDENTIALS password);            ctx reconnect(connCtls);            System out println(username + is authenticated );            return true;                catch (AuthenticationException e)             System out println(username + is not authenticated );            System out println(e);            return false;         catch (NamingException e)             System out println(username + is not authenticated );            System out println(e);            return false;                public void finito()         try             ctx close();            System out println( Context is closed );         catch (NamingException e)             System out println( Context close failure + e);                public void printUserAccountControl()         try             // Create the search controls            SearchControls searchCtls = new SearchControls();            // Specify the search scope            searchCtls setSearchScope(SearchControls SUBTREE_SCOPE);            // specify the LDAP search filter            //String searchFilter = (&(objectClass=user)(CN=test)) ;            //String searchFilter = (&(objectClass=group)) ;            String searchFilter = (&(objectClass=user)(CN=peter lee)) ;            // Specify the Base for the search            String searchBase = DC=joeyta DC=local ;            // initialize counter to total the group members            int totalResults = ;            // Specify the attributes to return            String returnedAtts[] = givenName mail ;            searchCtls setReturningAttributes(returnedAtts);            // Search for objects using the filter            NamingEnumeration answer = ctx search(searchBase searchFilter                     searchCtls);            // Loop through the search results            while (answer hasMoreElements())                 SearchResult sr = (SearchResult) answer next();                System out println( >>> + sr getName());                // Print out the groups                Attributes attrs = sr getAttributes();                if (attrs != null)                     try                         for (NamingEnumeration ae = attrs getAll(); ae                                 hasMore();)                             Attribute attr = (Attribute) ae next();                            System out println( Attribute: + attr getID());                            for (NamingEnumeration e = attr getAll(); e                                     hasMore(); totalResults++)                                 System out println( + totalResults +                                         + e next());                                                                         catch (NamingException e)                         System err println( Problem listing membership: + e);                                                            System out println( Total attrs: + totalResults);                catch (NamingException e)             System err println( Problem searching directory: + e);                

  public boolean adminChangePassword(String sUserName String sNewPassword)        try                     //set password is a ldap modfy operation            ModificationItem[] mods = new ModificationItem[ ];             //Replace the unicdodePwd attribute with a new value            //Password must be both Unicode and a quoted string            String newQuotedPassword = \\ + sNewPassword + \\ ;            byte[] newUnicodePassword = newQuotedPassword getBytes( UTF LE );             mods[ ] = new ModificationItem(DirContext REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE             new BasicAttribute( unicodePwd newUnicodePassword));             // Perform the update            ctx modifyAttributes(sUserName mods);                    System out println( Reset Password for: + sUserName);                            return true;                 catch (NamingException e)             System out println( Problem resetting password: + e);                catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)             System out println( Problem encoding password: + e);                return false;            public boolean userChangePassword(String sUserName String sOldPassword String sNewPassword)        try //StartTlsResponse tls=//(StartTlsResponse)ctx extendedOperation(new StartTlsRequest());            //tls negotiate();                        //change password is a single ldap modify operation            //that deletes the old password and adds the new password            ModificationItem[] mods = new ModificationItem[ ];             //Firstly delete the unicdodePwd attribute using the old password //Then add the new password Passwords must be both Unicode and a quoted string            String oldQuotedPassword = \\ + sOldPassword + \\ ;            byte[] oldUnicodePassword = oldQuotedPassword getBytes( UTF LE );            String newQuotedPassword = \\ + sNewPassword + \\ ;            byte[] newUnicodePassword = newQuotedPassword getBytes( UTF LE );                    mods[ ] = new ModificationItem(DirContext REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE             new BasicAttribute( unicodePwd oldUnicodePassword));            mods[ ] = new ModificationItem(DirContext ADD_ATTRIBUTE             new BasicAttribute( unicodePwd newUnicodePassword));             // Perform the update            ctx modifyAttributes(sUserName mods);                    System out println( Changed Password for: + sUserName);                //tls close();            return true;                  catch (NamingException e)             System err println( Problem changing password: + e);                catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)             System err println( Problem encoding password: + e);         catch ( Exception e)            System err println( Problem: + e);                            return false;            public boolean createNewUser(String sGroupName String sUserName)        try             // Create attributes to be associated with the new user            Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(true);                         //These are the mandatory attributes for a user object            //Note that Win K will automagically create a random             //samAccountName if it is not present (Win K does not)            attrs put( objectClass user );            attrs put( sAMAccountName AlanT );            attrs put( cn Alan Tang );            //These are some optional (but useful) attributes            attrs put( givenName Alan );            attrs put( sn Tang );            attrs put( displayName Alan Tang );            attrs put( description Engineer );            attrs put( userPrincipalName alan AT joeyta local );            attrs put( mail alang AT mail joeyta DOT local );            attrs put( telephoneNumber );                        //some useful constants from lmaccess h            int UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE = x ;            int UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD = x ;            int UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE = x ;            int UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT = x ;            int UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD = x ;            int UF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED = x ;                    //Note that you need to create the user object before you can            //set the password Therefore as the user is created with no             //password user AccountControl must be set to the following            //otherwise the Win K password filter will return error             //unwilling to perform             attrs put( userAccountControl Integer toString(UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT + UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD + UF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED+ UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE));                        // Create the context            Context result = ctx createSubcontext(sUserName attrs);            System out println( Created disabled account for: + sUserName);                        //now that we ve created the user object we can set the             //password and change the userAccountControl            //and because password can only be set using SSL/TLS            //lets use StartTLS             //StartTlsResponse tls = (StartTlsResponse)ctx extendedOperation(new StartTlsRequest());            //tls negotiate();                    //set password is a ldap modfy operation            //and we ll update the userAccountControl            //enabling the acount and force the user to update ther password            //the first time they login            ModificationItem[] mods = new ModificationItem[ ];                    //Replace the unicdodePwd attribute with a new value            //Password must be both Unicode and a quoted string            String newQuotedPassword = \\ P AT ssw rd\\ ;            byte[] newUnicodePassword = newQuotedPassword getBytes( UTF LE );             mods[ ] = new ModificationItem(DirContext REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE             new BasicAttribute( unicodePwd newUnicodePassword));            mods[ ] = new ModificationItem(DirContext REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE             new BasicAttribute( userAccountControl             Integer toString(UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT + UF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED)));                    // Perform the update            ctx modifyAttributes(sUserName mods);            System out println( Set password & updated userccountControl );             //now add the user to a group  

  try                        ModificationItem member[] = new ModificationItem[ ];                    member[ ]= new ModificationItem(DirContext ADD_ATTRIBUTE new BasicAttribute( member sUserName));                                     ctx modifyAttributes(sGroupName member);                    System out println( Added user to group: + sGroupName);                                  catch (NamingException e)                      System err println( Problem adding user to group: + e);                            //Could have put tls close()  prior to the group modification            //but it seems to screw up the connection  or context ?            //tls close();                    System out println( Successfully created User: + sUserName);            return true;                             catch (NamingException e)             System err println( Problem creating object: + e);                    catch (IOException e)             System err println( Problem creating object: + e);                            return false;        public boolean addUserToGroup(LdapContext ctx String userDN String groupDN)         try            ModificationItem[] mods = new ModificationItem[ ];            mods[ ] = new ModificationItem(DirContext ADD_ATTRIBUTE new BasicAttribute( member userDN));            ctx modifyAttributes(groupDN mods);            System out println( Added user + userDN + to group + groupDN);            return true;         catch (NamingException ne)            System err println( Problem add user to group: + ne);                return false;        public boolean removeUserFromGroup(LdapContext ctx String userDN String groupDN)         try            ModificationItem[] mods = new ModificationItem[ ];            mods[ ] = new ModificationItem(DirContext REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE new BasicAttribute( member userDN));            ctx modifyAttributes(groupDN mods);       System out println( Remove user + userDN + from group + groupDN);            return true;         catch (NamingException ne)            System err println( Problem remove user from group: + ne);                        return false;            /***************************** LDAPFastBind java *****************/

  /***************************** LDAPClient java *****************/package test ldap;class LDAPClient     public static void main(String[] args)         // Could also use ldaps over port to protect the munication to        // the        // Active Directory domain controller Would also need to add        // env put(Context SECURITY_PROTOCOL ssl ) to the server code        //String ldapurl = ldap://joeyserver joeyta local: ;        String ldapurl = ldap://joeyserver joeyta local: ;        LDAPFastBind ctx = new LDAPFastBind(ldapurl);                    String sAdminUserName = CN=Administrator CN=Users DC=joeyta DC=local ;        String sAdminPassword = I@mRoot ;                //        String sUserName = CN=peter lee CN=Users DC=joeyta DC=local ;        String sUserName = joeyta\\\\peter ;        //        String sUserName = peter@joeyta local ;                String sOldPassword = P@ssw rd ;        String sNewPassword = P@$$w rd ;                String sNewUserName = CN=Alan Tang CN=Users DC=joyeta DC=local ;        String sNewGroupName = CN=test CN=Users DC=joeyta DC=local ;                        boolean IsAuthenticated = ctx Authenticate(sAdminUserName sAdminPassword);        //        boolean IsAuthenticated = ctx Authenticate(sUserName sOldPassword);                        ctx printUserAccountControl();                ctx createNewUser(sNewGroupName sNewUserName);                //boolean IsAdminSuccessChangePWD =        //ctx adminChangePassword(sUserName sNewPassword);        //boolean IsUserSuccessChangePWD =         //ctx userChangePassword(sUserName sOldPassword sNewPassword);                ctx finito();    /***************************** LDAPClient java *****************/

参考资料:;id= &sty= &tpg= &age= a?forumID= &start= cha138/Article/program/Java/hx/201311/27091


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