知识大全 用ASP.NET和XML做的新闻系统

Posted 文件

篇首语:热水治不了百病,情话过不了一生。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 用ASP.NET和XML做的新闻系统相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

用ASP.NET和XML做的新闻系统  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

  这里我就用xml代替数据 写一个新闻发布系统 希望能够起到抛砖引玉的作用 使更多的人能够了解这些最新的技术 下面介绍这几个文件

contents xml <?xml version= encoding= GB ?> <topiclist type= AspCool News > <topic> <title>aspcool news!</title> <href>main aspx?name=hello</href> </topic> <topic> <title>Resolve a problem</title> <href>main aspx?name=test</href> </topic> </topiclist> 

  这是一个很简单的xml文件 它的作用是用来显示新闻的列表

hello xml <?xml version= encoding= GB ?> <document> <title>aspcool news!</title> <abstract>test news</abstract> <author>feiying</author> <content> <paragraph>The firet test</paragraph> </content> </document> 

  这个文件是用来显示新闻的内容 其中各个意思大家一看就明白 我就不在这儿多说了


news aspx <%@ Import Namespace= System %> <%@ Page Language= C# Debug= true codepage= %> <%@ Import Namespace= System IO %> <%@ Assembly Name= System Xml %> <%@ Import Namespace= System Xml %> <%@ Import Namespace= System Xml Xsl %> <> <head> <title> </title> <script language= c# runat= server > public string xslt() StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); //装入xml对象 XmlDocument xmldoc= new XmlDocument(); xmldoc Load(Server MapPath( Contents xml )); //装入xsl对象 XslTransform xsldoc = new XslTransform(); xsldoc Load(Server MapPath( news xsl )); //把xml转化成页面 DocumentNavigator nav= new DocumentNavigator(xmldoc); xsldoc Transform(nav null writer); return writer ToString(); </script> </head> <body> <%=xslt()%> <p align= center >

  该程序由<a href= aspcool // aspcool > aspcool </a>设计制作

</p> </body> </>

  这个页面完成了从xml通过xslt转化成文件 也使我对于xslt有了进一步的认识


main aspx <%@ Import Namespace= System %> <%@ Page Language= C# Debug= true codepage= %> <%@ Import Namespace= System IO %> <%@ Assembly Name= System Xml %> <%@ Import Namespace= System Xml %> <%@ Import Namespace= System Xml Xsl %> <> <head> <title> </title> <script language= c# runat= server > public string xslt() StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); XmlDocument xmldoc= new XmlDocument(); xmldoc Load(Server MapPath(Request[ name ] + xml )); XslTransform xsldoc = new XslTransform(); xsldoc Load(Server MapPath( main xsl )); DocumentNavigator nav= new DocumentNavigator(xmldoc); xsldoc Transform(nav null writer); return writer ToString(); </script> </head> <body> <%=xslt()%> <p align= center >该程序由<a href= aspcool // aspcool > aspcool </a>设计制作 </p> </body> </> 

  这个功能和上面的一样 我在这儿就不多说了

  最后 大家来看一下最负责的一个页面 这个页面的作用就是用来建立新的xml数据

manage aspx <%@ Import Namespace= System Xml Xsl %> <%@ Import Namespace= System Xml %> <%@ Assembly Name= System Xml %> <%@ Import Namespace= System IO %> <%@ Page Language= C# Debug= true codepage= %> <%@ Import Namespace= System %> <HTML> <HEAD> <script language= C# runat= server > public void Button _Click(object sender System EventArgs e) //判断文件是否存在 if(File Exists(Server MapPath(TextBox Text + xml ))) Response Write( 文件名已经存在 请重选文件名 ); Response End() ; else XmlNode currNode; XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); xmldoc Load(Server MapPath( contents xml )); string InsStr= <topic><title> +TextBox Text+ </title><href>main aspx?name= +TextBox Text+ </href></topic> ; XmlDocumentFragment docFrag = xmldoc CreateDocumentFragment(); docFrag InnerXml = InsStr; currNode = xmldoc DocumentElement; currNode InsertAfter(docFrag currNode LastChild); //save the output to a file xmldoc Save (Server MapPath( contents xml )); //把TextBox 中的文件换成符合xml格式的内容 string xmlfile =TextBox Text Replace( & & ); xmlfile = xmlfile Replace( < < ); xmlfile = xmlfile Replace( > > ); xmlfile = xmlfile Replace( @ ); xmlfile = xmlfile Replace( ' ); xmlfile = xmlfile Replace ( \\n </paragraph><paragraph> ); //把数据写入新建的xml文件中去 XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc LoadXml ( <?xml version= encoding= GB ?><document><title> +TextBox Text + </title><abstract> +TextBox Text </abstract><author> +TextBox Text+ </author><content><paragraph> +xmlfile+ </paragraph></content></document> ); doc Save (Server MapPath(TextBox Text + xml )); Response Write( You hava input the article! ); TextBox Text= ; TextBox Text= ; TextBox Text= ; TextBox Text= ; TextBox Text= ; //向目录文件中写数据 public void Button _Click(object sender System EventArgs e) </script> <meta content= Internet Explorer name=vs_targetSchema> <meta content= Microsoft Visual Studio name=GENERATOR> <meta content=C# name=CODE_LANGUAGE> </HEAD> <body MS_POSITIONING= GridLayout > <form runat= server > <FONT face=宋体> <asp:label id=Label style= Z INDEX: ; LEFT: px; POSITION:absolute; TOP: px runat= server Height= px Width= px > asp酷技术资讯网网站内容发布系统 </asp:label> <asp:label id=Label style= Z INDEX: ; LEFT: px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: px runat= server Height= px Width= px > 文件名 </asp:label> <asp:textbox id=TextBox style= Z INDEX: ; LEFT: px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: px runat= server Height= px Width= px > </asp:textbox> <asp:label id=Label style= Z INDEX: ; LEFT: px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: px runat= server Height= px Width= px > 文章名称 </asp:label> <asp:textbox id=TextBox style= Z INDEX: ; LEFT: px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: px runat= server Height= px Width= px > </asp:textbox> <asp:label id=Label style= Z INDEX: ; LEFT: px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: px runat= server Height= px Width= px > 作者 </asp:label> <asp:textbox id=TextBox style= Z INDEX: ; LEFT: px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: px runat= server Height= px Width= px > </asp:textbox> <asp:label id=Label style= Z INDEX: ; LEFT: px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: px runat= server Height= px Width= px > 摘要 </asp:label> <asp:textbox id=TextBox style= Z INDEX: ; LEFT: px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: px runat= server Height= px Width= px > </asp:textbox> <asp:label id=Label style= Z INDEX: ; LEFT: px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: px runat= server Height= px Width= px > 内容 </asp:label> <asp:textbox id=TextBox style= Z INDEX: ; LEFT: px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: px runat= server Height= px Width= px textmode= MultiLine > </asp:textbox> </FONT>



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