知识大全 ASP程序实现可以保存参数值的分页功能


篇首语:天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的灵感。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 ASP程序实现可以保存参数值的分页功能相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

ASP程序实现可以保存参数值的分页功能  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

  <% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 调用例子 Dim int_RPP int_Start int_showNumberLink_ str_nonLinkColor_ toF_ toP _ toP _ toN _ toN _ toL_ showMorePageGo_Type_ cPageNo int_RPP= 设置每页显示数目 int_showNumberLink_= 数字导航显示数目 showMorePageGo_Type_ = 是下拉菜单还是输入值跳转 当多次调用时只能选 str_nonLinkColor_= # 非热链接颜色 toF_= <font face=webdings> </font>      首页 toP _= <font face=webdings> </font>    上十 toP _= <font face=webdings> </font>    上一 toN _= <font face=webdings> </font>    下一 toN _= <font face=webdings> </font>    下十 toL_= <font face=webdings>:</font>     尾页

   ============================================ 这段代码一定要在VClass_Rs Open 与 for循环之间 Set VClass_Rs = CreateObject(G_FS_RS) VClass_Rs Open This_Fun_Sql User_Conn IF not VClass_Rs eof THEN VClass_Rs PageSize=int_RPP cPageNo=NoSqlHack(Request QueryString( Page )) If cPageNo= Then cPageNo = If not isnumeric(cPageNo) Then cPageNo = cPageNo = Clng(cPageNo) If cPageNo<= Then cPageNo= If cPageNo>VClass_Rs PageCount Then cPageNo=VClass_Rs PageCount VClass_Rs AbsolutePage=cPageNo    FOR int_Start= TO int_RPP    ++++++++++   加循环体显示数据   ++++++++++   VClass_Rs MoveNext   if VClass_Rs eof or VClass_Rs bof then exit for       NEXT END IF   ============================================ response Write <p> &  fPageCount(VClass_Rs int_showNumberLink_ str_nonLinkColor_ toF_ toP _ toP _ toN _ toN _ toL_ showMorePageGo_Type_ cPageNo)

   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ********************************************************* 目的 分页的页面参数保持           提交查询的一致性 输入 moveParam 分页参数          removeList 要移除的参数 返回 分页Url *********************************************************Function PageUrl(moveParam removeList) dim strName dim KeepUrl KeepForm KeepMove removeList=removeList& &moveParam KeepForm=  For Each strName in Request Form   判断form参数中的submit 空值  if not InstrRev( &removeList& &strName& )> and Request Form(strName)<> then   KeepForm=KeepForm& & &strName& = &Server URLencode(Request Form(strName))  end if  removeList=removeList& &strName Next

  KeepUrl=  For Each strName In Request QueryString  If not (InstrRev( &removeList& &strName& )> ) Then   KeepUrl = KeepUrl & & & strName & = & Server URLencode(Request QueryString(strName))  End If Next  KeepMove=KeepForm&KeepUrl  If (KeepMove <> ) Then    KeepMove = Right(KeepMove Len(KeepMove) )   KeepMove = Server HTMLEncode(KeepMove) & &  End If   PageUrl = replace(Request ServerVariables( URL ) /Search asp /l ) & ? & KeepMove & moveParam & =  PageUrl =  ? & KeepMove & moveParam & = End Function

  Function fPageCount(Page_Rs showNumberLink_ nonLinkColor_ toF_ toP _ toP _ toN _ toN _ toL_ showMorePageGo_Type_ Page)

  Dim This_Func_Get_Html_ toPage_ p_ sp _ I tpagecountDim NaviLength StartPage EndPage

  This_Func_Get_Html_ =   : I =    NaviLength=showNumberLink_

  if IsEmpty(showMorePageGo_Type_) then showMorePageGo_Type_ = tpagecount=Page_Rs pagecountIf tPageCount< Then tPageCount=

  if not Page_Rs eof or not Page_Rs bof then

  toPage_ = PageUrl( Page submit GetType no cache _ )

  if Page= then  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <font color= &nonLinkColor_& title= 首页 > &toF_& </font> &vbNewLineElse  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <a &toPage_& title= 首页 > &toF_& </a> &vbNewLineEnd If if Page<NaviLength then StartPage = else StartPage = fix(Page / NaviLength) * NaviLength end if EndPage=StartPage+NaviLength If EndPage>tPageCount Then EndPage=tPageCount

  If StartPage> Then  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <a &toPage_& Page NaviLength & title= 上 &int_showNumberLink_& 页 > &toP _& </a>   &vbNewLineElse  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <font color= &nonLinkColor_& title= 上 &int_showNumberLink_& 页 > &toP _& </font>   &vbNewLineEnd If

  If Page <> and Page <> Then  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <a &toPage_&(Page )&   title= 上一页 > &toP _& </a>   &vbNewLineElse  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <font color= &nonLinkColor_& title= 上一页 > &toP _& </font>   &vbNewLineEnd If

  For I=StartPage To EndPage  If I=Page Then   This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <b> &I& </b>   &vbNewLine Else   This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <a &toPage_&I& > &I& </a>   &vbNewLine End If  If I<>tPageCount Then This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& vbNewLineNext

  If Page <> Page_Rs PageCount and Page <> Then  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <a &toPage_&(Page+ )& title= 下一页 > &toN _& </a>   &vbNewLineElse  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <font color= &nonLinkColor_& title= 下一页 > &toN _& </font>   &vbNewLineEnd If

  If EndPage<tpagecount Then   This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <a &toPage_& Page + NaviLength &   title= 下 &int_showNumberLink_& 页 > &toN _& </a>   &vbNewLineElse  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <font color= &nonLinkColor_&   title= 下 &int_showNumberLink_& 页 > &toN _& </font>   &vbNewLineEnd If

  if Page_Rs PageCount<>Page then   This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <a &toPage_&Page_Rs PageCount& title= 尾页 > &toL_& </a>   &vbNewLineElse  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <font color= &nonLinkColor_& title= 尾页 > &toL_& </font>   &vbNewLineEnd If

  If showMorePageGo_Type_ = then  Dim Show_Page_i Show_Page_i = Page +  if Show_Page_i > tPageCount then Show_Page_i =  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <input type= text size= maxlength= name= Func_Input_Page onmouseover= this focus(); onfocus= this value= &Show_Page_i& ; onKeyUp= value=value replace(/[^ ]/g ) onbeforepaste= clipboardData setData( text clipboardData getData( text ) replace(/[^ ]/g )) > &vbNewLine _  & <input type= button value= Go onmouseover= Func_Input_Page focus(); onclick= javascript:var Js_JumpValue;Js_JumpValue=document all Func_Input_Page value;if(Js_JumpValue== !isNaN(Js_JumpValue)) location= &topage_& +Js_JumpValue; else location= &topage_& ; >   &vbNewLine


  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& 跳转:<select NAME=menu onChange= var Js_JumpValue;Js_JumpValue=this options[this selectedIndex] value;if(Js_JumpValue!= ) location=Js_JumpValue; >  for i= to tPageCount  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& <option value= &topage_&i  if Page=i then This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& selected style= color:# FF   This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& >第 &cstr(i)& 页</option> &vbNewLine next This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& </select> &vbNewLine

  End if

  This_Func_Get_Html_=This_Func_Get_Html_& p_&sp _& &nbsp;每页<b> &Page_Rs PageSize& </b>个记录 现在是:<b><span class= tx > &sp _&Page& </span>/ &tPageCount& </b>页 共<b><span id= recordcount > &sp _&Page_Rs recordCount& </span></b>个记录



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