知识大全 Hibernate一对多单向关系

Posted 教师

篇首语:金鞍玉勒寻芳客,未信我庐别有春。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 Hibernate一对多单向关系相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Hibernate一对多单向关系  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!



  create table TEACHERS


  ID          NUMBER( ) not null



  alter table TEACHERS

  add constraint DERE primary key (ID)


  create table STUDENTS


  ID          NUMBER( ) not null




  alter table STUDENTS

  add constraint RERE primary key (ID)

  alter table STUDENTS

  add constraint FFF foreign key (TEACHER_ID)

  references TEACHERS (ID);

      Teacher java和Student java

  Teacher java

  package mypack;

  public class Teacher


  private Long id;


  private String teacherName;


  * 缺省构造函数


  public Teacher()



  * 得到教师id

  * @return Long    教师id


  public Long getId()

  return id;



  * 设置教师id

  * @param id Long    教师id


  public void setId(Long id)

  this id = id;



  * 得到教师名称

  * @return String    教师名称


  public String getTeacherName()

  return teacherName;



  * 设置教师名称

  * @param teacherName String    教师名称


  public void setTeacherName(String teacherName)

  this teacherName = teacherName;



  * 构造函数

  * @param teacherName String


  public Teacher(String teacherName)

  this teacherName = teacherName;



  Student java

  package mypack;

  public class Student


  private Long id;


  private String studentName;


  private Teacher teacher;


  * 缺省构造函数


  public Student()



  * 得到学生id

  * @return Long    学生id


  public Long getId()

  return id;



  * 设置学生id

  * @param id Long    学生id


  public void setId(Long id)

  this id = id;



  * 得到学生名称

  * @return String    学生名称


  public String getStudentName()

  return studentName;



  * 设置学生名称

  * @param studentName String    学生名称


  public void setStudentName(String studentName)

  this studentName = studentName;



  * 得到教师对象

  * @return Teacher    教师对象


  public Teacher getTeacher()

  return teacher;



  * 设置教师对象

  * @param teacher Teacher    教师对象


  public void setTeacher(Teacher teacher)

  this teacher = teacher;



  * 构造函数

  * @param string String

  * @param teacher Teacher


  public Student(String studentName Teacher teacher)

  this studentName = studentName;

  this teacher = teacher;



      hibernate properties

  ## Oracle

  hibernate dialect net sf hibernate dialect Oracle Dialect

  hibernate dialect net sf hibernate dialect OracleDialect

  nnection driver_class oracle jdbc driver OracleDriver

  nnection username jbcm

  nnection password jbcm

  nnection url jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost: :wsy

      Teacher hbm xml和Student hbm xml

  Teacher hbm xml

  <?xml version= ?>

  <!DOCTYPE hibernate mapping

  PUBLIC //Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD //EN

   mapping dtd >

  <hibernate mapping >

  <class name= mypack Teacher table= teachers >

  <id name= id type= long column= ID >

  <generator class= increment />


  <property name= teacherName type= string >

  <column name= teacherName length= />



  </hibernate mapping>

  Student hbm xml

  <?xml version= ?>

  <!DOCTYPE hibernate mapping

  PUBLIC //Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD //EN

   mapping dtd >

  <hibernate mapping >

  <class name= mypack Student table= students >

  <id name= id type= long column= ID >

  <generator class= increment />


  <property name= studentName type= string >

  <column name= studentName length= />


  <many to one

  name= teacher

  column= teacher_id

  class= mypack Teacher

  cascade= save update



  </hibernate mapping>



  BusinessService java

  package mypack;

  import net sf hibernate *;

  import net sf hibernate cfg Configuration;

  import java util *;

  public class BusinessService


  public static SessionFactory sessionFactory;




  //建立配置类 添加Student类和Teacher类

  Configuration config = new Configuration();

  config addClass(Student class)

   addClass(Teacher class);


  sessionFactory = config buildSessionFactory();

  catch(Exception e)e printStackTrace();



  * 通过学生类 查找教师类

  * @param student Student

  * @throws Exception

  * @return List


  public List findTeacherByStudent(Student student) throws Exception

  Session session = sessionFactory openSession();

  Transaction tx = null;


  tx = session beginTransaction();

  List orders=(List)session find( from Student as o where o teacher id= +student getId());


  return orders;

  catch (Exception e)

  if (tx != null)

  tx rollback();


  throw e;


  session close();




  * 查找指定id的学生类

  * @param student_id long

  * @throws Exception

  * @return Student


  public Student findStudent(long student_id) throws Exception

  Session session = sessionFactory openSession();

  Transaction tx = null;


  tx = session beginTransaction();

  Student student=(Student)session load(Student class new Long(student_id));


  return student;

  catch (Exception e)

  if (tx != null)

  //发生错误 回滚

  tx rollback();


  throw e;


  //没有错误 关闭session

  session close();




  * 级连保存Teacher对象和Student对象

  * @throws Exception


  public void saveTeacherAndStudentWithCascade() throws Exception

  Session session = sessionFactory openSession();

  Transaction tx = null;


  tx = session beginTransaction();

  Teacher teacher=new Teacher( myTeacher );

  Student student =new Student( student teacher);

  Student student =new Student( student teacher);

  session save(student );

  session save(student );


  catch (Exception e)

  if (tx != null)

  //发生错误 回滚

  tx rollback();


  e printStackTrace();


  // 没有错误 关闭session

  session close();




  * 保存教师和学生对象

  * @throws Exception


  public void saveTeacherAndStudent() throws Exception

  Session session = sessionFactory openSession();

  Transaction tx = null;


  tx = session beginTransaction();

  Teacher teacher=new Teacher( teacher );

  session save(teacher);

  Student student =new Student( student teacher);

  Student student =new Student( student teacher);

  session save(student );

  session save(student );



  catch (Exception e)

  if (tx != null)

  //发生错误 回滚

  tx rollback();


  throw e;


  // 没有错误 关闭session

  session close();




  * 输出学生对象集合

  * @param students List


  public void printStudents(List students)

  for (Iterator it = erator(); it hasNext();)

  Student student=(Student)it next();

  System out println( OrderNumber of +student getTeacher() getTeacherName()+ : +student getStudentName());




  * 测试方法

  * @throws Exception


  public void test() throws Exception


  //      saveTeacherAndStudentWithCascade();

  //      Student student=findStudent( );

  //      List students=findTeacherByStudent(student);

  //      printStudents(students);


  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception

  new BusinessService() test();

  sessionFactory close();





  Hibernate property


  Teacher java

  Student java

  BusinessService java

  Teacher hbm xml



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