知识大全 ASP申请单动态添加实现方法及代码


篇首语:宁可身骨苦,不叫面皮羞。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 ASP申请单动态添加实现方法及代码相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

ASP申请单动态添加实现方法及代码  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

个申请单可以包含N个项目 添加申请单时就需要动态加入代码了 动态Table表格 <table border= width= % id= tabzx name= tabzx align= center class= table_list > <tr> <td class= th_list width= % > A列 </td> <td class= th_list width= % align= center > B列 </td> <td class= th_list width= % align= center > C列 </td> <td class= th_list width= % align= center > D列 </td> <td class= th_list width= % align= center > E列 </td> <td class= th_list width= % align= center > F列 </td><% <td class= th_list width= % align= center > G列 </td> %><td class= th_list width= % > [ <a javascript:doSelect( formEdit supplyId ) ><font color= FF >选择设备</font> </a>] </td> </tr> </table> JS代码如下(根据条件弹出设备列表 然后选择已有设备) function doSelect(Width Height ctrlobj) var k; var s = new Object(); k=showModalDialog( /Applications_add_addsearch jsp s dialogWidth: px;status:no;scroll:no;dialogHeight: px ); if (k!=null) var url = /applicationsAction do?method=insertAddSeach&stId= +k[ ]+ &sbId= +k[ ]+ &ggId= +k[ ]; window open(url newwindow height= width= toolbar=no menubar=no scrollbars=yes resizable=no location=no status=no ); ========================= 根据选择动态添加数据代码 <script language= vbscript > dim lcountmx lcountmx = function badd(stid stName vcid vcName ggid ggName dwei sliang djia) lcountmx=lcountmx+ dim oRow oCell ii set oRow=tabzx insertRow orow id= trzx & lcountmx set ocell=orow insertcell dim sss sss= <input type=hidden name=cgdjmx & lcountmx & value= > sss=sss& <input type=hidden name=stid & lcountmx & value= & stid & > sss=sss& <input type=hidden name=stName & lcountmx & value= & stName & > sss=sss& <input type=hidden name=vcid & lcountmx & value= & vcid & > sss=sss& <input type=hidden name=ggid & lcountmx & value= & ggid & > sss=sss&stName ocell inner= sss ocell classname= ListCellRow set ocell=orow insertcell ocell classname= ListCellRow ocell align= center ocell width= ocell inner= <input type=hidden name=vcName & lcountmx & value= & vcName & > & vcName set ocell=orow insertcell ocell classname= ListCellRow ocell align= center ocell width= ocell inner= <input type=hidden name=ggName & lcountmx & value= & ggName & > & ggName set ocell=orow insertcell ocell classname= ListCellRow ocell align= center ocell width= ocell inner= <input type=text size= name=thao & lcountmx & value= > set ocell=orow insertcell ocell classname= ListCellRow ocell align= center ocell width= ocell inner= <input type=hidden name=dwei & lcountmx & value= & dwei & > & dwei set ocell=orow insertcell ocell classname= ListCellRow ocell align= center ocell width= ocell inner= <input type=text size= name=sliang & lcountmx & onchange= changeFun( & lcountmx & ) value= > <% set ocell=orow insertcell ocell classname= ListCellRow ocell align= center ocell width= ocell inner= <input type=text size= name=djia & lcountmx & onchange= changeFun ( & lcountmx & ) value= > %> set ocell=orow insertcell ocell classname= ListCellRow ocell inner= <input type= button value= 删除 onClick= vbscript:bdel( & lcountmx & ) id=button name=button > ocell align= center document applicationsForm ypsl value = lcountmx end function function bdel(l) tabzx deleteRow document getElementById( trzx & l) rowindex end function function changeFun(obj ) change obj end function function changeFun (obj ) change obj end function </script> ==================== 选择设备页面的调用代码如下 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript> 选择多种用品并返回到主页面 function doOk(sFlag) Dim StrID m newStrID ii newStrID_ StrID= for each m in FormEdit elements IF m type= checkbox then if m checked and m name <> selectAllCheck then if StrID = then StrID= m value else StrID=StrID & & m value end if end if END IF NEXT IF StrID<> THEN newStrID = Split(StrID ) for ii= to ubound(newStrID) newStrID(ii) = replace(newStrID(ii) ( ) newStrID_ = Split(newStrID(ii) ) window opener badd newStrID_ ( ) newStrID_ ( ) newStrID_ ( ) newStrID_ ( ) newStrID_ ( ) newStrID_ ( ) newStrID_ ( ) newStrID_ ( ) newStrID_ ( ) next if sFlag then window close end if else msgbox 您没有选择任何用品! vbExclamation 提示 exit function END IF End function </SCRIPT> cha138/Article/program/net/201311/13705


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