知识大全 Hibernate中配置复合主键映射


篇首语:三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 Hibernate中配置复合主键映射相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Hibernate中配置复合主键映射  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

   通常将复合主键单独建一个类     复合主键类必须实现java io Serializable接口 必须重写hashCode和equals方法     在映射文件中配置复合主键

  hibernate cfg xml:


  jdbc:oracle:thin:@ : :MGC

   hibernate dialect Oracle Dialect



  oracle jdbc driver OracleDriver

  true    YearPeriodPK java:

  package cn edu ahau mgc hibernate pojo;

  import java io Serializable;

  public class YearPeriodPK implements Serializable

  private int year;        private int period;

  public int getYear()             return year;       

  public void setYear(int year)             this year = year;       

  public int getPeriod()             return period;       

  public void setPeriod(int period)             this period = period;       

  @Override        public int hashCode()             final int prime = ;            int result = ;            result = prime * result + period;            result = prime * result + year;            return result;       

  @Override        public boolean equals(Object obj)             if (this == obj)                return true;            if (obj == null)                return false;            if (getClass() != obj getClass())                return false;            final YearPeriodPK other = (YearPeriodPK) obj;            if (period != other period)                return false;            if (year != other year)                return false;            return true;           

  YearPeriod java:

  package cn edu ahau mgc hibernate pojo;

  import java util Calendar;

  public class YearPeriod

  private YearPeriodPK yearPeriodPK;        private Calendar beginDate;        private Calendar endDate;

  public YearPeriodPK getYearPeriodPK()             return yearPeriodPK;       

  public void setYearPeriodPK(YearPeriodPK yearPeriodPK)             this yearPeriodPK = yearPeriodPK;       

  public Calendar getBeginDate()             return beginDate;       

  public void setBeginDate(Calendar beginDate)             this beginDate = beginDate;       

  public Calendar getEndDate()             return endDate;       

  public void setEndDate(Calendar endDate)             this endDate = endDate;       


  YearPeriod hbm xml:

  HibernateSessionFactory java:

  package cn edu ahau mgc hibernate many one factory;

  import hibernate HibernateException;    import hibernate Session;    import hibernate cfg Configuration;

  /**     * Configures and provides access to Hibernate sessions tied to the     * current thread of execution   Follows the Thread Local Session     * pattern see @link ;      */    public class HibernateSessionFactory

  /**         * Location of hibernate cfg xml file          * Location should be on the classpath as Hibernate uses         * #resourceAsStream style lookup for its configuration file          * The default classpath location of the hibernate config file is         * in the default package Use #setConfigFile() to update         * the location of the configuration file for the current session          */        private static String CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION = /hibernate cfg xml ;        private static final ThreadLocal threadLocal = new ThreadLocal();        private  static Configuration configuration = new Configuration();        private static hibernate SessionFactory sessionFactory;        private static String configFile = CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION;

  static             try                 nfigure(configFile);                sessionFactory = configuration buildSessionFactory();            catch (Exception e)                 System err                        println( %%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%% );                e printStackTrace();                           private HibernateSessionFactory()        

  /**         * Returns the ThreadLocal Session instance   Lazy initialize         * the SessionFactory if needed          *         *  @return Session         *  @throws HibernateException         */        public static Session getSession() throws HibernateException             Session session = (Session) threadLocal get();

  if (session == null || !session isOpen())                 if (sessionFactory == null)                     rebuildSessionFactory();                               session = (sessionFactory != null) ? sessionFactory openSession()                        : null;                threadLocal set(session);           

  return session;       

  /**         *  Rebuild hibernate session factory         *         */        public static void rebuildSessionFactory()             try                 nfigure(configFile);               sessionFactory = configuration buildSessionFactory();            catch (Exception e)                 System err                        println( %%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%% );                e printStackTrace();                   

  /**         *  Close the single hibernate session instance          *         *  @throws HibernateException         */        public static void closeSession() throws HibernateException             Session session = (Session) threadLocal get();            threadLocal set(null);

  if (session != null)                 session close();                   

  /**         *  return session factory         *         */        public static hibernate SessionFactory getSessionFactory()             return sessionFactory;       

  /**         *  return session factory         *         *    session factory will be rebuilded in the next call         */        public static void setConfigFile(String configFile)             HibernanfigFile = configFile;            sessionFactory = null;       

  /**         *  return hibernate configuration        *         */        public static Configuration getConfiguration()             return configuration;       


  ExportToDBCreate java:

  package cn edu ahau mgc hibernate export;

  import hibernate cfg Configuration;    import hibernate tool hbm ddl SchemaExport;

  public class ExportToDBCreate

  public static void main(String[] args)             Configuration cfg = new Configuration(nfigure();            SchemaExport export = new SchemaExport(cfg);           export create(true true);       


  InitData java:

  package cn edu ahau mgc hibernate export;

  import java util Calendar;

  import hibernate Session;

  import cn edu ahau mgc hibernate factory HibernateSessionFactory;    import cn edu ahau mgc hibernate pojo YearPeriod;    import cn edu ahau mgc hibernate pojo YearPeriodPK;

  public class InitData

  public static void main(String[] args)            Session session = null;            try                 session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession();               session beginTransaction();

  YearPeriodPK yearPeriodPK = new YearPeriodPK();               yearPeriodPK setYear( );                yearPeriodPK setPeriod( );

  YearPeriod yearPeriod = new YearPeriod();                yearPeriod setYearPeriodPK(yearPeriodPK);                Calendar beginDate = Calendar getInstance();                beginDate set( );                Calendar endDate = Calendar getInstance();                endDate set( );                yearPeriod setBeginDate(beginDate);                yearPeriod setEndDate(endDate);

  session save(yearPeriod);                session getTransaction(mit();            catch (Exception e)                session getTransaction() rollback();                e printStackTrace();           finally                 HibernateSessionFactory closeSession();                   


  LoadData java:

  package cn edu ahau mgc hibernate export;

  import java text SimpleDateFormat;

  import hibernate Session;

  import cn edu ahau mgc hibernate factory HibernateSessionFactory;    import cn edu ahau mgc hibernate pojo YearPeriod;    import cn edu ahau mgc hibernate pojo YearPeriodPK;

  public class LoadData

  public static void main(String[] args)             Session session = null;            try                 session = HibernateSessionFactory getSession();                YearPeriodPK yearPeriodPK = new YearPeriodPK();                yearPeriodPK setYear( );                yearPeriodPK setPeriod( );

  YearPeriod yearPeriod = (YearPeriod) session load(YearPeriod class yearPeriodPK);                SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( yyyy MM dd );                System out println( Begin Date: + sdf format(yearPeriod getBeginDate() getTime()));                System out println( End Date: + sdf format(yearPeriod getEndDate() getTime()));



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  Hibernate(目前使用的版本是)中提供了多种生成主键的方式  然而当前的这么多种生成方式未必能满足我们的要求  比如increment可以在一个hibernate实例的应用上很方便的时候但是

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  Hibernate(目前使用的版本是)中提供了多种生成主键的方式  然而当前的这么多种生成方式未必能满足我们的要求  比如increment可以在一个hibernate实例的应用上很方便的时候但是

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