知识大全 修改问题
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篇首语:路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 修改问题相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
oracle g bug 修改普通用户密码挂住 所有客户端均连接不上 生产中断分析
Oracle RAC for IBM AIX 节点
alter user ** identified by ***;
竟然会挂住在那 此时所有的客户端架构短连接)均无法连接 也是连接出不来 也不报错
此时做了个 生成了个跟踪文件如 附件
后重启了 个节点数据库后 用了不到 分钟 又出现所有客户端无法连接数据库
In g there is an intentional delay beeen allowing failed logon
attempts to retry For some specific application types this can cause
a problem as the row cache entry is locked for the duration of the
delay This can lead to excessive row cache lock waits for DC_USERS
for specific users / schemas
This fix allows the logon delay to be disabled in onwards
by setting event in the init ora
event= trace name context forever level # disable logon delay
This event will disable the logon sleep delay system wide
ie it will affect all user accounts system wide and so should be used
with extreme caution
Example scenario:
A mix of correct and incorrect logon attempts occur for user X
On each successive failed login attempt the failed logon count
is incremented for user X
Without this fix (without the event set):
After successive failures a sleep delay is introduced starting
at seconds and extending to seconds max During each delay
the user X row cache lock is held in exclusive mode preventing
any concurrent logon attempt as user X (and preventing any
other operation which would need the row cache lock for user X)
With the fix (with the event set):
There is no sleep delay
In either scenario the configured logon profile rules are still
applied (eg: The profile option FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS is still
honoured and so if the account bees locked due to exceeeding
this FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS then further attempts to
log in will then correctly fail immediately with no delay)
One off fixes for this issue for do not need an event set
interim patches for disable the delay unconditionally
Work Around:
Ensure the correct password is used especially for connection
intensive logons
Getting a Fix
Use one of the Fixed versions listed above
(for Patch Sets / bundles use the latest version available as
contents are cumulative the Fixed version listed above is
the first version where the fix is included)
You can check for existing interim patches here: Patch:
alter system set event= TRACE NAME CONTEXT FOREVER: trace name context forever level scope=spfile;
这 个event 仍是在 g 中推荐设置的
DB2数据库备份参数修改后的报错问题 以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧! 今天试着修改
知识大全 百度百科词条内容被恶意修改,造成质量下降,作为百度用户该如何预防以及处理这种问题。
回滚段管理一直是ORACLE数据库管理的一个难题本文通过实例介绍ORACLE回滚段的概念用法和规划及问题的解决 回滚段概述 回滚段用于存放数据修改之前的值(包括数据修改之前的位
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