知识大全 Hibernate一对多双向映射及乐观锁使用
Posted 班级
篇首语:知识是珍贵宝石的结晶,文化是宝石放出来的光泽。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 Hibernate一对多双向映射及乐观锁使用相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Hibernate一对多双向映射及乐观锁使用 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!
在 Hibernate关联关系映射实例速查 一文中 通过myeclipse 快速做出了Hibernate各种映射的示例 时隔快一年了 但是还是有博友向我索要工程源码 很遗憾的是已经找不到了 但找到一了一个测试代码 对双向关联和乐观锁的测试 其实映射类型很多 搞清楚一对多 基本上所有的映射就搞明白了 一对一也是一对多的特例而已 多对多也可以转换为一对多和多对一 并且实际中很少用到多对多
还是老规矩 因为是测试 代码几乎全部是myeclipse生成的 我稍作了修改 并且应博友 阿飞 的留言 我做了详细的注释
例子两部分 一对多双向映射 模型是 班级-学生 模型 两个实体分别是Tclass和Student 乐观锁的是使用 版本分别使用递增整数和时间戳 两个实体分别是Foo和Bar
Tclass实体及其映射 public class Tclass implements java io Serializable
// Fields
private Long cid;
private String cname;
private Set students = new HashSet( );
// Constructors // Property accessors
public String toString() return Tclass + cid= + cid + cname= + cname + \\ + ;
<hibernate mapping> <class name= stu one many pojo Tclass table= tclass > <id name= cid type= java lang Long > <column name= cid /> <generator class= native /> </id> <property name= cname type= java lang String > <column name= cname length= not null= true /> </property> <! set元素属性说明 name= students 设置表示多个学生的变量名 inverse= true 关系控制反转 不掌握主控权 表示Tclass不控制与Student关联关系 而是将这种关联控制的权利转给Student cascade= all 表示级联操作 操作班级的时候 对班级关联的学生也做同样的操作 lazy= true 查询班级的时候 延迟查询班级下的学生 > <set name= students inverse= true cascade= all lazy= true > <key> <! name= fk_cid 指定关联的外键列 not null= true 说明这个外间列不能为空 多余的 > <column name= fk_cid not null= true /> </key> <! 指定所关联的类 > <one to many class= stu one many pojo Student /> </set> </class> </hibernate mapping>
Student实体及其映射 public class Student implements java io Serializable
// Fields
private Long sid;
private Tclass tclass;
private String sname;
// Constructors // Property accessors
public String toString() return Student + sid= + sid + sname= + sname + \\ + ;
<hibernate mapping> <class name= stu one many pojo Student table= student > <id name= sid type= java lang Long > <column name= sid /> <generator class= native /> </id> <! 表示多个Student关联一个Tclass > <! name= tclass 关联的成员变量名; class= stu one many pojo Tclass 表示所关联的类; fetch= select 查询策略 有两个选项select和join select表示通过外联接来进行查询 查询速度稍慢 但消耗资源少; join表示通过内连接来查询 速度快 但消耗资源多 > <many to one name= tclass class= stu one many pojo Tclass fetch= select > <! 指定关联的外键列 > <column name= fk_cid not null= true /> </many to one> <property name= sname type= java lang String > <column name= sname length= not null= true /> </property> </class> </hibernate mapping>
测试班级学生模型 public class Test
/** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) testSave(); // testDeleteTclass();
public static void testSave() Tclass c = new Tclass(); c setCname( 某班级 ); Student s = new Student(); Student s = new Student(); s setSname( 张三 ); s setTclass(c); s setSname( 李四 ); s setTclass(c); c getStudents() add(s ); c getStudents() add(s );
Session session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession(); Transaction tx = session beginTransaction(); session save(c); mit(); session close();
public static void testUpdateClass() System out println( 正在调用testUpdateClass() ); Session session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession(); Tclass c = (Tclass) session load(Tclass class Long valueOf( L)); System out println(c); c setCname( 班级更名 ); session beginTransaction(mit();
public static void testUpdateStudent() System out println( 正在调用testUpdateStudent() ); Session session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession(); Tclass c = (Tclass) session load(Tclass class Long valueOf( L)); Student s = (Student) session load(Student class Long valueOf( L)); s setSname( 学生改名换姓 王八 ); s setTclass(c); System out println(c); System out println(s); session beginTransaction(mit(); System out println(s); System out println(s getTclass());public static void testDeleteStudent() System out println( 正在调用testDelete() ); Session session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession(); Student s = (Student) session load(Student class Long valueOf( L)); System out println(s); System out println(s getTclass()); session delete(s); session beginTransaction(mit();
public static void testDeleteTclass() System out println( 正在调用testDelete() ); Session session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession(); Tclass c = (Tclass) session load(Tclass class Long valueOf( L)); System out println(c); session delete(c); session beginTransaction(mit();
public static void testQueryClass() System out println( 正在调用testQueryClass() ); Session session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession(); Tclass c = (Tclass) session load(Tclass class new Long( )); System out println(c); System out println(c getStudents());
public static void testQueryStudent() System out println( 正在调用testQueryStudent() ); Session session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession(); Student s = (Student) session load(Student class new Long( )); System out println(s); System out println(s getTclass());
下面是乐观锁的使用 基于整数的版本控制
Foo实体和映射文件 public class Foo implements java io Serializable
// Fields
private Long pid;
private Integer version;
private String name;
// Constructors // Property accessors
public String toString() return Foo + pid= + pid + version= + version + name= + name + \\ + ;
<hibernate mapping> <class name= stu one many pojo Foo table= foo optimistic lock= version > <id name= pid type= java lang Long > <column name= pid /> <generator class= native /> </id> <! 版本控制字段必须在id后配置 > <version name= version type= java lang Integer > <column name= version /> </version> <property name= name type= java lang String > <column name= name length= not null= true /> </property> </class> </hibernate mapping>
测试 public class TestFoo
/** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) testSave();
public static void testSave() Foo foo = new Foo( foo );
Session session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession(); session save(foo ); session beginTransaction(mit(); session close();
基于时间戳的版本控制 public class Bar implements java io Serializable Comparable
// Fields
private Long id; private Date timestamp; private String name;
// Constructors // Property accessors
public String toString() return Bar + id= + id + timestamp= + timestamp + name= + name + \\ + ;
/** * 排序接口方法实现 为了能对查询结果按照id的大小进行排序 * @param o 排序对象 * @return 比较值 */ public int pareTo(Object o) Bar bar = (Bar) o; Long res = this id bar getId(); return res intValue();
<hibernate mapping> <class name= stu one many pojo Bar table= bar optimistic lock= version > <id name= id type= java lang Long > <column name= id /> <generator class= native /> </id> <version name= timestamp type= java util Date > <column name= timestamp length= not null= true /> </version> <property name= name type= java lang String > <column name= name length= not null= true /> </property> </class> </hibernate mapping>
public class TestBar public static void main(String args[]) testUpdateBar(); testQueryBar();
public static void testSaveBar() Bar bar = new Bar( bar ); Session session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession(); session save(bar); session beginTransaction(mit(); session close();
public static void testQueryBar() Session session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession(); String hql = from Bar ; Query query = session createQuery(hql); List<Bar> barList = query list(); Collections sort(barList); for (Bar bar : barList) System out println(bar getId() + :\\t + bar getTimestamp() getTime()); session close();
public static void testUpdateBar() Session session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession(); String hql = from Bar ; Query query = session createQuery(hql); List<Bar> barList = query list(); for (Bar bar : barList) bar setName( newBar ); session beginTransaction(mit(); session close();
public class TestStack public static void main(String args[]) test(); public static void test() Stack stack = new Stack(); String s = ; String s = ; String s = ; String s = ; stack push(s ); stack push(s ); stack push(s ); stack push(s );
for(;!stack isEmpty();) System out println(stack pop());
//for语句先判断是否符合条件 然后确定是否执行循环 for(int i= ;i> ;i ) System out println( >>> +i);
下面是SessionFactory工具和hibernate配置文件 import hibernate HibernateException; import hibernate Session; import hibernate cfg Configuration;
/** * Configures and provides access to Hibernate sessions tied to the * current thread of execution Follows the Thread Local Session * pattern see @link */ public class HibernateSessionFactory
/** * Location of hibernate cfg xml file * Location should be on the classpath as Hibernate uses * #resourceAsStream style lookup for its configuration file * The default classpath location of the hibernate config file is * in the default package Use #setConfigFile() to update * the location of the configuration file for the current session */ private static String CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION = /hibernate cfg xml ; private static final ThreadLocal<Session> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<Session>(); private static Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); private static hibernate SessionFactory sessionFactory; private static String configFile = CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION;
static try nfigure(configFile); sessionFactory = configuration buildSessionFactory(); catch (Exception e) System err println( %%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%% ); e printStackTrace(); private HibernateSessionFactory()
/** * Returns the ThreadLocal Session instance Lazy initialize * the <code>SessionFactory</code> if needed * * @return Session * @throws HibernateException */ public static Session getSession() throws HibernateException Session session = (Session) threadLocal get();
if (session == null || !session isOpen()) if (sessionFactory == null) rebuildSessionFactory(); session = (sessionFactory != null) ? sessionFactory openSession() : null; threadLocal set(session);
return session;
* Rebuild hibernate session factory * */ public static void rebuildSessionFactory() try nfigure(configFile); sessionFactory = configuration buildSessionFactory(); catch (Exception e) System err println( %%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%% ); e printStackTrace();/** * Close the single hibernate session instance * * @throws HibernateException */ public static void closeSession() throws HibernateException Session session = (Session) threadLocal get(); threadLocal set(null);
if (session != null) session close();
/** * return session factory * */ public static hibernate SessionFactory getSessionFactory() return sessionFactory;
/** * return session factory * * session factory will be rebuilded in the next call */ public static void setConfigFile(String configFile) HibernanfigFile = configFile; sessionFactory = null;
/** * return hibernate configuration * */ public static Configuration getConfiguration() return configuration;
<?xml version= encoding= UTF ?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate configuration PUBLIC //Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD //EN configuration dtd >
<! Generated by MyEclipse Hibernate Tools > <hibernate configuration>
<session factory> <property name= connection username >root</property> <property name= connection url > jdbc:mysql://localhost: /testdb </property> <property name= dialect > hibernate dialect MySQLDialect </property> <property name= nnection profile > mysql jdbc Driver </property> <property name= connection password >leizhimin</property> <property name= connection driver_class > mysql jdbc Driver </property> <property name= show_sql >true</property> <! <property name= format_sql >true</property> > <property name= hbm ddl auto >create</property>
<mapping resource= stu/one many/pojo/Tclass hbm xml /> <mapping resource= stu/one many/pojo/Student hbm xml /> <mapping resource= stu/one many/pojo/Foo hbm xml ></mapping> <mapping resource= stu/one many/pojo/Bar hbm xml />
</session factory>
</hibernate configuration>
数据库用的是mysql sql脚本我导出了一份如下 /* SQLyog Enterprise MySQL GUI v MySQL munity nt : Database testdb ********************************************************************* */
/*! SET NAMES utf */;
/*! SET SQL_MODE= */;
create database if not exists testdb;
USE testdb;
/*Table structure for table bar */
CREATE TABLE bar ( id bigint( ) NOT NULL auto_increment timestamp datetime NOT NULL name varchar( ) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk;
/*Table structure for table foo */
CREATE TABLE foo ( pid bigint( ) NOT NULL auto_increment version int( ) NOT NULL name varchar( ) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (pid) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk;
/*Table structure for table student */
CREATE TABLE student ( sid bigint( ) NOT NULL auto_increment fk_cid bigint( ) NOT NULL sname varchar( ) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (sid) KEY FK FFE B AA (fk_cid) CONSTRAINT FK FFE B AA FOREIGN KEY (fk_cid) REFERENCES tclass (cid) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT= DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk;
/*Table structure for table tclass */
CREATE TABLE tclass ( cid bigint( ) NOT NULL auto_increment cname varchar( ) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (cid) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT= DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk;
Hibernate多对多双向关联(xml配置) 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!
学了两天的hibernate锁机制今天写个总结hibernate锁机制包括悲观锁和乐观锁悲观锁 它指的是对数据被外界修改持保守态度假定任何时刻存取数据时都可能有另一个
Hibernate一对多单向关系 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧! &n
Hibernate单向一对多注意的问题 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧! 这个问题困
Hibernate初学之一对多、多对一关系模型 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧! 举
想了几天终于知道sql语句的发出问题查了很多书感觉都没有说清楚有的还是错的请看下面 [java] <?xmlversion=?> <!DOCTYPEhibernatemap
Hibernate的多对一和一对多操作实例 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧! Hib
Hibernate如何映射枚举类型 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧! 问题 Jav
Hibernate各种映射关系总结 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧! 多对一 第一
Hibernate的基本标签和映射 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧! hiberna