知识大全 Oracle DBA 常用 Script 第二部分(Tuning)

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篇首语:人生不就是这样,经历过一次次考验才能成长;人生不就是这样,哪怕雨雪霏霾也要去追寻阳光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 Oracle DBA 常用 Script 第二部分(Tuning)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Oracle DBA 常用 Script 第二部分(Tuning)  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

  以下是目录       Active Transactions in Rollback Segments   Best Tablespace Utilization Report by Far   Buffer Cache Hit Ratio   Calculate Dictionary Cache Ratio   Calculate Individual Cache Hit Ratios   Calculate the Library Cache Ratio for the Whole system   Calculate the number of Days Hours and Minutes Beeen Dates   Catalog txt   Check how may extents an object has and what tablespaces it maps to etc   Check Session Level Hit Ratio   Data Blocks Used By a Table   data files space usage   Database Space Usage Report   DB Block Efficiency Script   DB Growth over time   Display the current sessions with the operations they are performing   Estimate Space Utilization Script   EXPLAIN and get some statistics on your SQL   FILE IO   Find Full Table Scans   Fragmentation Monitor   Free space report by tablespace   Freespace in Tablespace   Identify top Oracle Processes in Unix   Keep tablespace usage %   List Session Specific Memory   List the size of Stored Procedures and use it to tune Shared Pool   Monitor and Verify Deadlocks and Waiting Sessions   Monitor IO by Tablespace and Data File   Oracle DBA 常用 Script Tuning doc   Quota By User   Rate of Storage Usage in the Tablespace   Reaching Max Extents   Read values one by one at a time from a string separated by   Redo Latch Contention Monitor   Rollback Segment Contention   Rollback Segment Wrap Time Monitoring Script   Rollback Statistics   Script to monitor user activity on the database   Script to show all free extents on tablespace   script to show all rollback segments   SGA Sizing   Show tablespace usage   Simple script to show Tablespace Size Freespace and Usage   Sorts Monitoring Scripts   Table Index Report   Table Shared Mem Usage Report   Table that is highly fragmented   Table usage report   Tablespace Coalesce Script   Tablespace Information Report   Tablespace Space Usage   Tablespace Summary and Freespace Report   Tablespace used space   The script takes owner of the table and the table name and detects row chaining   THE Tablespace Report   This script exports data   This script will monitor file system growth and email it to sysadmin   Transaction Processing Rate   Types of Contention a Database Instance is or is not Experiencing   Unused areas in a data file   Used and Free Space Comparison   Useful Scripts for Tablespace Management   View of all sessions   Who is currently running what SQL    cha138/Article/program/Oracle/201311/17167


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