知识大全 asp调用二级分类代码
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篇首语:韬略终须建新国,奋发还得读良书。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 asp调用二级分类代码相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
<% dim conn dim connstr dim db db=" /data/ du asp" Set conn = Server CreateObject("ADODB Connection") connstr="Provider=Microsoft Jet OLEDB ;Data Source=" & Server MapPath(db) conn Open connstr sub closedatabase() conn close set conn=Nothing End sub %> <title>错误提示</title> <meta equiv="Content Type" content="text/; charset=gb "> <% dim founderr errmsg founderr=false errmsg=""
if Request form("MM_insert") then
if request form("action")="newp" then sql="select * from p_class_small" set rs=server createobject("adodb recordset") rs open sql conn rs addnew dim p_small_type p_type p_small_type=trim(replace(request form("p_small_type") " " "")) p_type=trim(replace(request form("p_type") " " "")) p_small_type_e=trim(replace(request form("p_small_type_e") " " "")) if p_small_type="" then founderr=true errmsg=errmsg+"<br>"+"<li>你必须输入栏目名称名称!" else rs("p_small_type")=p_small_type End if if p_type="" then founderr=true errmsg=errmsg+"<br>"+"<li>你必须选择一级分类!" else rs("p_type")=p_type End if 由P_type得到p_type_e sql_p="select p_type_e from p_class where p_type="&p_type&" " set rs_p=server createobject("adodb recordset") rs_p open sql_p conn if Not(rs_p BOF and rs_p EOF) then p_type_e=rs_p("p_type_e") end if rs_p close set rs_p=nothing rs("p_type_e")=p_type_e rs("p_small_type_e")=p_small_type_e if Not founderr then rs update rs close set rs=Nothing closedatabase response redirect "admin_p_small asp" else Call diserror() response End End if End if
if request form("action")="editp" then if request Form("id")="" then founderr=true errmsg=errmsg+"<br>"+"<li>你必须指定操作的对象!" else if Not isInteger(request form("id")) then founderr=true errmsg=errmsg+"<br>"+"<li>非法的id参数 " End if End if if founderr then Call diserror() response End End if sql="select * from p_class_small where p_small_id="&cint(request Form("id")) set rs=server createobject("adodb recordset") rs open sql conn p_old_small_type=rs("p_small_type") p_old_small_type_e=rs("p_small_type_e") p_small_type=trim(replace(request form("p_small_type") " " "")) p_type=trim(replace(request form("p_type") " " "")) p_small_type_e=trim(replace(request form("p_small_type_e") " " "")) p_type_e=trim(replace(request form("p_type_e") " " "")) if p_small_type="" then founderr=true errmsg=errmsg+"<br>"+"<li>你必须输入栏目名称!" else rs("p_small_type")=p_small_type End if if p_type="" then founderr=true errmsg=errmsg+"<br>"+"<li>你必须选择一级分类!" else rs("p_type")=p_type End if 由P_type得到p_type_e sql_p="select p_type_e from p_class where p_type="&p_type&" " set rs_p=server createobject("adodb recordset") rs_p open sql_p conn if Not(rs_p BOF and rs_p EOF) then p_type_e=rs_p("p_type_e") end if rs_p close set rs_p=nothing rs("p_type_e")=p_type_e rs("p_small_type_e")=p_small_type_e
if Not founderr then rs update rs close set rs=Nothing 连代更新属于此小类的信息 v_sql="select * from p_info where p_small_type="&p_old_small_type&" " set v_rs=server createobject("adodb recordset") v_rs open v_sql conn if Not(v_rs BOF or v_rs EOF) then do while not v_rs eof v_rs("p_small_type")=p_small_type v_rs("p_small_type_e")=p_small_type_e v_rs update v_rs movenext loop End if v_rs close set v_rs=Nothing response redirect "admin_p_small asp" else Call diserror() response End End if End if
if request form("action")="delp" then if request Form("id")="" then founderr=true errmsg=errmsg+"<br>"+"<li>你必须指定操作的对象!" else if Not isInteger(request form("id")) then founderr=true errmsg=errmsg+"<br>"+"<li>非法的id参数 " End if End if if founderr then Call diserror() response End End if sql="select * from p_class_small where p_small_id="&cint(request Form("id")) set rs=server createobject("adodb recordset") rs open sql conn if Not(rs BOF or rs EOF) then rs delete End if rs close set rs=Nothing 连代删除属于此分类的信息 v_sql="select * from p_info where p_small_type="&p_small_type&" " set v_rs=server createobject("adodb recordset") v_rs open v_sql conn if Not(v_rs BOF or v_rs EOF) then do while not v_rs eof v_rs delete v_rs movenext loop End if v_rs close set v_rs=Nothing closedatabase response redirect "admin_p_small asp" End if End if
为了方便使用分类我定义了一个分类表category里面字段是 id(自动编号) cat_name(分类名)parent_id(父ID对应本表ID)cat_order(顺序)is_sho
dimconnrs;//这里如果是调用外部文件就必须定义这里这里是数据库创建联连方法 subopendb() s
用浏览器打开手机号码查询的网站同以上步骤找到他调用的地址最后编写代码如下 代码如下usingSystem;usingSystemWindowsForms;usingSystemXml;names
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Java代码调用JavaFX的例子 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧! 在JavaFX